Intersectionality Score Calculator

Intersectionality Calculator

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Got a 17 God I love being white
Score: 17 in Springfield, VA
"how to improve your score"
im being oppressed so why would I want the number to go up? thats fucking ridiculous i work to improve my life why would I want to be more oppressed?
Score: 50 in Weston, MA

Score: 58 in United Kingdom
at what score is "being offended" unlocked? asking for a friend
Score: 14 in Germany
This makes no sense

Fully Muslim
Fully Christian
Fully Jew
Slightly straight.
Slightly cisgender
Slightly born in Canada.

Whoever thought the sliders was a good idea should be fired for incompetence.

Take your ad campaigns offline. You're bleeding money without any ROI.
Score: 54 in Canada
Man. Where the hell is my check for my white privilege?!?! I've been lied to!!!
Score: 4 in Pullman, WA
What the fuck is this shit
Score: 15 in Pullman, WA
I actually always wanted to be average, but you don't get to plan your life.
Score: 54 in Spain
According to this a rich straight young able bodied black man that's a devout christian is less privileged than an elderly gay disabled poor white man thats muslim. Almost all of the points are on race,which is sad because while race is big factor it isn't the defining factor.
Score: 35 in Pooler, GA
Holy shit. Just saw this on some site. Now I can judge people based on some non-scientific scoring profile just like a bad human being!! Thanks LGBTQ community, thank you for giving me the tools to be a shitty person!
Score: 44 in Arcadia, CA
This is beyond stupid. I'm a terrible person because I'm a white, straight male Christian, apparently. How dumb is that?
Score: 13 in Saint George, UT
i guess im better than 93 % of people.
Score: 6 in Orient, OH
I got a 4. I am heavily opressive, I am a bad guy, it s in my blood as your theory suggest. Interestingly I live in Romania where there is not too much to opress. Anyhow, this ranking is no different than the Chinese government social ranking of its citizens so this is definitely communism.
Score: 4 in Romania
Some amount of ignorant fools in this comments section.
Score: 15 in United Kingdom
Interesting and thought-provoking! Personally I did find the slider system a bit unclear though, due to my autism (haha, give me points).
Score: 20 in United Kingdom
All this does is give people a self righteous feeling that allows them to perpetuate the cycle of victim hood
Score: 19 in Canada
Too bad that “privilege” actually puts you at a disadvantage.
Score: 11 in Salt Lake City, UT
Dumbest quiz I have taken in my life.
Score: 18 in Canada
I enjoy my privileges, suck me.
Score: 16 in Georgia
Completely absurd that being a devout Christian makes you more privileged than non-Christian. The West is governed by non-devout ('moderate' in some parlances) Christians and atheists. Devotion in any sphere of faith
Score: 12 in United Kingdom
My so-called lines of oppression.
Score: 47 in Canada
29! Wowza. Does that mean I get a white privilege card AND a poor person pass????
Score: 29 in Golden Valley, AZ
Your religion slider totally doesn't work for Europe. Being a devoute christian here, would actually make you more marginalized than not being christian :p
Score: 14 in Belgium
I religion give you point, two takes points. Could this test be more bigoted?
Score: 18 in Canada
As someone who believes identity politics are useful and necessary, this is a really bad quiz. Don't use this.
Score: 41 in United States
I actually thought this was a joke and was expecting a funny result at the end. But here I am a black woman being told I am medium level privileged. Hmm sorry but I don’t have time for your intersectionality. I am a person, an individual person who happens to be black and a woman. Perhaps our time could be put to better uses than focusing in the successes and failures of others. What a self centered way to live your life. Do your best. Work hard. Be kind. And most of all get over yourself.
Score: 51 in Oceanside, CA
pretty much already knew this, although I don't think having a good life makes you a bad person or anything of that sort and having a hard life doesn't make you a good person either. I am white, I am a girl, I'm bisexual, I am relatively poor and I grew up in one-parent household. But those things will not define me.
This was pretty neat to do though.
Score: 44 in Canada
It's interesting to see this sort of thing from a point of view that I would probably not really take on-board. I can't say I agree, but I also recognize that that is very much informed by my view, which I suppose is really the point. Rich old white men feel like "they're the oppressed one", when everyone else is just stunned into disbelief. Again, while I don't necessarily agree with the categories or assessments, I see how that's really more my problem than it would be your. Good luck, and I hope that something good comes of it all!
Score: 10 in Morrisville, NC
Is this a joke? lmao nobody cares about this stuff anymore just come up with better ideas instead of basing everything off of emotion and lazy indentity politics
Score: 28 in Ormond Beach, FL
Really dislike the way you phrase "improving your score by not being straight or christian"
