Brilliant top tear satire, if it is if it isn't is the biggest cancer ever but I choose to have a little fate in humanity
What about military ranks? A private is definitely more oppressed than an officer. The rankism in the Army is extreme
Brave. Stunning. Such wow.
Score: 26 in United States
Oh my goodness I've seen it all now. Is this real or a joke? It really helps people to tell them they are victims. Not. Would any parent ever tell their own child this BS?
Score: 9 in United Kingdom
How does Islam rate less privilege? The religion literally rates Muslims above non Muslims and grants believers special privileges above non Muslims. Where’s the lack of privilege there?
Score: 6 in Los Angeles, CA
So, white, straight, female, cisgender, messianic jew (less than middle marker jew), not muslim, middle marker christian, not rich. I score 30. Funny I should get such a low score. Of course I think this whole thing is a load of crap. We are actually scoring the oppression Olympics. I bet if I changed to male it would shoot up to 80%. This is propagandic in nature. This creates animosity toward people of certain races and financial statuses. So in other words the test in and of itself is racist and classist. I wonder what happens when propaganda is used against certain identities, oh Bolshkevic or Nazi revolutions. Here we are combining the propaganda of the two on white, male, Christians. Why don't we throw in the women as well because they raise these men. Yet the hate supposedly comes from the right, suuuurrrrreeeee. These markers aren't enough to show what people have suffered in their individual lives. I doubt intersectionality cares about the individual. I'm pretty sure it is all about the collective identity. Funny how it arranges us all neatly in our own categories. What a shame people are influenced by this. One of the steps of ideological subversion.
Score: 30 in Springfield, VA
I'd like to cash my privilege check now
Why should people ‘improve’ their scores on intersectionality? it’s just who they are-why should you experiment with your sexuality and how would that improve you in any way? It wouldn’t. (I got 35 btw)
Score: 35 in United Kingdom
Being more Christian makes me more privileged? Has anyone paid attention to Trinity Western, Hobby Lobby, etc, let alone to the Christians in Iraq, Sudan, and other places around the world?
What a pile of apologist leftist shit.
Score: 18 in United Kingdom
Think I oppressed people just by not dying in my sleep last night. Honk honk!
What load of horse hockey!
Hispanic here. Being different isn't a disadvantage. Speaking multiple languages isn't a disadvantage. Having a victim complex and having people like you run this site is though.
This is deeply troubling.
Score: 5 in United Kingdom
A rich, straight, ph.d. cis, young, able-bodied, American, English speaking black person is less privileged than 72% of all people on Earth according to this. That should tell you everything you need to know about this parser.
What a disgrace. I suppose I should just give up because I am female and have olive skin color? Where do I cash in my oppression?
Did Jussie Smollett create this site? Victim competition... Woo hoo!
Score: 93 in Moultrie, GA
Were can i use my privilege
Hard work and drive mean nothing! It’s much easier to be a victim! Still waiting for my privilege card in the mail.
Wow, this is so helpful! I'm now motivates to compete in the oppression Olympics!
Life is not fair - get over it. This is leftist BS
This is such racist nonsense. Shame on you all.
This ranks up there with some of the stupidest things I've seen
Score: 10 in Harrison, NJ
Your against racisism yet your whole poll is rasist to whites, Christians and british
Score: 3 in United Kingdom
LMAO... lunacy, utter and complete lunacy, we are living in a fantasy world where people who cannot succeed because they dont put in the same efdort are handed a platform to make them "even" to those who do... well sod that!
Score: 12 in United Kingdom
ok this is... wtf is this lefty?
I can reasonably pass as a straight cishet white man, fairly rich too. I'll take my oppression points though I guess.
Score: 39 in United Kingdom
This is some fag shit! Hahaha! Nobody, in America, is oppressed. If you believe you are oppressed, I hope you die from it.
Score: 27 in Scottsbluff, NE
Hell yeah privileged and somewhat poor I'm doing well I guess. Too bad I couldn't get into college for being what a load of shit.
Score: 12 in Sutherlin, VA
I'm of partial Jewish origin, one of the richest and most successful ethnic groups in the USA and Canada. How does a terrible event 80 years ago make me oppressed today?
