CalculatorIntersectionality Score Calculator

Intersectionality Calculator

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The intersectionality score calculator is streamlined to quickly and accurately give you a measure of your privilege or oppression. However, we realize that there are many other factors that could be included to refine the calculation. You can suggest other sliders below and vote on ones you think are useful.

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Please note that these sliders have been uploaded by visitors to this website and do not reflect our endorsement of any kind. They are shown only for illustrative purposes - namely, what other ways we can measure oppression scores. Add a slider!

People who have mental illnesses or are neurodivergent are often ostracized more by society
Suggestion from Wake Forest, NC

Alive people have more stuff than dead people.
Suggestion from Chicago, IL

We all know oh just how oppresses incels are😢
Suggestion from Germany

Sex workers are marginalised worldwide. They are more likely to be murdered, and they're looked down on by society, even in places where prostitution is decriminalised or legalised.
Suggestion from New Zealand

Suggestion from Houston, TX

People whose gender does not fall into the male/female dichotomy are heavily marginalized in Western culture
Suggestion from Stafford, VA

Not buying into bullshit is clearly privileged.
Suggestion from Boise, ID

Mixed race children often struggle for identity,a lot of the time not being accepted by either race they are.
Suggestion from United States

determines how thanos you are
Suggestion from Riverside, CA

Mispronouncing people’s names is a microaggression
Suggestion from Inkster, MI

Mental health affects the way one can be employed and get a start in life. Poor mental health affects one’s ability to take part in society.
Suggestion from United Kingdom

Being fat is more challenging because of the fatphobia you receive from doctors, clothes shops and even your mom.
Suggestion from Vietnam

Getting orphaned and passed around from household to household can severely affect your upbringing and chances in life.
Suggestion from Netherlands

Only priveleged people could think to eat and put fruit on a pizza...
Suggestion from Riverton, UT

Suggestion from Netherlands

Gamers are the most oppressed people group.
Suggestion from Kalispell, MT

Suggestion from United Kingdom

Oppression occurs when what I feel to be true is counter evidenced by immutable facts.
Suggestion from United Kingdom

Ginger oppression is real. Gingers receive casual discrimination through passive agressive comments. While these infractions seem small when you stack enough grains of sand you get to dune which wieghs on the gingers psyche.
Suggestion from Thorofare, NJ

Those who face mental illness typically have a challenging time doing day to day tasks. Mental illness includes depression, anxiety, eating disorders, bipolar, etc.
Suggestion from Houghton, MI

People called Dave are generally thought of as less intellectual
Suggestion from United Kingdom

Suggestion from United Kingdom

We all know Roblox users deserve no rights
Suggestion from Finland

Conservatives are more likely to be threatened on social media, driscrminated against for their race, and targeted by hate crimes.
Suggestion from Provo, UT

Suggestion from Australia

6 strings are greater than 4
Suggestion from Reynoldsburg, OH

Suggestion from Australia

Disclosing one's stance as a 4chan user in today's environment is subjecting oneself to oppression.
Suggestion from United States

Suggestion from United Kingdom

Suggestion from United States

Suggestion from Pompano Beach, FL

Bitch to grip stuff
Suggestion from United States

Many everyday objects are made with only right handed people in mind
Suggestion from Australia

The smallest minority is the individual. Intersectionality is bigotry with extra steps.
Suggestion from Wichita, KS

Suggestion from Morganton, NC

Furries are often teased due to stereotypes associated with the fandom.
Suggestion from United States

Understanding of other countries leads to greater understanding
Suggestion from New Zealand

Self explantory
Suggestion from Germany

Small towns offer fewer opportunities for careers and career advancement. My town of about 3000 people is the biggest in our county and you know that if you want a job you have to go to one of the same five places as everyone else.
Suggestion from Denver, CO

If you're lazy than it is everyone else's moral obligation to give you a hand.
Suggestion from Follansbee, WV

Smartphones are becoming a staple, or a must-have for people these days, and I think it’s kinda inherent that everyone has one three days, but if you don’t, I feel like you might be under-privileged.
Suggestion from Eaton Rapids, MI

Requires more winter cloathing
Suggestion from New York, NY

Sometimes the patriarchy makes your non-binary intersectional cisnormatice frameworks conjugate Latin in the future tense but only in the diaphragm.
Suggestion from Chicago, IL

People are discriminated against for their weight in job opportunities, clothing options, seating width, and the ability to ride theme park rides.
Suggestion from Tampa, FL

Pretty obvious, but you’ll find it a lot harder in life if you’re mentally challenged
Suggestion from United Kingdom

Since the popularization of New Atheism, in Western countries religious people are systematically shamed and excluded for maintaining their traditional cultural identity and values e.g. Christians are now a demographic minority in the UK.
Suggestion from United Kingdom

It is scientifically proven that people who watch fetish pornography are victims of "kinkshaming" more often than vanilla pornography watchers.
Suggestion from Mexico

You know what the right answer is...
Suggestion from Rochester, MN

People who say "pop" are scientifically proven to be neo-nazis.
Suggestion from Zillah, WA