im all for fighting against discrimination, that includes dick heads who think having a different sexuality or religion makes you a better person.
Score: 14 in United Kingdom
33 If you take Slav as half White....
Score: 32 in South Otselic, NY
Every thing to extreme left end of slider, age exact middle, devout Christian. = 1 point
Score: 1 in South Otselic, NY
I have the great score of 5, and really I'm proud of it. I'm supposedly privileged, even tough my values reflect the average people's views.
Score: 5 in Hungary
You are giving me the option 'French/Dutch as first language' , and 'First/Dutch as second language.
Dutch is my first language, and French is my second language, so what should I put it ? Do I put it in the middle ?
Score: 30 in Belgium
This is special place, where you can be super poor white with no education, yet more privileged then rich high class educated person of color
Score: 19 in Ukraine
Great to know finally have a test that recognized my devout Jewish/Muslim faith
Score: 100 in Canada
Bow before my superior aryan genes.
Score: 9 in Finland
I think this website underestimate the power of female privilege.
Score: 29 in United Kingdom
Looks like I should stay home for the next 30 years. Just being is a micro aggression
Score: 6 in Newark, OH
Yes, as a matter of fact I am better than you.
Score: 13 in Lithuania
Why do they say you can “explore the wild side of your sexuality” to improve your score? I was told that being gay wasn’t a lifestyle choice. Well, maybe it is according to intersexuality.
Score: 9 in Scotch Plains, NJ
got a 70%, all you poors and moors can back the frick off.
Score: 15 in Kenosha, WI
Aaah, who knew I was superior then 82% of the world.
Pure Bless, now I have a number to show the non believers.
Score: 11 in Germany
Uses sliders because "people fit along a spectrum of identities", yet the numbers change as integers. LOL, fail!
Score: 14 in Netherlands
So a hermaphrodite is more privileged than a woman? Great algorithm there.
Score: 27 in Chicago, IL
How am i more Oppresiv by being Christan
Score: 3 in Austria
Victim points? Really.
Score: 23 in Denmark
Aaahahahahaha, so in order to be less oppressive I should get circumcised and become a gay muslim? I love this world.
Score: 11 in Romania
My parents are both recovering addicts and I have to live with my grandparents do to it, yet these various arbitrary factors make me more "privileged" than 84% of people? Are y'all saying I'm better than others due to my skin color, gender, and sexual orientation?
Score: 10 in Hudson, OH
This is absolute garbage.
Score: 13 in Netherlands
Love that this system proves to the world that intersectionality theory is racist to the core, as only skin colour matters. Besides this really pushed religiosity as being oppressed.. What if I am an antitheistic atheist? We get oppressed all around the world, and it is a capital crime in some muslim countries..
This calculatror really pushes religion, be it christianity, islam, judaism or intersectionality and multigenderism.. I just wonder why do you hate science?
Just wondering why this is in english and then you have to speak Romanian as a option.
Score: 21 in Romania
Drat and double drat, I can only, truthfully, reach down to a 10, as an atheist.
I'll have to accept a Jewish zombie, without evidence, as my means of avoiding the justice of infinite agony and torture for the sin of rejecting said zombie, and what the original 2 mythically incestuous idiots did wrong when the infinitely wise omniscient authority prevented them having a concept of wrong, failing in accordance with his perfect all-knowing timeless plan that he regrets and even near-omnicide didn't fix, after they were told the truth by a talking snake and said authority lied to them in his first conversation, (deep breath), in order to reach a more privileged state.
This site is superb trolling. Have I got the idea of the internet yet?
Score: 10 in United Kingdom
I got a 15, looks like i'm just another evil nazi
Score: 15 in Macedonia
Ok so you guys hate white, middle aged men, which love women, are well educated and work hard enough to provide to themselves and their families. Men who help to build and protect society in country they were born in. Oh and for whatever reason, you also hate Christians, because apparently Jesus idea of selfless sacrifice of self to others is revolting deplorable concept. Bravo.
No we are not going to be ashamed of being decent human beings. Keep on hating.
Score: 1 in Poland
I am white and starving in one of the richest countries in Europe ALL my money goes to feeding my child and my disabled wife so where’s my privilege? Whoever came up with this filth disgusts me!!....
Score: 27 in United Kingdom
Wow - is it possible a devout christian-muslim-jewish transgender something and score 88, is this an elaborate 4chan joke?
Score: 88 in Denmark
I like how race spans about 30pts and sex ~15 but wealth only 5. "Hey, are you living under a bridge in your own filth, completely destitute and forgotten by society, at risk of starving but for the charity of others or dieing of exposure in harsh weather? Well that's nothing; THIS woman got told she should smile more often, and that's totally, quantifiably worse!"

