Intersectionality Score Calculator

Intersectionality Calculator

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This excludes asexuals. Honestly its disgusting considering you claim to intersectional yet exclude a group often gatekeepers from the rest of the lgbt community.
Score: 32 in Southwest Brevard Cnty, FL
Why is it telling me how I can improve my score? Most of these are things you are born with, and there is nothing wrong with having a high or low score.
Score: 8 in Roselle, NJ
I'm writing an entire stand up sketch about this. Thank you for releasing my inner George Carlin.
Score: 48 in United States
wow, who knew that straight christian poc women in the states had higher oppression points than broke pan transexual cripples from Turkmenistan who speak no english
Score: 48 in Rialto, CA
Oy vey, I’m a trans gay black female holocaust survivor! My score is 6 million!
Score: 96 in Sanibel, FL
My country still has a yearly government funded event where they burn a giant bonfire to burn items of my oppressed culture, hang effigies of my politicians and celebrate 800 years of colonial oppression, singing songs about attempted genocide of my people . . . but I got 15.

Score: 15 in United Kingdom
Woohoo! I win at life! Suck it you genetic degenerates.
Score: 10 in Canada
This is absolutely deranged
Score: 9 in Germany
is a low score good?
Score: 7 in Netherlands
My "score" is 67. If I move the slider all the way to rich it becomes 65. All the way to poor and it's 70. If I move it from female person of colour to white and male, it's 25. So a white man living under a bridge wondering if the cold will get to him before starvation does is considered more privileged than, say, Oprah Winfrey. How does that make sense?
Score: 25 in United Kingdom
How being a devout Christian is lowering my oppression? Did anyone ever looked that its 2019 and ppl detest Christianity and all values it has??? Pathetic.
Score: 1 in Poland
In Turkey, being a Muslim is not something you get oppressed for. Not being a Muslim is. And there are literally hundreds of other religions you did not include. And being an atheist is considered worse than being gay in most places in the world. And this is not a guess, this is a well known result of a sociological study. In Turkey we have gay and transgender celebrities but not one openly atheist celebrity. You know why? Because if a famous person comes out as an atheist in Turkey they most probably get killed, not just ridiculed, belittled, shouted at, bullied, discriminated against. Atheists get killed. The president calls atheists "terrorists". And you get more points if you choose "more Muslim" in this test.

Also... Yeah, good idea on the sliders, I can be 100% Muslim, 100% Jewish and 100% Christian at the same time. Belonging to one of these literally most popular religions in the world must be a real bummer compared to all the other minority religions and beliefs. And not even Hinduism or Buddhism or anything, just the three major religions that originated in the middle east.

And your "race" slider is the most USA centric bullshit I have ever seen. Racism doesn't just happen between whites and "all the other people". All countries have racism and it is almost never just about your skin color. It is about ethnicity, race. Do you think in Turkey people oppress black people or Mexicans? Do you think Turkish people are white? Do you think we fall in one of your stupid race=color??? categories: Black(African), Brown(Middle eastern/Hindu), Yellow(Asian/Far east Asian really but wrongly generalized), White(European/Caucasian) Yeah, we are not African, we are not European, not Middle Eastern either, we are originated from Asia really, but we don't look "Asian" because we are not far eastern. Our skin is mostly between white and brown if you really want a color. Do you think because we are not "white" we are not capable of oppressing people? Do you think people just oppress based on color, that racism is all about color? Do you think white Arabs, blonde Kurds don't exist, or they don't at least get a prejudice in Turkey? Do you think we have an easily recognizable color difference with all the minorities that are oppressed because of their ethnicity/race?
Score: 10 in Turkey
The only reason I didn't get a lower score than 34 is because I'm Asian. Guess I'm essentially white privilege incarnate.
Score: 34 in Canada