Those who put the milk in before the teabag are so WOKE their parents don’t know what to do with them.
Suggestion from United Kingdom

Indigenous peoples are marginalized and often face challenges related to intergenerational trauma.
Suggestion from Canada

You think Intersectionality is a legitimate stance
Suggestion from United Kingdom

Because Brussels Sprouts get no love
Suggestion from Canada

It's is life altering
Suggestion from Eagle, ID

Being right handed offers many privileges over those who are left handed including increased career opportunities, access to affordable healthcare, and more reliable use of scissors.
Suggestion from Los Angeles, CA

Being openly in a non-monogamists relationship is very poorly understood and shunned
Suggestion from United States

Vegans have enough monthly income in order to survive off of expensive food items.
Suggestion from Hampshire, IL

Tall people are viewed as more capable and impressive compared to short people. Concept being bigger is better.
Suggestion from Canada

There is very little acceptance legally or socially for being anything other than a man or woman. Non-binary people experience more abuse, more harassment, more violence, and more job discrimination than men or women.
Suggestion from Bellingham, WA

People who go to poorly funded public schools have a much more difficult time moving up the socioeconomic ladder as they have less opportunities than private school graduates who have the money for more expensive colleges and usually have more connections
Suggestion from Mobile, AL

Honey if u can buy an iPhone you rich af
Suggestion from Canada

Even though communism isn't the opposite of conservatism, actual communists and leftists are mistaken for the kind of "leftist" PC nutjobs who make "intersectionality calculators" by people who don't know any better.
Suggestion from Mexico

Was literally called a nazi for not liking cake. Sometimes you have to eat cake so people won’t judge you
Suggestion from United Kingdom

People with mental disorders, such as depression, PTSD, and autism, experience more oppression because they are seen as broken.
Suggestion from Andover, CT

Polyamorous people cannot marry and in many jurisdictions this is expressly outlawed, despite many other countries taking a neutral stance or expressly allowing polygamy.
Suggestion from Columbia, SC

Dumb people often have issues with survival
Suggestion from San Luis Obispo, CA

Monosexual privilege exists among heterosexuals, lesbians and gays. It is when individuals and groups who are affectionally oriented toward more than one gender identity are assigned less privilege than those who are affectionally oriented toward one gend
Suggestion from East Haven, CT

Studies show that strangers tend to judge attractive people as having more positive traits and abilities
Suggestion from Canada

Becuz it’s very hard uwu :3 :(
Suggestion from Latvia

They're part of the LGBTQ community.
Suggestion from Youngstown, OH

Do you drive a environmentally friendly car or a pollution machine
Suggestion from Haysville, KS

Unable to express any form of ideology even within economics without being labelled a racist, bigot or other "hate-speech" word. Note: this gets flipped depending on which side you're on.
Suggestion from Canada

optional, max. 255 chars
Suggestion from United States

The so-called "priviledged" accept responsibility for their own lifestyle and behaviour and excuse the poor choices and personal irresponsibility of others, demonstrating a maturity that incurs the envy of the so-called "oppressed".
Suggestion from Bothell, WA

A not-often-recognized problem in low income families that can have both explicit and implicit effects in both the long and short term.
Suggestion from United States

The best part of life, without the beautiful skill, life would just be dull
Suggestion from East Peoria, IL

Whether a draftee who didn't run off to Canada or hide out in grad school or a man who declined to volunteer after the draft ended, veteran status makes you an oppressor! It also makes you a man.
Suggestion from San Antonio, TX

Autistics are the next stage in evolution. Neurotypicals will be looked down on like primates in the glorious Neurodivergent future
Suggestion from Anaheim, CA

People sometimes judge you for liking anime.
Suggestion from United States

If you get shoved in lockers and are called a goober daily, slide left
Suggestion from United States

Knowing the facts puts you at a severe disadvantage than people pulling popular opinion out of thin air
Suggestion from Saint Louis, MO

Everything is designed for people that primarily use their right hands, from sporting equipment to everyday tools and utensils. Tables are also set to accommodate right handed people.
Suggestion from United States

Because you would be fried in Jim Crow days
Suggestion from United States

Suggestion from United States

The future is bullpup.
Suggestion from Philippines

Are you a practicing or cultural Hindu? (You may or mat not partake in all reituals and ceremonies. Thatis not important.)
Suggestion from Germany

Irish people have been oppressed, disrespected & discriminated against by British for centuries
Suggestion from Canada

An innate, unalterable Part of ones psychological makeup, yet harshly judged by society. Akin to non-standard gender attraction although obviously only if not acted upon.
Suggestion from Germany

Because straight is considered the default. Straight people are not oppressed for their sexuality
Suggestion from Dublin, VA

This one can go either way depending if you're a Democrat or Republican!
Suggestion from United States

Thousands of years of history
Suggestion from Australia

Suggestion from United Kingdom

Many subcultures, particularly if there is any sexual component, are misunderstood and stigmatized by general population
Suggestion from United States

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