CalculatorIntersectionality Score Calculator

Intersectionality Calculator

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Too busy to manually score your friends and coworkers? Now you can instantly find the Intersectionality Score of whole groups of people (up to 5) just by uploading a photo. Our custom software, will analyze each individual in the photo for age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity and 6 other factors to determine their score.

Caution: While the software returns pretty accurate scores, we want to caution you to first manually test yourself or those in the image with the calculator to get a more accurate score before using the results. Otherwise, you might inadvertantly over or underestimate the level of oppression of those in the photo.

Select a Photo and hit "Upload"

Recent uploads that were shared (click to enlarge)

Please note that these photos have been uploaded by visitors to this website and do not reflect an endorsement of any kind. They are shown only for illustrative purposes - namely, a simple use of intersectionality to compare oppression.

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