Intersectionality is anti-civilisation cancer.
Score: 3 in United Kingdom
As an Indian gay guy from a middle-class family, I'd like to say this is completely stupid. Why would someone even want to calculate how "oppressed" one is?!!
Score: 47 in India
Cool page but you should take in account the the country in which the user is living. People following the same religion will be marginalized in the countries where the religion is a minority but not where is not. Also some countries are more open minded than others about some of this topics.
Score: 30 in United Kingdom
Lets see what happens
Score: 16 in France
YES!!! Finally I know for sure that I am the oppressor that I've always wanted to be!
Score: 15 in Canada
because oppression can definitely be gauged on a scale from 1 to 100
Score: 42 in Asheville, NC
I placed sixth, I'm close to number 1. Going to keep working on my score, just have up my income and go to church more often.
Score: 6 in Philadelphia, PA
"You can make some improvement to your score by getting more involved in islam or judaism"
First of all... Why the fuck would you want a higher score ? The higher you are, the shittier your life is. Or maybe it's just because you want to play the victim and blame the rest of the world for it even though you clearly stated that we have almost no control over that score...
Secondly, THAT'S NOT HOW RELIGION WORKS, you get involved in a religion because you believe that this religion is true, not because you want to be better seen by other people
And third... You do know that you need to BE BORN jewish to be officially part of Judaism ?... So yeah, no matter how hard you want to become jewish, tough luck, you're out of the game because you're not of good descent. And yet, you consider that not being jewish is 100% unoppressive... yeah, that doesn't work like that .-.
No matter who you are, what you do, what you look like, what social group you're part of, there will always be SOMEONE to throw you shit because of something you don't control
Discrimination is the most universal thing in the world
Score: 18 in Canada
Oy vey! I happen to be the most oppressed person on earth, give me reparations for the hololocaust, remember the 6 billions.
Score: 8 in Spain
This idiocy is simply a way to validate the "victim mentality" that plagues our entitled generation to believe they are owed something because they are of a historically marginalized group. This test is inherently racist, prejudice and discriminating. I guess because I am proud to be a straight white Catholic male that makes me fail this test. I think the people who made this need to have a reality check and realize that everyone's different and that's ok, the only thing that makes you lesser than someone else is your actions. If you are a black, gay, trans, Muslim, the only thing that makes you worse than me is if you commit a crime. I dream of a day when someone is judged on the content of their character.
Score: 7 in Naperville, IL
If this is real, progressives need to be exterminated
Score: 8 in Dallas, TX
In Turkey, being a Muslim is not something you get oppressed for. Not being a Muslim is. And there are literally hundreds of other religions you did not include. And being an atheist is considered worse than being gay in most places in the world. And this is not a guess, this is a well known result of a sociological study. In Turkey we have gay and transgender celebrities but not one openly atheist celebrity. You know why? Because if a famous person comes out as an atheist in Turkey they most probably get killed, not just ridiculed, belittled, shouted at, bullied, discriminated against. Atheists get killed. The president calls atheists "terrorists". And you get more points if you choose "more Muslim" in this test.

Also... Yeah, good idea on the sliders, I can be 100% Muslim, 100% Jewish and 100% Christian at the same time. Belonging to one of these literally most popular religions in the world must be a real bummer compared to all the other minority religions and beliefs. And not even Hinduism or Buddhism or anything, just the three major religions that originated in the middle east.