What a profoundly out of touch ideology this is.
Score: 50 in Canada
I feel that owning numerous firearms affords me greater privilege. Where's my gun privilege slider?
Score: 10 in New Orleans, LA
I find it hilarious. As a black German, it is the first time I regret being so normal and seeing my score go down for being straight, cis etc. Also, yes, it is satire even if it wasn't intended that way. Non-existing oppression can't be quantified and there is no data set that could reasonably justify it. Counting the uncountable is clearly a joke, but they made it look quite good. The scales just don't make much sense on inherently binary aspects like "first language yes or no?". Apart from that, thumbs up!
Score: 28 in Germany
i feel so opresed right now
Score: 41 in Peru
So the more Christian you are the more priviliged you are. The more Muslim you are the less privileged you are. And you are less privileged being half Jewish than you are being either not Jewish or a devout Jewish.

Score: 7 in New Zealand
I don't think their recommendation for me to "get involved with islam or Judaism" is a good idea. I'm pretty sure they are both trying to kill me. So pass. I'll stick with Whites thanks.
Score: 11 in Australia
This is fucking brilliant. reposted.
Score: 2 in Los Angeles, CA
Ah, so a billionaire white women has less privilege than a poor white man? Stop generalizing people based on what they are!
Score: 17 in United Kingdom
I am such an oppressor!
Score: 9 in United Kingdom
Score: 13 in Germany
Good luck triggering a race war with this Marxist claptrap.
Score: 17 in Chicago, IL
It's so racist. Why race gives you more points than wealth?
Score: 29 in Lithuania
i'm that educated cis white boy they all warned you about
Score: 16 in Menomonee Falls, WI
This proves that a degree in gender studies can't even be useful to teach you how to make a proper online test.
Moreover as someone who identifies xyrself as a check box I'm feeling oppressed by your toxic slider supremacism.
Score: 50 in Italy
You should add a slider for gamer/non-gamer! As a gamer who's been oppressed my whole life it's deeply problematic that I get the same score as the privileged non-gamers.
Score: 48 in Bulgaria
7! Yes! Even though I spent two years looking through 1,500 jobs to apply to with hard luck, it's great to know that I was lording it over almost everyone else! This privilege thing is great!
Score: 7 in United Kingdom
This whole site is a joke, I should get a 100 for being a Slav.
Score: 15 in Poland
WTF?! How am I supposedly more privileged, than an any westerner when we make at least three times less money and my country has no say in international politics? We just get forced to do as bigger countries say. Also the slider for language gives me English even though my non English speaking friends get their respective language slider, this just shows how more oppressed we Czechs are.
Oh and being jewish is gives more privilege? This test is literally antisemitic and those who made it are literal nazis!
Score: 19 in Czech Republic
Its hilarious that only Devout Christian is considered oppressive. Devout Jewish or Devout Muslim is considered as being oppressed as is Not Christian. This is so disgustingly moronic that I refuse to believe that someone has done this with any level of seriousness. If you have, I have lost faith in humanity.
Score: 11 in Finland
This test is terrible prejudiced and prove that the one made it have no consideration for minorities what so ever.

So abled-bodied or disabled. What about both. Never heard of invisible disabilities?

