Intersectionality Score Calculator

Intersectionality Calculator

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My intersectionality score is only 7! This means I am oppressed because it's so low.
Score: 7 in Salem, OR
now this is some real cancer
Score: 20 in San Antonio, TX
This is the actual fabricated crisis.
Score: 50 in San Antonio, TX
I got a 51 score. Meh.
Score: 51 in United Kingdom
What privilege do I have that these people don't?
Score: 16 in Canada
How does religion factor in, when it’s a choice? Even less relevant when it’s christian, since that increases your privilege in most western countries.
Score: 35 in Canada
They forgot about indigenous people
Score: 28 in United Kingdom
This does not even acknowledge non-Abrahamic religions.
Score: 34 in Denver, CO
Yay! Bow before me!
Score: 14 in United Kingdom
Well this thing is interesting. According to this 80% of people are better off than I am... really the only thing I have in my favor is that I am white.
Score: 53 in Columbus, OH
I love to oppress minorities.
Score: 8 in France
Where those minorites at
Score: 3 in Australia
Oh yeah I got 6 time to 💪 Flex
Score: 6 in Australia
When your goal is to stop discrimination but you inherently discriminate based off of traits given at birth. There is an abundance of cognitive dissonance here.
Score: 28 in Smithville, MO
Biggest crock of shit I've ever read.
Score: 25 in United States
If I ever get into any trouble with the thought police, I can just transition into a woman and gain 32 points
Score: 42 in Great Lakes, IL
Score: 20 in United States
I thought I was gonna win but saw others with a seven...i feel like they might be oppressing me
Score: 7 in Corona, CA
I think it's pretty obvious twitter doesn't support this rot
Score: 98 in Netherlands
Why don't you include the amount of taxes that such a privileged like I am is due to pay? And what about all the bureaucratical constraints I have to face when working as freelance opposed to the contributions and helps given to what you would call less privileged?
Score: 8 in Italy
Male privilege doesn't apply to most trans men. Your slider is kinda iffy. Also like someone else mentioned you forgot indigenous people.
Score: 68 in Opelousas, LA
No thank you. Assuming intersectionality means at or near everyone else, it seems the goal of social equity is having a neutral face, neutral color, neutral gender, neutral skills, knowledge and success. The word neutral implies average, so ' just another face in the crowd'. Put another way, anyone who thinks outside the box (creativity was once a desired trait) is now bad.
Score: 29 in Minneapolis, MN
Anyone else noticed all of the angry people in the comments have really low scores? Why is the idea of other people having a harder life so upsetting to them?
Score: 54 in Australia
Oppressing minorities is my favourote passtime
Score: 19 in New Zealand
This is hilarious
Score: 21 in Mobile, AL
So this thing says I'm privileged despite my family lived on wellfare as far as I can remember and I work 12 hours per day for the minimum wage. Alright
Score: 18 in Spain
Apparently women are more oppressed than transgendered people. Okay.
Score: 18 in Australia
I got 7. Woohoo. This is a great way to divide all people up and cause hatred, dissension, envy and everything bad to relationships and a society.
Score: 7 in United States
Ehhh I don’t know why being a devout Christian would make me more privileged than being an atheist... I mean... it literally has no effect whatsoever. Also it seems a wee bit biased given that being born in Australia is a criteria when many people doing it were born in and live in other countries.
Score: 27 in Australia
Wow. Pretty racist to assume a poor white is as privileged as a rich black. Just look at it this way. Pick any demographic you consider underprivileged. Make them rich. The rich version is always more privileged because they are favored against superior candidates over all.
Score: 38 in Corvallis, OR
why about fat people? we exist, stan for fat people. And what about blondes, balds, eunucs, glass-wearing people, gamers, and heavies????
Score: 71 in Spain
Is this satire? I'm genuinely curious because this is really really funny.
Score: 50 in Canada
Some white woman had to have made this. It doesn’t even show Black or trans or intersex or any sexual orientation other than “gay”, even using “queer” would’ve been better. Very not intersectional 🤷🏽‍♂️
Score: 61 in Atlanta, GA
Load of old cobblers
Score: 36 in United Kingdom
This is such shit, being disabled affects how privileged you are WAAAAAAAAY more than "muh religion" and "who I like to fuck" and other than "muh religion" social, family, relationships etc is barely mentioned