And your "race" slider is the most USA centric bullshit I have ever seen. Racism doesn't just happen between whites and "all the other people". All countries have racism and it is almost never just about your skin color. It is about ethnicity, race. Do you think in Turkey people oppress black people or Mexicans? Do you think Turkish people are white? Do you think we fall in one of your stupid race=color??? categories: Black(African), Brown(Middle eastern/Hindu), Yellow(Asian/Far east Asian really but wrongly generalized), White(European/Caucasian) Yeah, we are not African, we are not European, not Middle Eastern either, we are originated from Asia really, but we don't look "Asian" because we are not far eastern. Our skin is mostly between white and brown if you really want a color. Do you think because we are not "white" we are not capable of oppressing people? Do you think people just oppress based on color, that racism is all about color? Do you think white Arabs, blonde Kurds don't exist, or they don't at least get a prejudice in Turkey? Do you think we have an easily recognizable color difference with all the minorities that are oppressed because of their ethnicity/race?
Score: 70 in Turkey
This is one of the worst websites i have ever had the disprivilege to visit, It's not only sexist towards men, Racist towards white people, Ableist towards people who can actually walk, It plays it off as Correct, GTFO with this idiocy, you cannot measure oppresion By basic sliders, You need to KNOW THE PERSON
Score: 16 in Mankato, MN
Yes, Comrade, kill the WASP males who are the source of all evil!
Score: 11 in Tallahassee, FL
Measuring a bunch of things that mostly mean nothing... Except education where I am an auto didact and have educated myself more that the school system ever did, and wealth, I am not rich but It's a priority. And then assigning a meaningless word to it along with a meaningless number.
Score: 3 in Lawton, OK
This is pretty cancerous
Score: 2 in Canada
Education changes your score in a country with free education for everyone? Who designed that shit?
Score: 13 in Austria
It clearly measures oppression in the USA. Wouldn't have harmed to specify that. Not valid for other countries.
Score: 52 in Bulgaria
This is cancer on public discourse.
Score: 13 in Mount Sinai, NY
Is this some kind of SNL, hidden camera trick?? Does anyone truly believe this nonsense? I scored a 4, meaning I am privileged. Whoopdeedoo. Tell that to my identical twin brother who during his working career was passed over 4 times for promotion due to his whiteness. Yes, in each case, the job was given to a person of color with lesser credentials.. So please tell me again who the "privileged" person is???????????
Score: 6 in Yonkers, NY
Fear my overwhelming power, for I am oppression incarnate
Score: 3 in Saint Clair, MI
Wow, literally thought that this was a joke post until I read the comments, it's 2019 and we have arrived.
Score: 7 in Albany, OR
Divide and conquer.
Score: 49 in Bridgeport, WV
I never realized how stupid Leftists are. Now I know.
Score: 16 in Bowie, MD
What a joke. I’m not a 44 and 75% of people are not more privileged then me! As a Mexican descendent women, being an American is privilege enough! Stop trying to divide us with fake oppression! You’re in America it does not exist! Either you put in the work or don’t!
Score: 44 in North Las Vegas, NV
As a bisexual, brown gender nonconforming man who is disabled in a couple of significant ways ... what the everloving fuck are you doing with your completely mangled understanding of privilege and oppression? Oppression olympics only pits marginalised groups against each other and places them in subjective hierarchies.
Score: 70 in Canada
fingers crossed
Score: 18 in Kent, WA
I wish I was rich Christian & more educated so I could really capitalize on my white cis gender male privilege. Better yet, jewish.
Score: 20 in United States
this is total crap
Score: 10 in United States
Fairly happy with my score
Score: 5 in Australia
Can I get some compensation now? Some kind of welfare check perhaps?
Score: 41 in France
This is a load of BS it just gives people that don't want to work a reason to whine. When you start judging people by their birth characteristics that they have no control over you are just looking for excuses for your own failure so you can blame someone else.
Score: 5 in Omak, WA
This is fucking garbage meant to discredit discussion on privilege and discrimination. It’s not even good satire on oppression olympics.
Score: 25 in Elgin, SC
Oh, I rule the world. Nice to know
Score: 14 in Holmdel, NJ
Congratulations! You created the worst thing on the internet. You are dividing people rather than bringing them together. You are telling people they are owed something just because. I was abused, bullied and ignored while growing up and no one owes me anything. I'm really hoping this is a joke.
Score: 27 in Canada
This is delusional lmao
Score: 6 in Hayes, VA
This is complete utter shit
Score: 42 in United States
As someone with a score of fifty one, I’m not fucking oppressed and I was only ever oppressed when I was poor. Classism is the only “ism” that truely seperates us in today’s societies. Intersectionality is bullshit. Thank you fo your time.
Score: 51 in Germany
This is so important! It's high time we take notice that the majority of people are privileged.
Score: 54 in United States
I think it is better to weigh people by their positives not their chips on their shoulder.
Score: 13 in United Kingdom
They missed the four most important questions. 1.) Do you work your ass off 2.) Do you not do criminal stuff? 3.) Did you take advantage of your education?
4.) Do you make wise decisions?
Score: 4 in United States
My Score Is 38. I support All marginalised whites of the world in their struggle against feminism and Multiculturalism, regardless of your gender or nationality.
Score: 38 in Australia
Lmao his is hilarious. I can’t tell if this is an idiot who made this, or if it was a hilarious joke. Either way it is funny.
