Lol Martin Luther king is rolling in his grave
The lower your score, the more society hates you.
No one is responsible for the crimes of ancient history, you would not lock up the children of a criminal for the crimes of their father, would you? Either people learn to let things go or we go our separate ways and consider multiculturalism and all the other buzz words has failed.
Score: 10 in United Kingdom
So I'm less oppressed if I'm born in Puerto Rico than elsewhere? lol
Religion, skin color and gender are weighted so heavily its hilarious. I sincerely can't tell if this is satire or not anymore.
LOL this is the saddest effort from Clown World yet.
Score: 9 in United Kingdom
Now I can freely opressed people, thanks crappy website
this was fun to do while i was high
I have 0 points. It's gulag time!
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." oh the fucking irony
Did you people just quote I have a dream when your ideology goes 100% against the idea of being judged by the content of our character? Really, can you read? Didn't you just judge the people on the score based on immutable characteristics? Not character? The quotes refute the ideology defended by the test.
I somehow got 50, time to cash in on this privilege I guess
Score: 50 in United Kingdom
I feel oppressed by this quiz because there is no autism slider 😡
Score: 11 in United Kingdom
"Everyone is equal, some are just more equal"
This is moronic nonsense. Intersectionality is an authoritarian caste system based on immutable characteristics. Its resentful and based on hate.
Score: 12 in Indian Trail, NC
This is quite literally a westernized version of China's social credit system.
Also, I'd like to point out that the "anti-racists" are the ones basing one's value almost exclusively on their race (you gain 28 oppression points by virtue of not being white). Really makes ya think.
this site is fucking pathetic, literally upholding the so called racism you so vehemently oppose. Delusional hypocrites
Score: 8 in United Kingdom
It's funny that they're quoting Martin Luther King, because the dude would hate SJWs so much if he was still alive. They stand for literally the opposite of everything he did. You realize an oppression score has nothing to do with the "content of their character", right? MLK is spinning in his grave right now.
Can't I get more points, if I am a member of small Christian denomination in my home country? In my country I am oppressed by Lutheran Church. I demand there are different categories in Christian part!
More educated and less educated? Why is this even a slider?
“Hating people because of their color is wrong and it doesn’t matter which color does the hating. It’s just wrong.”
–Muhammad Ali
People, have you ever noticed that the regresive leftists treat whites like nazi's treated the jews during 3rd reich before the they got to power?
Ha ha this is a farce. Take ownership of your life, don’t act like a victim.
Kinda seems like this test is rigged to be racist, sexist, and christianophobic towards me. How ironic....
This thing is just insulting, to EVERYONE! And according to this calculator 71% of people are more privilege than I am, and I say this still is garbage.
Score: 39 in United States
The only way to get the highest score of intersectionality is to be a very dark person of color, female, trans, gay, disabled,poor, uneducated, born elsewhere, young or old, english as second language, muslim, jewish or Christian to obtain maximum amount of victomhood points, so /pol/ was right all along about the disable trans gay black woman meme, holy shit.
Score: 96 in Los Angeles, CA
I love the comment section of this crap. It shows me just how mentally challenged you idiots are. To quote one person from this selfsame comment section, how can I use my privilege to pay my bills? It's funny that it states that I'm better off when compared to 70% of people in my country, yet I don't have a steady source of income, no car, and most importantly I've never been handed anything to me in my life ever based on my race, sexuality, sex, lack of disability or lack of religious beliefs. Do you want real equality? Stop assuming privilege based on my skin color, sexual preference, religious beliefs or social status and focus on me as a person. Is that too much to ask?
At least intersectionallity will eventually consume itself. Wonder what it'll take with it though.
filled in the stats as if I were Oprah Winfrey - "84% of others are more privileged than you", must be hard being a multi billionaire celebrity.