SJWs really are cancer
Score: 21 in New Zealand
So if you’re a straight white cis female, then you have a higher score than a gay white cis male? Seems like we know what the creators fit into.
Score: 26 in Canada
Thank god the comments section has some sense. It is pretty ironic in your attempt to abolish oppression your first instinct was to come up with a credit system based on physical attributes given at birth.
Score: 2 in Indianapolis, IN
Is this a joke?
Score: 3 in Canada
At first I thought this was a joke. This is stupid
Score: 29 in Takoma Park, MD
Tfw the only two options are white or black, so I cannot even chose. And don't start with the "person of colour" means every people of colour shit. It's exclusively being used by blacks. This test is pretty racist smh.
Score: 28 in Hungary
I am a straight, white, non Christian, non Muslim, non Jewish middle aged male. My score was 22, perhaps it should have said I was devout Christian, maybe I could have gotten to 0 !!!!! Oh well here's hoping. My life would be so much easier as an aboriginal gay whale.
Score: 12 in Australia
How is it "improving your score" to become more oppressed? Why is oppression the goal? Shouldn't everyone's goal be to become more privileged?
Score: 5 in Huntingdon Valley, PA
I was oppressed this morning by paying too much for groceries, bus fare, taxes, lack of independent wealth. I can't measure my oppression on your intersectionality scale. You have more work to do to get the whole picture rather than just a thin slice of life as experienced.
Score: 28 in Canada
Sorry, SJWs. Gotta go. My new yacht is ready for sea trials, and I want to be aboard her. Sux2bU.
Score: 3 in Atlanta, GA
I suffer from Christianophobia daily. Could you include this in your scale, it's very common.
Score: 28 in Canada
Scored 13. I guess that means I'm only 13% victim
Score: 57 in Equality, IL
Ahahahahaha! We will look back and laugh!
Score: 26 in Portland, OR
Hahaha, this is funny.
Score: 8 in San Francisco, CA
I received a 32 on the test however, I think this is the biggest bunch of crap I’ve ever seen.
Score: 32 in Charlotte, NC
Complete bollocks that is written as fact I know many gay black Women with more privilege than me, a straight white cis male.
Score: 13 in United Kingdom
This is so dumb XD
Score: 36 in Olin, IA
What a load of horse shit
Score: 6 in Australia
This is a complete joke. Just a way to always find a scapegoat for your problems
Score: 9 in United States
I guess I’m not that bad off in the world 😂
Score: 50 in United States
5 and proud. But i'm wondering just WHO im oppression. I pretty much keep to myself.
Score: 5 in Larchwood, IA
Apparently an old poor, uneducated, polish jew is considered above average privilege.
Score: 27 in Milwaukee, WI
people care about this way too much, but not about the right things..... it’s not a contest guys :/
Score: 39 in Australia
I got 88, which is a number equally meaningless as the other possible outcomes. Identity politics is inherently discriminatory.
Score: 8 in Overland Park, KS
This is like golf where the lowest score wins, right? I put up a solid 7. Oddly, if my wife (who has everything the same as me) gets her doctorate, she will only get a 20.
Score: 20 in Colmar, PA
The difference in privilege, according to this calculator, between being rich and poor is 5 points. I am more privileged than Barack Obama and Oprah Winfrey. Who new?
Score: 6 in Colmar, PA
The people that made this are obviously incredibly moronic and lack critical thinking. They start this quiz of by quoting Martin Luther King saying that he hopes for a future where people "will not be judged by their color" and then proceed to judge how oppressed you are based upon the color of your skin.
Next, they make it apparent that only a select group of people, which is obviously not white Christian males, can even be oppressed. Seriously, you think being white or Christian makes a person immune to oppression?
Lastly, this quiz itself is oppressive. It assummes that being gay, Muslim, or undereducated merits more intersectionality than its counterpart, which is openly stating that it's some how lesser to be those things. All this test really does is focus on titles and then biasly scores the individual.
Score: 18 in Bronx, NY
Yeah.... so....
>White, I mean.... understandable, racial bias is rampant in America and being white is a huge social advantage, I hate that I have this advantage, but I do
>5% bi and otherwise lesbian, yeah, i get no favors there
>transgender, yeah... that makes me an outsider to many other groups too
> not TOO poor, but still indebted and trying to make my way out using my disability payments from the VA, definitely not great for me, but could be worse
>unsure what to do with younger/older, but approaching that magical number where shit just starts to stop working 100% (30) and my disability doesn't help that.
>disability is stress(physical, mental and emotional, which includes not enough sleep and too much working, got upgraded to same-as-100% after an entire epilepsy team at the VA and a separate doctor both confirmed it (I also have a grand mal every couple months and a petite mal every month despite medication)
>born into English, though I spoke a bastardization of it until about 4 as I was raised by my Mom who was taking care of my Great Great Grandma and she only spoke Swedish (not my Mom, Triple G) and had dementia, so.... yeah, since most of my time was with both of them I spoke English with a Swedish child accent until 4 after some speech therapy.
>USA resident my whole life... but like, PDX area, so mostly liberal? Feels like hell though right now, living in a world who has turned their eyes on people such as myself.
>have an associates but also generally know more than that implies, seriously, I am not like a Master's level intelligence, but I could've gotten a Bachelor's if I'd had more discipline and was good enough to pass all levels of Calculus
>am Agnostic from all religion and believe that anything considered "God" must be the universe as a whole as it is the only thing we can observe, but never all of it at the same time, it will outlast our existence and is the only thing, when taken as a whole, that knows everything and has all the power at any given time.... to me, it makes the most logical sense that that would be what we call "God" for those who believe in that term.
Score: 53 in Las Vegas, NV
Check ur privlige
Score: 16 in Poland
I'm, sadly, not surprised by the backlash in the comments. It's very clear how those more priviledged view the representations of how oppressive they are. It shows just how much apathy they have toward those they oppress. I'm no sjw, but people really need their eyes opened to how many more opportunities they receive based on their unchangeable identity aspects. While others are oppressed for being the other end of those aspects.
Score: 45 in Rapid City, SD
Is this a joke?