Score: 3 in Middleton, WI
Check your privileged you cis white male scum
Score: 38 in Seattle, WA
To prove how utterly stupid this is, Idi Amin who killed over 1 million people has a better 'intersectionality' score than Abraham Lincoln.
Score: 93 in United States
From the website it states: To start every business meeting by forcing your employees to share their intersectionality scores. Not only is this stupid, oppressive, bullying, discriminatory, sexist and bigoted IT IS ILLEGAL!!! It is illegal to consider race, sex, marriage, religion, as a qualifier/disqualifier for employment or within employed status. Any employer who attempts to use this to pit employees against each other or use it to determine wages, promotions, demotions or other hiring and employment practices should be rightfully sued until they exist no more.
Score: 93 in United States
This website advocates that people with higher intersectionality scores should get more votes than people with lower scores. This is political eugenics. Insanity on steroids. Anyone who believes this crap, or attempts to use this to create public policy is a dangerous person to our society.
Score: 93 in United States
Ah geeze, us G-d's chosen are represented enough! Oh vey the 6 gorrilian have been forgotten, the reperations goy, I need them so you can stop hoarding soy.
Score: 23 in Lewisville, TX
9 Man that's 30 seconds of my life I won't ever get back.
Score: 9 in Sugar Land, TX
Congratulations on making a tool to promote division between as many people as possible.
Score: 97 in Canada
What happens when the ubiquity of this "wheel of oppression" lottery becomes trite be completely overblown and people realize that this type of "oppression" means nothing and that representation as a goal is completely idiotic if the token representatives from any given demographic are chosen solely for checking a box for representing a certain demographic and not because they actually have a single fucking clue about good governance?
Score: 5 in Bellevue, NE
Is this supposed to be comedy? a divisive tool? hate speech?
I'm impressed by the webdesign, horrified anyone thought this was a good idea to build without a clear message it was not supposed to be taken seriously.
Score: 5 in Australia
What a load of nonsense. Work hard, get an education, work hard.
Score: 45 in United Kingdom
29. White female pensioner, not religious, well educated but poor.
Score: 29 in United Kingdom
Me, born Norwegian, moved to Sweden recently, cis male atheist, less priveledged than my Swedish wife. Check mate cultural Marxists.
Score: 26 in Sweden
Why do you have a slider that says “Born in USA” vs “Born elsewhere” that’s not even possible to be “sort of” born in the US. Like what, half the birth took place in the US but then half of it took place somewhere else?
Score: 44 in United States
This is kinda bullshit. Having the means to immigrate to another country makes you less oppressed, not more. And there's no one doing the oppression.
Score: 12 in Oakland, CA
Lol this is so ridiculous and completely inaccurate for the most part.
Score: 44 in United States
The things that are said in here really are fucked up. “Improve your intersectionality score”? There is no improvement, you are who you are and no one should aim to be oppressed. The idea of an “intersectionality score” just divides people more, which doesn’t fix anything. Everyone should be focused on viewing each other as equals.
Score: 32 in Portland, OR
I got 27. Quick question how does being female mean you have less privilege in a country like America? The test also fails to account that living in the UK vs America has no difference in “privilege”. It also says being between male and female somehow equals having more privilege than a complete female which is not true in any case. Shouldn’t this test takeinto account the various factors of “privilege” like the fact that there’s not just one country that’s good to live in, or that there’s a lot more privilege being a women in a western country rather than somewhere like Saudi Arabia. This test fails at being intersectional with kinds of actual privilege, and instead takes an elementary, western approach to what privilege is, marking certain things as less privilege without really knowing why.
Score: 100 in United States
Got attacked for my race and sexuality 10/10 would start a race war now
Score: 1 in Terre Haute, IN
This is a tounge in cheek joke, right?
Score: 23 in United Kingdom
Way to make Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. roll in his grave. We are supposed to judge mased on the content of character and not by the color of one's skin.
Score: 13 in United States
No idea what you are talking about or trying to do here...I got an 8
Score: 8 in Veradale, WA
People need to learn to pick themselves up by the bootstraps.
Score: 9 in Minneapolis, MN
This is truly hilarious. Even the comments prove your point.
Score: 24 in Falls Church, VA
So it's true, all my needs, motives, achievements and true value as a person can be seen at a glance. This is now my favourite Troll, even better than flat earth theory.
Score: 16 in United Kingdom
My score is 20, do I get a bronze, or am I not on the podium?
Score: 20 in United Kingdom
that's some extreme sjw bullshit and i say that as a gay trans guy.
Score: 30 in Poland
Hey quick question why are the options on the gender slider just male and female? My nonbinary identity definitely is more difficult to get respect with than when I still thought I was a girl
Score: 37 in Goleta, CA
Know what I thought this is crap at first, then I took this score to a job interview and showed them and got the job. I next took this to the bank and bam loan approved.
Score: 9 in United States
Yes! I'm a 4!!!
Score: 4 in Mason, OH
If you identify yourself as anything other than complex and weird, you're broken
Score: 42 in Oakley, CA
I’m a 5. And if you believe you’re oppressed and a victim, then you’ll be 100 all of your life.

