So proud of my score! I would like to thank the makers of this test for showing me just how inferior everyone is to me and for showing the world how to identify the weak so they might you know “ aus rotten” /s
Score: 4 in United States
Hahaha, I'm enjoying how despite being a T/F categories "English first language" and "Born in USA", still have a spectrum of choices. Awe yes, I was born at the border 40% into Canada which totally isn't just as, if not more, privileged as the USA.
But seriously, this has got to be a joke x'D
It's impossible to be this self aware, but to also still be a devout intersectionalist. Oms, the FAQ is fucking hilarious
Score: 19 in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
How in the nine hells did someone build this with a straight face! Ya know what? How do I get a ZERO score. This is a great way to encourage people to get pissed off at stupid shit and make them WANT to stop this crap.
Score: 24 in Kennebunkport, ME
I'm a mongrel, I want more points government please!
Im oppressed by the people with higher numbers. Give me more points
Score: 8 in Cochranton, PA
got a 40, being Christian deducts you too many points. Never-mind that my religion is considered a minority in my home country. This is a joke.
Having English as a second language is as disadvantages as being poor? Really?
Score: 50 in United Kingdom
I got a 1
Støt de rige, de fattige er nogle røvhuller
Podem apagar o comentário a vontade.
Já já o Nacional Socialismo volta, e dessa vez estaremos do lado certo
Oh goodie. Progressive stacking was never so easy
Score: 50 in United States
I got 37 points. Apparently im oppressed yet if i disagree with anything expoused by intersectionals, im just a "priviliged white (not "white") male (not exactly cis)" and how 'i could never understand the plight of people who are oppressed'. I dont think this ideology is very coherent but i always thought you shouldnt play in the intersection when there are cars about.
Score: 37 in Milwaukee, WI
63. You didn't include my actual skin tone. This is a very problematic scale, considering that it doesn't take into account the institutional racism against white passing tribe born natives, nor first generation off the tribe, nor the racism further perpetuated by white intersectionalists as they insist that despite suffering as much problems as other poc, to their white eyes we all 'look the same' and they fail to recognize the vast array of skin colours representing the vast Native Nations.
You also overlook the large group of non-stardard devout religious groups, such as some polytheists. This is a very difficult situation to be in, as your religious wishes can rarely be accommodated easily or quickly, especially in hospitals, which further compounds on the issues disabled people face.
If you're going to actually push this tripe, at least follow through. You're just further marginalizing marginalized communities and perpetuating the erasure of anyone that cannot fit onto a binary scale.
Score: 34 in Brewster, NY
This is a very narrow-minded test. Try growing up as a pagan in the bible belt where christians have the privilege.
I can't check my intersectionality score right now because I don't have an internet connection. Can someone please check for me and let me know what my score is? I am: half Maori/half Lithuanian Jewish, F2M trans albino with achondroplasic dwarfism, paranoid schizophrenic, quadruple amputee with "locked-in" syndrome (full-body paralysis, blind, deaf and unable to speak or respond to any physical stimuli - like the patient in the Metallica "One" video). And I was the victim of a botched circumcision. Score please. Thanks.
Pretty sad that people think I deserve positive bias because im trans, hispanic, and bi.
Score: 74 in United States
What a bunch of horse poo. I am super proud of my 5
Ha! I got a 4! I'm better than 97% of people! Without even trying! I knew it! Now, I can do ANYTHING I want! Laws don't apply to me! I've got a 4!
"We hope that this calculator will help fight ableism, ageism, anti-Semitism, biphobia, cissexism, classism, homophobia, Islamophobia, racism, sexism, transphobia, ethnocentrism, xenophobia and discrimination (even prejudice) of all forms regardless of your race, country of origin, sexual orientation (e.g., bisexual, nonbinary, intersex, lesbian, queer, trangender, or asexual)."
This is LITERALLY contradictory. How the hell can you fight discrimination/prejudice by using discrimination/prejudice with a calculator that LITERALLY rates you on your race, sex/gender, country of origin, sexual orientation, language, religion, and age? THAT IS THE ACTUAL DEFINITION OF DISCRIMINATION BY LAW.
Where is the slider for "Will cure cancer"?
LMFAO being a woman is worse than being gay? On what Planet?
(((Intersectionality Score Calculator)))
Score: 16 in United Kingdom
Its really cool that you guys are beginning the Mischling Tests into the twenty first century. I mean, I wasn’t a fan of how that all turned out before, but its good to see you embracing and updating your movements past achievements.
I think being an Ex-Jehovah's Witness would factor into this as well as depression disorder, as well as being an Artist/ Musician, as well as being raised in a small country town, ect... ect. .... Or what about a drug addiction factor or gambling factor. This spectrum needs MAJOR revamp!!!
Hmmm... Apparently I am way more oppressed then I have ever felt...
Yeah, but why do white males need A*AA to get onto my course but women and other races need only AAB?
