"We hope that this calculator will help fight ableism, ageism, anti-Semitism, biphobia, cissexism, classism, homophobia, Islamophobia, racism, sexism, transphobia, ethnocentrism, xenophobia and discrimination (even prejudice) of all forms regardless of your race, country of origin, sexual orientation (e.g., bisexual, nonbinary, intersex, lesbian, queer, trangender, or asexual)."
Well congrats.. now we can just skip all that and go straight to attacking each other over our oppression scores.
So obviously this targets Christians with the bigotry and lunacy of cultural Marxist. Dumbasses.
Score: 9 in Birmingham, AL
Intersectionality, the most successful racist and sexist philosophy to have ever existed~
WTF. I'm a gay PoC and 42 is all of the oppression points I get? This shit be rigged.
Score: 42 in Independence, MO
AH HA! A 7! even though i'm poor as hell. Suck it Bitches!
Score: 7 in Jacksonville, FL
I thought this was a joke. Now I’m afraid This was meant seriously. What a waste of life to spend it spiraling downward in this the unproductive and self indulgent abyss. Obsessing about the amount of grievance you are entitled to gets you nowhere in life people!
Wow. I am pretty oppressed. 70% of people are more privileged than me. Cool. Now I can oppress others by saying I'm oppressed and get free stuff...right?!
Score: 37 in United Kingdom
So, you have a system that rates and judges people based on skin color among other things, while preaching that it's oppressive to judge on skin color, among other things. The quote from MLK Jr. was pretty epic, but how many people read his rant AGAINST identitarianism that he made in the PRECEDING paragraphs?
Score: 96 in Shingle Springs, CA
I am offended by how racist this thing is. It's great to be white and all others just want to be white
Score: 24 in United States
This whole thing is blatantly anti white and it's disgusting. I am a cis straight mixed race male who was born in the US to an upper middle class family. I'm 1/3 white, and I'm 2/3 Brahmin North Indian. I have very light skin/features, and I've spent my entire life in the US, so I often get mistaken for being white. When I had my sliders set to identify around 66% "person of color" which I technically am (I guess), I was apparently more oppressed than 51% of people. As soon as I moved my slider to more than half white I immediately become "more privileged" than most people! I know for a fact this isn't true. I had a great upbringing in a relatively wealthy home in a white community. Even if you set this thing to be 100% straight white male, but put the income and education level at the bottom you'll still apparently be more privileged than most people. I can tell you for a fact that I'm more privileged than most white people I know. This is based in nothing more than being racist towards white people, and in 50 years people will look back on these types of "intersectionality tests" as completely pseudoscientific and bigoted. Whoever agrees with this ideology needs to spend some time in the real world. You'll rarely see anyone getting advantages because they're white when they're poor and living in a single parent household in rural Arkansas.
So I guess Sikh, Buddhist and other faiths don't matter? What kind of phobia or ism does that fall under I wonder.
Score: 20 in United Kingdom
Apparently being so pale that the sun easily burns you is somehow a privilege.
I'm glad I like big huge penises in the porn I watch. That got me a couple points.
17! What did I win?
You won the right to be hated by loons for immutable characteristics and simply existing.
Score: 17 in Providence, UT
This is a truly evil idea. I hope this website exists as a joke or to show the faults in the ideology.
Too perfect to be true honk honk
I guess this means I've checked my privilege. I scored 12, more privilege than 79% of others. So what now?
I still don't feel privileged.
Poor choice of quotes lol They only show how bigoted this "quiz" actually is.
Pro tip: You cant cure racism, sexism and so on by being those things. No matter how well meaning you THINK it is, its still bigoted. And yes, Im talking about your clear bias against straight, white men.
If you REALLY want to stop bigotry, then you need to stop what youre doing. Because youre not helping. Its like a child who thinks they can trick their parents into believing that they cleaned their room by just cramming everything into the closet. Youre not cleaning anything.
All youre doing is moving the mess from one place to another.
Score: 22 in Puyallup, WA
"As you can see below, intersectional scores are as diverse as the people they represent. The majority of people have low intersectional scores which mean they have more inherent privilege than others."
Wait, but if MOST people have a low score does it really make sense to call them "priviledged"?! How about normal? This seems like double speak.