Don’t ever think of yourself as a victim.
Score: 5 in United States
At least my name is written in the Book of Life
Score: 6 in United States
I took a picture of my cat and she's more privileged than me. Sounds about right.
Score: 23 in United States
LMAO 79% of others are more privileged than me but if I am white somehow I become more privileged than 52% of others how the freak does this make sense I'm pretty sure different race of people are treated equal here in HK
Score: 51 in Hong Kong
Test: You are coping with oppression living in Japan.
Reality: I feel as oppressed as Abe Shinzo himself.
Score: 31 in Japan
What a stupid concept
Score: 12 in United States
All those innate priviliges I have.
Like working my way out of poverty into university.
Goddamn oppressive me.
Score: 17 in Germany
How to get a score of 100?
Be a devout Jew AND muslim.
You know...those poor Muslews.
Score: 100 in Germany
Only a 15? I'm not doing it right.
Score: 15 in Crystal Lake, IL
Neat, I'm Asian but the color scale just keeps getting darker the closer I slide to "Person of Color". What am I supposed to do, identify as white because that's closer to my skin tone?
Score: 48 in Australia
#1 Poor uneducated disabled middle aged christian cis-white male score: 17
#2 Rich well-educated able bodied young cis-black female score: 58

#1 More privileged than 65%
#2 Less privileged than 88%
Score: 12 in Portland, OR
I hate this world
Score: 37 in Russian Federation
Being christian is priveleged? Looks like they dont know that is the most persecuted religion in history, and even today muslims kills lots of christians on East.
Score: 3 in Russian Federation
Only 5. I _can_ make it lower, but I'll have to become richer. I'll try harder.
Score: 5
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