I’m Christian and middle eastern and Christians in the Middle East are super oppressed so fuck this shit...
imagine being so triggered by your privilege you need to write a comment complaining about it. uuuuh-kaaay broflakes x
Are you a successful person with pesky "privilege"? Just bow down to Islam and be a slut or whatever, and you're automatically a better person, teehee
I've been battling physical and mental illness for all my life, was close to dying during my early childhood while I was hooked up to medical equipment, was closer to dying during my teen years when my sickness made me self-destructive and alcoholic, and now I'm considering just ending this shitshow because there's no support or hope in my life... So where's my white privilege now? Where's my native born, middle class privilege now? Can I use it for something before everything goes under, or is intersectionality just a load of ideological trash that doesn't accurately reflect reality and the actual struggles people go through in life?.. Never mind the website just gave me anti-racist quotes as if my skin color automatically makes me an oppressor class and helped absolutely nothing; thank you for making the world a better place.
To be fair at least, it's admirable that they're keeping the more spicy comments up. Hoping that my venting stays up.
Score: 42 in United States
17 whelp, looks like I need to start identifying as a gender fluid and transracial while I convert to Islam
Where can I use my privilege to pay my bills guys?
Score: 14 in United Kingdom
Privilege lies in health and attractiveness over social class and race. Historically, fertility and beauty has enabled one to marry higher in social rank. Shocking that hasn't been added here. Regardless, what is next, prejudice against the beautiful? It won't work. You can't defy biological science and consumerism is tied to what people desire.
As a black homosexual female (because apparently my opinion matters more if you know these factors),
I can confirm that this is bullshit
Score: 74 in Santa Maria, CA
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
We used to live in a country like that. But then the left turned it into a country where every part of life is now judged on everything BUT the content of one's character.
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
Why have this quote when you are giving people a score based (partly) on the color of their skin?
i love it. Its condescending, patronising crap like this, dressed up in academic verbiage like a pig in makeup, which at last exposes the intellectual derangement of mainstream progressivism
My score is 9, I'm more privileged than 82% of the population. Hooray! I get the "privilege" of supporting all those people less "privileged" than me!
Score: 16 in United States
“The best way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.” - John Roberts
You do realize that this "intersectionality calculator" violates the very quote above that you hold up as noble?
Intersectionality/critical theory is bogus; it's garbage thinking. Folks, wake up, pull your heads out, and quit being victims!
And if that doesn't trigger you, let me help: many of these "categories" are completely made up. There's no such thing as "cisgender", "transgender". A dude can't all of a sudden become a chick, and a chick can't all of a sudden become a dude. That's biology 101, and that's where this garbage leads: a complete denial of reality and rational thinking. What a crock!
Score: 4 in Fayetteville, AR
Yes, I am a regenerate Christian, which makes me infinitely privileged. Thank God!
Score: 10 in Danville, IL
Ha! I’m me, and I’ll never apologize for any perceived “privileges” that others try and force upon me. I grew up poor, worked hard, and am now successful. Feel bad about it? No thanks. Privilege caused it? Nope. Not being lazy caused it and never giving up. 👍🏻
Let's see, white bisexual Jewish atheist with autism and a leg that don't work right sometimes. Born a US citizen but abroad. Very educated and still feel more privileged than most.
"This calendar supports social justice and equality"
No it doesn't, buddy. It supports wasting your time on the internet taking a meaningless quiz.
Score: 36 in Tallahassee, FL
It’s funny. The ones that are told they are the most oppressive are usually the most oppressed. Hmm, maybe your values here are dividing people. No surprise there. I’m sending this as a joke to my friends so we can all laugh and then cry because it’s not fake.
Lmao this is rich! I experimented with all these slides. The one that makes a huge difference is the "White - Person of Color" slide. This shit is a joke... to the people that created this and to all the leftist, Tu madre putos! Latinos for Trump all the way!
Score: 27 in United States
I came from a modest background and I worked very hard throughout my life; no university - no profession. Semite includes Arabs. Phobia is misused here. Ethnocentrism is wrong, but some aspects of cultures eg eating dogs, is for some, hard to swallow. Equity is not equality. I am not privileged. Sorry, but I don't feel bad about myself at all.
Score: 8 in United Kingdom
In addition to what I previously wrote, I regard this as Common Purpose - Culture Marxism social engineering which would create chaos and turn the UK into a third world country with all the deprivation that entails.
Score: 8 in United Kingdom
Yes, 4! Down a point and half! And this time, I'll keep it that low.
The most bs part of this is that being Jewish somehow makes you *less* privileged.
Im sure Ill be one of the first people thrown into a re-education camp after the Great Transgender War of 2021 after the fall of 3rd wave feminism to the army of estrogen pumped male to female atheletes.