Score: 15 in Charleston, SC
as crap as this "pity mine and, pity me" thing is, i actually had a good laugh about it afterwards!
This test is simply a test for skin color, mess around with it, set skin color to the right and no matter how the rest are set you are oppressed WTF this shit is the reason racism still exists
Score: 38 in Trumbull, CT
I'm more privileged than 73% of others! Well that doesn't seem right, seems like I have some work to do to get that score higher
If a majority of people have priviledge in a society, that’s a good thing, right?
Three! - disappointed that I didn't get 1 though. For all those moaning about their high scores don't be angry at me - be angry at your lazy ancestors who didn't put in the effort back in the day. If you don't work hard you can't complain that you didn't reap the rewards.
Score: 12 in College Park, MD
Anyone else here from Sargon?
I felt oppressed by the gender slider on featuring two genders! I've always been a Kharzigender! (For those of you who don't know, this means I identify as a man except for when I'm taking a massive crap when I identify as a woman).
Asians like my family come to the US and do better than white people lmao. The other races need to quit whining and step it up.
Score: 36 in Haltom City, TX
This is bad, and the people who made it should feel bad - but that would just be chalked up to oppression and thus they never have to self-reflect. Thus, the cycle of human indecency starts anew.
This Pure Anti White Hatred
Score: 16 in United Kingdom
not gonna lie, i'm pretty happy with my score
As a black islamic jew, I am still opressing. Guys, how do I make the people I oppress pay me?
This has to be satire. No one could be so stupid as to put up those quotes on a website that is the antithesis of said quotes.
What a garbage website. Or great satire. I can't tell.
Score: 13 in United Kingdom
Where can i get paid more than minimum wage with this amount of privilege?
That MLK quote right after they judge you by the color of your skin is the best hypocricy i've seen all week?
Turns out: I'm better than 70% you :D
Score: 15 in United Kingdom
Let's just tell it how it is, this theory is total garbage and you have to be a special kind of idiot to put any stock into it. And thats coming from a oppressed minority... According to these sliders.
Score: 100 in United Kingdom
I love how they puts quotes from MLK in a test that literally judges you on immutable characteristics. Truly moronic.
Score: 25 in Portland, OR
There you go, your born racist, no changing that shit so might as well get on with it
Score: 96 in United Kingdom
To the bigoted little pig creeps who created this. There is a special place in Hell for people like you. You vile disgusting worms.
-Is Mixed
-Is Poor
-Some college experience(Paid for from part time job)
-Mid Twenties
Am somehow 20% more privileged than someone who's pure "person of color"
What does that mean? Does that include different Asian ethnicities? And how does being born in the US and being born elsewhere belong on a slider?
Hell, how does someone who's from eastern Europe have more privilege than a "Person of color" from the United States?
There's so many issues here.
Notice how you loose points for being white, straight, male, cisgender, Cristian, etc?
Hahaha this is hilarious. Shame I will never be competitive in the oppression Olympics.
Score: 9 in United Kingdom
No one is privileged in Arizona. The only dividing line is between those with good AC that isn't threatening to give out in the middle of Summer, and those without.
Score: 20 in United States
I will trade my privilege for some cold hard cash.
Hahaha, it looks like I’m super privileged! All hail to the king, baby!
Funny how being a Christian in an atheist society is a privilege now.
The oppression Olympics. lol.
Gosh, Eugenics is more legitimate than this trash.
Me being born in Poland and speaking the language gives me extra privilege points. My question is how? I'm not going to use this language anywhere else in the world and as much as I love my country it isn't some first world economical wonder. How the heck this test even work? This is a joke.
I'm a white man yet less privileged than 67% of the population, where do i cash in my oppression points? HONK HONK
Score: 35 in United Kingdom
Intersectionality is just a way to divide people based on a set of generally immovable criteria, it doesn't unite anyone and just aims to destroy civility by those pushing the agenda and calling for activism which we all know can end up leading to violence.
I have a lesbian step Daughter and I can tell you she has never been opressed in her life, in fact all she has been is a selfish and self centred individual who thinks this world owes her something and should evolve around her and even though our house is on the bread line still gets whatever she wants.