This is not racist at all
Score: 3 in United Kingdom
This seems wrong. You're attributes don't determine how "oppressed" you are. Although the test is pretty interesting. The only real privilege is wealth and education, but only to an extent and how much effort you put in. Despite being ranked low on this list, I'm against it (if this test is serious). This is absolutely incorrect. The message on this quiz contradicts the quotes after you finish. "Don't judge people by your race."
Why would I even contemplate "getting more involved with Islam or Judaism"? Pure trash from the far left.
Score: 13 in United Kingdom
This is insulting. I am way more privileged than a mere 55% of the worlds population. I demand the test be improved ;) Please tell me this whole website is a parody.
What a joke! We live in meritocracy, snowflake. If you want socialism go live in Venezuela.
LMAO The wacist fascists strike again, what a bullshit test.
You have become the very thing you swore to destroy.
Haha ‘bout to go oppress some peasants!
Score: 6 in Fort Collins, CO
Martin Luther King would consider you an opponent of his ideology. Shame on you.
Score: 26 in United Kingdom
I got 7 but I wish I scored 1. This sort of bollocks is detroying the Western world. Your gonna miss us when we're gone you ungrateful cunts.
Rediculous that being one of the richest in the world (country?) And extremely well educated, you are not considered privileged because your a black lesbian. Wtf. Isn't it your wealth and status that determines if you have privilege? Under whatever defintion your using to determine privilege of an individual, black, transgender and gay people are considered less privileged regardless of their actual circumstances. What the fuck? Can you not just assume privilege because of these things people can't control about themselves. Only a racist would think skin colour matters more than money in this world.
Score: 25 in United Kingdom
this test is fucking cancer
Score: 13 in United Kingdom
"White", straight, college educated, middle class Mexican male. The only thing that makes me "not privileged" is the fact that I was born in a shithole country.
Doesn't matter what what my score is as long as I identify as having a score 100.
Score: 34 in Olive Branch, MS
It's either white or 'person of color'. That's all they see people of color as. Colored people. Progressives are gross
Score: 15 in Ann Arbor, MI
I got a twenty. Which open grave would you like me to get into?
Score: 20 in Apple Valley, CA
lol Seriously? They consider "improving your score" is becoming more of a victim?
Score: 77 in Albuquerque, NM
This is pure poison. The tool, the ideology, the politics. Divisive, "I`m a victim" mentality, BULLSHIT!
I mean could I use this privilege to help me with my alcoholism? Pay my bills? Or is this just meaningless bullshit.
Score: 15 in United Kingdom
Am I expected to kill myself now?
Score: 15 in United Kingdom
How pathetic to quote MLK then have the first slider judge you by the colour of your skin, not the content of your character... He'd be rolling in his grave.
Score: 12 in United Kingdom
Notice how only Western Country people take this test?
Score: 8 in Henderson, NV
Haha a white man set to the poorest and least educated setting still says you’re more privileged than 59% of the population
what if i was a white person in Africa...would my "white privilege" still be such a big advantage ? what if i was a white farmer in africa ? would i still be privileged then ?
litterally doesnt mean anything at all.
This is anti European propaganda
Score: 11 in United Kingdom
wew, guess I'm not very privileged
when do I get my brownie points and positive discrimination? that's true social justice, right? :^))))
*Nearly* the dumbest thing - only people who think it's clever, or even interesting, are dumber!
Score: 12 in United Kingdom
The ultimate in hypocrisy
"You may award yourself up to 5 points depending on the level of your activism."
How about if I award myself maximum bullshit points because I don't keep score by someone's skin color, or who they fuck, or which bathroom they use, or where they're from, or whether they worship or not? I judge everyone based on whether or not they're an asshole. How about we all try that?
Score: 30 in San Jose, CA
This is just absolute bullshit.
An appalling and typical post-modernist survey. Sad and demonstrably contrary to the values of individual freedom and rights that our ancestors fought so hard for.
Suck my privileged gypsy balls, bulldykes.
So a dirt poor, middle aged, sexually ambiguous, disabled, transgender, white christian with no education from the UK scores 37.