Score: 7 in United States
I feel oppressed by my low score.. also why isnt height, fatness, iq, interests (jock vs nerds), mental conditions, also popularity at school/ social skills factors.. arguebly these can be a lot more influential than some of the above
Score: 5 in United Kingdom
Lmfao this is fucking hilarious and whoever created it is a satirical genius
Your intersectionality score: 29
59% of others are more privileged than you
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
- Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
“The best way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.”
–John Roberts
“Hating people because of their color is wrong and it doesn’t matter which color does the hating. It’s just wrong.”
–Muhammad Ali
As a muslim i'm offended, how are we oppressed? And while the number of points you get for athiest muslim and jew vary, Christians get negative point. What the absolute fuck?
I was born into a very poor family (we had to rely on food handouts, we were repeat victims of burglary, my father was violent and alcoholic etc) yet I've worked hard to be who I am. I certainly don't feel more 'privileged' than 90% people as a result though!
Score: 8 in United Kingdom
I see you quoted Muhammad Ali. Can you also post his quote about racemixing?
Score: 32 in United States
ok so this is what made Donald Trump president, I hope you morons know that. go ahead, do more of this. MAGA
Why are straight, male or cisgender even sliders? You can't be 60% female or 32% straight you ninny's.
Come to think of it, how can someone be a devote Christian, Jew and Muslim at the same time? I mean there's scams and then there's holy shit.
Is there any peaceful way out of this fucking mess? This whole indoctrination and self-hatred within the best countries of the world will end very, very badly for everyone.
Score: 19 in United Kingdom
Now thats racist 123, now with ironic MLK quotes.
Score: 28 in United States
What a load of toxic poison intersectionality is.
INtersectionality is probaly the dumbest theory I've ever heard of.
Apparetly the whiter you are the more priveliged, thats kind of racist especially when you consider the makers of this must also accept the opposite :0
Score: 33 in United Kingdom
I am an 18, the only reason my score isn't lower is because I don't make that much money and I am not religious. I have more privilege than 63% of people. That's kick ass. :)
Where can I get my oppression points card? Oppression is the only currency with anything these days
9. I must try harder to be more oppressive but I can't get any straighter, I can't get any whiter, I can't get any maler and I can't get any younger. Guess I must just get richer!
Score: 9 in United Kingdom
Can't wait for the inevitable civil war so the disgusting cretins who made this will be up against the wall first
Score: 19 in Simpsonville, SC
When do I get my white jewish privilege discount? Is there a card I have to sign up for? Pls advise
Score: 17 in Bergenfield, NJ
I'm gay (yay for me) which shouldn't matter to anyone else.
It's sad that so many people are so devoid of character that they can only find identity in things they had no control over. Oddly enough the way to move forward is to STOP caring. You can never have an egalitarian society so long as you judge others based on superficialities which this does despite taking the moral high ground. I got a good laugh out of reading those quotes next to this mess.
Score: 26 in Mcdonough, GA
hmm i think nazis made this slider thing, if you are jewish you are more privileged than if you are not. If they knew that jews were and are one of the most opressed people in world history then perhaps they would get oppression point too.
Clearly designed to make me feel bad about myself. The quotes outright suggest I'm a racist because...reasons.
This is like golf right, where a lower score is better? I'm pretty sure a score of 3 is good. 99% "better" than everyone else, so that sounds pretty legit. Does this mean im entitled to money of some sort? Or does it mean the opposite. I can never remember with this intersectional stuff.....
Score: 3 in United Kingdom
So I can be devout Jewish, Muslim and Christian at the same time? Wow... But I am an atheist and in my country people from government say bad things about people like me and this site says I have more privileges than others (67%). Well, thankfully this is just a joke site.
This is r-tarded sh*t that leads to hatred of other human beings.
Score: 20 in United States
Just FYI, intersectionality is about the biggest bunch of bullshit on the face of this planet. Facts don't care about your feelings
I’m triggered this is So America centric which is bogited because it literally suggested that every country other than America is a third world shithole when there are literally first world countries in Africa OMFG
Score: 31 in United States
What purpose does this serve exactly? This seems to insinuate that being white, cis-gendered and male is somehow a negative? What?
Wow is this just a load of crap.
Score: 9 in United States
I feel so oppressed :(((((((
Honestly this test is messed up and ridiculous.
Should we open up a "how aryan are you" test next time?
Fucking stupid shit like this creates divides not companion ship.
"To improve your score get more involved with Islam or Jusiasm" or... I could not join any cults...
Score: 37 in Mountain View, CA
I am the patriarchy. We build and make stuff.