Score: 19 in United Kingdom
Growing up in a black neighborhood and getting beaten regularly for being white I never really thought of myself as privileged. Glad this website was able to tell me I am so that I can know that I need to hate myself for how much I've been oppressing those people that beat me nearly to death so often. I'll do better in the future.
You should do one for Egypt where people on national television say women with jeans should be raped and groups of Christians and their churches get bombed by radical Muslims?
Score: 40 in United Kingdom
Rich white people need to find something else to come up with in their spare time than this sh*t.
How the hell is being a poor disabled male person better than being a gay POC rich female person? You are literally saying someone with no legs, who lives under a bridge in the third world has an easier life than a black lesbian able bodied person in a mansion. That is crazy.
Score: 27, 55% are more privileged than me. You fucking cis, nazis! Now quit your jobs because I might apply there one day.
>5 point difference between rich and poor
Clearly designed by some corporatist and/or academic idget.
Score: 46 in Breckenridge, CO
Ayo I be disabled 90 year old black lesbian tranny born from Congo. Poor and uneducated, I am also a jewish muslim. Where the free gibs at?
Score: 100 in United Kingdom
This website is what happens when left wing journos learn to code...
Score: 1 in United Kingdom
Why does being born in Cambodia make you more privileged?
Finally a tool for us Arians to truly judge the worth of a person and quantify just how much better we are as a race.
happy to be ten make some more money and I can be a true oppressor like Muhammad or Stalin
Score: 10 in Grand Rapids, MI
I speak one of the most unintelligible and hard to learn languages in the world that no-one outside my country knows or even want to know. Also I was born in my country, a drab grey shithole where they lack of sunlight makes you want slit your wrists, you can't have a house of your own without a six number loan and your can't have decent living without working 60 hours a week. If I was born in Switzerland or Japan I'd be soo much worse off. Also I had the misfortune to be born a man, so I'm 8 times as likely to commit suicide than women in my country while living 5 year shorter lifespan. No to mention I must have higher score to be admitted to university, treated less charitably by the police, random people on the street or teachers in school. Oh, and also when it comes to divorce, I have 50% chance of losing my house to my former wife and 97% chance of not having the custody over my children, which means paying thousands in alimony a month, while having to see my kid once every two weeks. Very cool.
But thank you Intersectionality Score Calculator that you convinced me that those things are privileges.
Incredibly dividing system. "Equality"... Literally puts a score on different races and sex. Fucking morons
Score: 6 in Overland Park, KS
What a pile of utter s%&t! Someone made this thing and paid to advertise it? It states: You can't improve your score but you can convert to homosexuality? I thought homosexuality was a genetic trait you are born with and therefore conversion therapy can't work. So let me get this straight: - You can't convert to being attracted to someone of the opposite sex.... But you can convert to being Gay. And it is on that statement I realised this site is literally a trolling experiment.
Score: 32 in United Kingdom
Hmm strange test. Every good thing you can do shows as bad, and the most important are things you cannot change.
I am the most oppressed here, now wheres all my benefits.
Apparently being a lower middle class, white, "cis gendered" 22 year straight man in my own damn (largely monoethnic) country (because I never had the money to move to another place) makes me more privileged than 85% of the people here.
Even though that kind of defeats the purpose of "middle class" - that being the majority of the population in a modern country.
But I mean, economics is secondary to group identity and collective butthurtness.
On a serious note, I can't tell if this is real, or just a joke.
PS: How is cis/trans a spectrum? That's literally NOT a spectrum, that's why it's cis OR trans. The whole idea of the "default" gender identity being "cis" contains the notion that being cis or trans is binary. Not a spectrum. But I guess I can't expect consistency from intersectional feminism.
Lol. I'm am more privileged than 100% of others! Kneel before me peons!
lol with the sliders, most of these are either fully left or fully right, nice "spectrum" alright
I'm a straight man with white skin in my mid-thirties. I'm fat, but I don't consider that a disability as it's something I can get rid of by working out and eating better. I've got a decent education but my income is far below average and I'm living in my dad's old apartment since I can't afford to have a place of my own. I barely make enough cash to feed myself and I haven't been on a "night out" in years. And yet I'm more privileged than 75% of the world?
How the race is defining factor in countries where 99,9% of people are of the same race? How does this compare to mixed countries? How being white in post soviet state is privilege over rich black americans? Are you trolling?
Scored 15. Still have to go to work. Still have to pay my bills. Still responsible for my behavior. WTF? Bullshit like this will be a big bucket of grease on the slope to hell.
Score: 15 in North Ridgeville, OH
this is very racist and sexist
Score: 17 in Czech Republic
Apparently you can be a devout Christian, Muslim and Jew at the same time. LOL
The first slide is just plain old racism against whites, that's baffling. You will explain me the privilege to be white in South Africa.
It must be trolling, that's too rich.
I just came here to get the lowest score possible.
Didn't know that being born in Argentina would make me more privileged than being born anywhere else, even if that "anywhere else" is an european country or the USA.
Alright, now here's my actual score. The site seems to have deleted my previous comment because i aimed for a score of 3 on purpose. It was just a joke, it won't happen again.