Horrible. Remove this discrete to people with invisible disabilities from the internet. This is insulting beaned belief. How could anyone be that ignorant?
Score: 50 in Tempe, AZ
Hey! Make the sex binary if you would include nonsense like "gender fluidity". OR at least a three-valued type!
Score: 29 in Bulgaria
IM THE UBERMENSH soy el super homrbe perras feministas estadounidenses, que las violen
Score: 15 in Colombia
Uh oh, I guess I am about to be sent to the Goolag...
Score: 8 in Romania
>atheists are oppressed
ayy lmao
Score: 3 in Portugal
When do the privilege checks start hitting my mailbox? Or does having a mailbox make me more privileged? Shit....
Score: 10 in Dalton, GA
Privilege Score of 8 Mofo's! Now I have proof that I am better than 88% of the population!
Score: 8 in Lancaster, OH
I only got a 20. Must work to improve that. Thanks for this device and the joy it has brought into my life through hours of laughter.
Score: 20 in Canada
This oppression scale is badly designed, how can I be more privileged than the 82% of the others if the most oppressed group in the world are gamers? I request a proper gamer slider you bigots.
Score: 11 in Chile
I'm a white cis male and I'll be damned if I'll apologize or give one ounce of privilege to anyone thinking intersectionality is legitimate.
Score: 19 in Philadelphia, PA
You forgot "Do you belong to a group with strong group identity?".

Anyway, I ended up with 18. What's funny was that if I adjusted from not Christian to devout christian, that took me to 9! In reality, that would send me downwards, as Norwegians accept religion, but not too much of it. Max religious privilege would perhaps be "somewhat but only for Christmas"
Score: 9 in Norway
The only thing I changed on the scale was I set it to 100% muslim, because I want to prove how pedophile leftism, lesser known as intersectional feminism, is in fact islamic based marxism. So, let's see if this is a legit test or not.
Score: 53 in Denmark
I'm a 1/1024 POC straight female transgender poor disabled not born in Denmark and dansih being second language and beside that I am extremely devoute jewish muslim and I hate christians. I guess this shit is what they try to implement when they ban good danish songs like "Den danske sang er en ung blond pige" or when they make it illegal to dress in mexican outfit, because freedom og expression of non danes
Score: 76 in Denmark
This is hilarious. It's satire, right? If it's not satire, it's Poe's Law in action. But satire or absolute lunacy, it remains hilarious. Straight white "cisgendered" "born elsewhere/English as a second language" almost-fully-Christian males represent!
Score: 15 in United Kingdom
I am actually surprised too, that you do not get a 100% opression sore just by being an islamic jihaadi
Score: 100 in France
Soros has wasted some money on this shit
Score: 73 in Denmark
So I live in the poorest country in the EU and have a condition that prevents me from leaving my home but apparently I'm a filthy oppressor...
Score: 17 in Bulgaria
DAMNNN I'm super privileged!
Your intersectionality score: 11
You are more privileged than 82% of others!

I think it's funny that being rich and educated doesn't change it much but if you simply make yourself non-white then the score shoots way up. Even more than being trans and gay. So the worst affliction isn't to be an uneducated, broke, gay, transgender person but to simply not be white! hahaha -- whoever made this thinks it's pretty amazing to just be white lol
Score: 10 in Broomfield, CO
Score: 72 in France
Can you explain why skin color controls a whopping 20 points or more, but wealth only controls 5? If anything, it should be the other way around. And disability also only accounts for roughly five points. So a homeless white person in a wheelchair would be more privileged than Will Smith under this system. It doesn't make any damn sense.
Score: 17 in Barberton, OH
Brazil: 43% White, 43% Pardo, 100% Mestizo, 100% Third world contry.
Clicks white: You are more privileged than others!
Clicks in "person of color": 74% Of others are more privileged than you

Score: 17 in Brazil
So proud of my score! I would like to thank the makers of this test for showing me just how inferior everyone is to me and for showing the world how to identify the weak so they might you know “ aus rotten” /s
Score: 4 in United States
I love my privilege
Score: 5 in Netherlands
Hahaha, I'm enjoying how despite being a T/F categories "English first language" and "Born in USA", still have a spectrum of choices. Awe yes, I was born at the border 40% into Canada which totally isn't just as, if not more, privileged as the USA.

But seriously, this has got to be a joke x'D

It's impossible to be this self aware, but to also still be a devout intersectionalist. Oms, the FAQ is fucking hilarious
Score: 19 in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
How in the nine hells did someone build this with a straight face! Ya know what? How do I get a ZERO score. This is a great way to encourage people to get pissed off at stupid shit and make them WANT to stop this crap.
Score: 24 in Kennebunkport, ME
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