And a rich, able bodied, young, CIS gendered, black atheist woman from outside the UK with a half decent education scores 63
Score: 63 in United Kingdom
This is a fucking joke of calculator. Probably the most racist thing I have ever seen in my entire life based off the first slider alone.
Literally none of these categories are widely oppressed in western nations.
Score: 16 in United Kingdom
I guess being black or mixed race didn't really help me that much..... Shame. Almost like this think is a stupid premise to begin with....
Score: 25 in United States
You know who else made people wear labels with a percentage on them depicting their value to society?
literally the nazis, you're literally nazis
I got a score of 5. I would like to formally apologize.
Score: 97 in Springfield, IL
I noticed that this calculator only recognizes the gender continuum of cisgender to transgender. This bigoted nonsense offends people like me who identify as AH-64 Longbows. Please modify the calculator to be more inclusive of other identities such as sex robots and leprechauns.
Some people really like thinking your privileged based on things that you can’t control
Score: 23 in Seneca Falls, NY
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."- Rev. Martin Luther King
"How can I improve my score?
Unfortunately, you are born with most of your intersectional factors. However, you can make some improvement to your score by getting more involved with Islam or Judaism, donate all excess wealth to charity, or explore the wild side of your sexuality."
So basically you want to fuck over white people for their race, nationality, gender identity and religion? Sounds like the exact opposite of the dream quoted.
this is retarded! stop trying to make people feel guilty and hate themselves for things they can't control
Score: 22 in Rochester, NY
Lets take a moment to appreciate how true these quotes are, and take in the sweet comedy this obvious satire holds.
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
- Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
“The best way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.”
–John Roberts
“Hating people because of their color is wrong and it doesn’t matter which color does the hating. It’s just wrong.”
–Muhammad Ali
On behalf of all translucent Americans, I thank you. Does this mean I get the top bunk in the gulag?
Score: 9 in Riverview, FL
Intersectionality is cancer.
Sincerely, a gay man.
I think I'll get a t-shirt with my intersectionality score on it so that as I go through my daily life the 68% of the population that are more privileged than me will properly flog themselves whilst in my presence. Surely, this is the path to a better world.
Score: 36 in Palmdale, CA
I didnt know you could chose how much of one nationality you were with a slider XD
I only took this to compare my score to Carl's (Sargon Of Akkad)
Score: 17 in United Kingdom
This is hilarious because it’s true. Also depressing because it’s true. Still, congratulations on an outstanding example of Poe’s Law in action!
Score: 45 in New York, NY
I have a problem with the "Education" tab. I was always taught that the Trades are for people who hate schooling but as a trades kid myself, it's pretty harsh. In my country, women have the privilege of high grants and preference in hiring due to the optics of diversity, regardless of compitence and skill. This isn't a good thing in this sort of field because respect is earned by proving yourself, regardless of what's between your legs. Your test is flawed due to how you're trying to apply a beurocratic generalization to a group of inidividuals from all creeds, races and self-identifications.
This site is genius. By showing so blatantly the racism and sexism of the intersectional ideology, normies will realise how unbelievably illiberal and regressive this is.
Score: 15 in United Kingdom
I can't hate this enough.
what a load of junk science horseshit
Score: 44 in New Hope, AL
As man who has white and black ancestry and has faced hate from both sides this is a load of crap i work hard and will reap the rewards of my hard work you want to be treated the same then earn it like my family had to not this "give me things because I'm of a certain gender,race,religion or sexual orientation" this chart is just one big race bait
Score: 32 in United Kingdom
LOL ! The most "oppressive" states in the US are BLUE states while the less "oppressive" states are the RED ones !!!. Good job guys, you are showing that Conservatism reduces inequality !
Pretty interesting for a joke. Because this is a joke right? Please tell me it is....
Thank you, score-calculator, for reminding me that I am oppressed. I was having a great day before stumbling across this site.