I mean, first off, an online calculator that uses sliders to measure how oppressed you are is inherently ridiculous.

Second, the quotes they've selected (especially MLK's) are all arguments AGAINST intersectionality. None of these sliders are indicative of a person's character. These all just sort people by superficial characteristics, not the content of their character.

Though it would be hilarious to see the same people who argue that "people of color can't be racist" quoting someone who said "it doesn’t matter which color does the hating," I'm not convinced this site is genuine.
Score: 25 in Weatherford, OK
Scored 5, so why do I feel oppressed all the time? Oh wait, it's all those Leftist Marxists ideologues trying to remove my freedom of opinion, redistribute my wealth, and throw me in a gulag!!!
Score: 3 in Thailand
I'm oppressed AF and I get a 5. Pile of bs.
Score: 5 in Australia
What a great way to create a social cast system and dehumanize people born into the wrong body. Pure nonsense.
Score: 20 in United States
okay, so I have privilege (apparently) now how can I use it to my benefit?
Score: 8 in Oklahoma City, OK
What a fucking joke.
Score: 25 in Brooklyn, NY
Imagine being so obsessed with victimhood that you decide to calculate it so you can bandy it around for others to see.
Score: 47 in Bellefontaine, OH
Your intersectionality score: 5
You are more privileged than 96% of others!

Yay! It's almost like I don't have to go to work with the peasants..
Score: 5 in Mobile, AL
Lmao this is cancer
Score: 7 in Osprey, FL
This is nonsense.
Score: 7 in United States
The lack of understanding of privilege is astounding.
Score: 52 in United States
What a load of crap.
Score: 91 in Tucson, AZ
wait why do white people get better scores
Score: 30 in Philippines
I have no idea how this is gonna go lol.
Score: 17 in Ferndale, WA
Possibly the biggest load of shit ever taken by human means
Score: 96 in United States
An absurd joke for those who value their victimhood.
Score: 5 in United States
This is Fucking Disgraceful and you wonder why people are turning against you.
Score: 17 in United Kingdom
To be honest I would say I don't think have less privileged that a white man or any other race. I think this is quite stupid to say oh since they are more privileged they are more successful. It's stupid.
Score: 49 in United Kingdom
What a total crock of shit. Things evolved as they did due economics, intelligence, and cooperation. Aricans score the lowest on all three. This is not tacist, but the uncomfortable truth.

This truth will be changed not by emotion but hard work in economics and academics. China, Japan, and Korea are a testament to this truth.

Now meltdown intersectional dweebs it is all you can do.
Score: 63 in Beverly Hills, CA
This is the most hilarious thing I've seen in weeks, thank you so very much! I'm sharing this with nearly everyone in my contacts list... Hahaha hahaha hahaha!! It's funny I was recommended to this site through an article I was reading about how the lunatic snowflakes are calling the pound sign racist now, after the okay sign has been debunked... just because I'm a straight white male with no religion right down the middle as far as age and wealth goes I got a 15! I really feel that my life should have turned out much better if I was that privileged
Score: 15 in Mesa, AZ
Oh my God I've scored 6....I must run and tell my Butler!!!!!
Score: 6 in United Kingdom
What an absolute load of 💩
Score: 21 in United Kingdom
Thanks, this really validated my victimhood
Score: 100 in Australia
Just because you’re a white Christian male and have experienced racism or discrimination at some point in your life doesn’t mean you’re less privileged
Score: 38 in United States
this must be a mistake :-D
Score: 49 in United Kingdom
You people are racist, sexist, hetrophobic, cisphobic, discriminative, communist scumbags. If you want oppression to stop, try and stop making straight white men as being evil. You wouldn’t believe but loads of white get turned down for jobs just because they’re white stop being oppressive towards us!!!
Score: 8 in United Kingdom
Can’t tell if this is a joke or not but I find this hilarious
Score: 4 in Oxford, MI
I have such mixed feelings about this site and I love it
- I got a 4 by the way
Score: 4 in Oxford, MI
I’m able-bodied yet I have a neurological disability. Their disability scale doesn’t make sense
Score: 34 in Australia
What does religioun have to do with privilege, pretty sure religioun is a choice? And how come gay people are less privileged then bi sexual people?
Score: 15 in Australia
Didn't realise I was so privilieged - when does my govt issued POC arrive please?
Score: 6 in United Kingdom
This is some disgusting bullshit
Score: 44 in France
67% privilege, not bad 😎
Score: 16 in Canada
I’m sorry what the hell is this then.
Score: 96 in United Kingdom
Score: 47 in Houma, LA
Don’t like this
Score: 25 in Canada
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