Never thought i could be more privileged than 63% of the world by being born in a 3rd world country, though.
Only 67%, I was expecting more, lol
Score: 16 in United Kingdom
Make Orwell fiction again
This is SJW garbage ,so some scummy loser can pretend he is a victim if he is different. And if Islam is such a disadvantage here, why are they coming here and why do they treat infidels like trash in their crummy countries?
Score: 18 in Wellfleet, MA
I'm 84% more privileged. Read. It. And. Weep. You. Commie. Bitches!
Score: 10 in Warrensburg, MO
i'm disappointed i got 8 i bet someone gets a lower score than me then they will win
Score: 8 in United Kingdom
I’m the most underprivileged/overprivileged Trump supporting brown guy ever I guess.
Score: 30 in Centerbrook, CT
How do I get the percentile score over 94? I have 100 points but the oppression percentage won't go over 94. How in the name of the giant rainbow colored menorah shaped kaaba I worship am I supposed to get a perfect score?! This calculator offends gay Allah and his Torah of interseconality!
Score: 2 in Redwood City, CA
18 points...well...heil hitler then? O_o
The Rich/Poor slider is a fucking joke. That one should have the most gravitas of all!
Way to crap on Atheists who are also Poor. Whoever came up with this is a cancer.
With all this privilege I expect to become President of the Universe within the current year...
Why is this even a thing. NOBODY CARES.
Score: 25 in Sioux Falls, SD
You can improve your score by helping other people fighting their oppressions.
Score: 35 in United States
Intersectionality is a cancerous theory for American society. This test inspired me to amass more wealth and vote Republican.
Score: 8 in Clinton Township, MI
I am blessed with a good life.
Score: 6 in Wilmington, DE
Making value judgements about individuals based on immutable characteristics is literally the “___ism” you claim to be fighting.
Sit in a corner and think about what you’ve done here.
Thank you for showing me how this is scored! Now I'm off to increase my privilege score!
If only I wasn’t born the way I was so that I could feel special too.
Score: 7 in Beaverton, OR
I'm part of the stolen generation and this was not taken into account in the scoring.
The most oppressed group in the current political climate is a straight, white, Christian man.
Apparently being black compared to white gives you 25 whole points. If I remember correctly, I'm pretty sure blacks are way less oppressed than gays or trans. This site is just crazy.
With a ‘score’ of 4 I think I have failed. A ‘score’ of 0 would have been more encouraging. I’ll keep working to get richer.
Fuck your stupid mindless shit
I am a black man and I have score of 38 and I am NOT oppressed. I do not feed into being a victim or victimology. Intersectional Feminism is STUPID because it hates straight people, Christians, and people who have money.
Score: 38 in Lynchburg, VA
How to "improve" your score?
Why would you want to be more oppressed? It's almost as if you're trying to make it into a contest instead of actually caring about solving social issues...
Score: 18 in Indianapolis, IN
This feels like a joke. The concept itself can not be taken seriously--a formal score given to something that is based on the subjective perception of others. For instance, me being black might be seen as a disadvantage to some, won't matter to most, and might be a boon to some people. I've experienced it all in my life. Some think I'm black and therefore worthless (or dangerous), the VAST majority of people couldn't care less what my skin color is, and a few other racists try to help out the poor black kid because it must be so hard living in the USA (hint: it's not. I've lived in much harsher places).
I understand that you want a world free of bigotry, and I really want to see a world like that too. This is the wrong way to go about it. Literally scoring people on what are mostly immutable characteristics will only be a wedge that rates and divides others.
Also the suggestion that straight people should explore the "wild side" of their sexuality is ludicrous. Are LGBTQ+ people not "born that way"? As it is immoral to suggest converting them, it is also immoral to suggest straight people convert. This test seems to imply that straight people are lacking, and can be fixed if they would just change their sexual preference.
I am trying to engage this in good faith, because I recognize that laughing at or deriding others passes for disagreement nowadays. Hopefully you can see that I am trying to be polite and fair.
Score: 35 in Chantilly, VA
this website gave me cancer. do i get points for that?
Is this for real? What a bunch of crap.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is epic
The rich/poor meter is the one that matters the most. Period.
Score: 87 in Miamisburg, OH
They should have an IQ slider on here. IQ and Wealth are probably the only privilege categories that really matter.
Score: 6 in Los Angeles, CA
Look upon me with ravenous envy you pathetic troglodytes!
I think I'll use Intersectionality as a viable excuse to let others speak so I don't have to mentor anyone and help them rise above their station.
Good luck comrades!
Score: 1 in Grand Prairie, TX
this has to be fifth column...
This site is a joke -- seriously, who designed this crap?
Ah, yes, these are the same people that believe a homeless, terminally ill white man has more privilege than a wealthy young black man.
So much for trying to promote "equality."
Score: 19 in Corpus Christi, TX
LOL "Finnish as a second language" gives higher score. Finlandssvenskarna är officiellt lägre folk nu