In all my years of living I have seen a lot and I can tell you that you can survive this life or you can be a victim, all I have been through I am a survivor and to be judged on a set of stupid criteria one of which is the colour of my skin is just racist and pathetic that and who I find attractive.
Walk a mile in my shoes and you will get a glimpse in to my life and still be in no fit state to judge, live my whole life and you might find some truths you dont want to know and here is one snippet, I was systematically racially targeted as a teenager by a group of Muslims in Northern England due to the colour of my skin and the God my Parents followed, but that doesn't follow the narrative so it cannot be true, like I said, Live my life and see where you end up.
Score: 25 in United Kingdom
Great, snowflake-y, social-justice-worrior-y bullshit!
Wtf, this is so demeaning :(
Score: 68 in South Africa
So gay, white Norwegian makes you pretty privileged. - Good!
hahaha who ever did this calculator should be shot behind a shed for being a complete disgrace to the human race. You're all so deluded and clueless about the facts of life. Certainly the dumbest thing on the internet and is a clear overt racism towards white Europeans ... i'm a brown muslim and i agree with this. Systemic systems of systematic delusions! lol The worst part is "How can i improve my score" HAHAHAH TLDR Fuck your made up philosophy of intersectionality!
My bank account doesn't agree lmao
I'm Asian but people always tell me I'm white and I don't understand hardship... I was raised in poverty by drug addict parents that abused me threw out my childhood but I am told I don't understand hardship because I am straight.... When I was ten my mother allowed two gay friends of here to have me to themselves in our house for a night in exchange for cocaine... I screamed enough for neighbours to call the police but they never charged anyone, I am told I don't understand rape because I am male... When I was fourteen my mother kicked me out to live on the streets because I stopped selling drugs in school and I am told I have never suffered because I look kind of white... Thankfully regardless of supposed group privilege I now live a happy safe life. Thankyou
Score: 45 in United Kingdom
What is the point of this? I wish I could actually speak to a person who believes all this and have them explain there argument to me.
What kind of clownery and drugs were involved when this test was created?
Score: 15 in San Diego, CA
It's all about race and sex with you lot. I suppose it's the easiest tools to oppress straight white men into thinking they're just plain bad.
The biggest injustice is done to those of disability or old age, colour or sex does not matter but their ability to earn is pretty poor so not worth bothering with.
Score: 24 in United Kingdom
OMG, I'm so oppressed. Checkmate, white people.
Score: 97 in United Kingdom
How can I improve my score "by getting more invovled in Islam", so my score will go up if I oppress my wife and hate homosexuals!
What nonsense the world has been driven into by all this identity politics!
Only 23% as a Scandinavian. Oh, I am going to get in sooo much trouble now1
... and so we should have privilege over foreigners that live in our country and have contributed nothing to the rich tapestry of our history and if the projected statistics are correct we will be the minorities in our own countries in the future
So really is it that unfair that we should be privileged in some way now when we're going to be extinct in the future?
Score: 18 in United Kingdom
I was born with the wrong skin color according to this test.
Score: 12 in United Kingdom
I'm oppressed by my degenerate sexual proclivities.
This is a joke right?
Because if not, they do realize it is this rhetoric which widens the divide between groups. The idea of the oppressor / oppressed creates an us VS them mentality.
Score: 16 in United States
This has to be satire... Right?
What a fucking joke, this literally says absolutely nothing about anything. Intersectionality isn’t a thing, it’s an excuse and made up for political gain.
Wow would you look at that its racist and im not surprised.
Ha!! This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen!!
Score: 10 in Brentwood, TN
So ... what do I get now ?
How is categorizing broad segments of society according to basic characteristics and then ascribing an implicit hierarchy to them not considered blatant prejudice, classism, racism, and bigotry? Social Justice has stepped through the looking glass and they don’t even realize it.
Score: 3 in Fort Lauderdale, FL
im confused, is the mlk quote a bad quote? because he says he doesnt want people to judge people based on race but then you have people pick their race...
Ha, I am living in Japan so the sliders says "Japanese first language" or "Born in Japan." Yay free oppression points!
How about we just try treating everyone based on the content of their character? Factors in life are far, far more complicated than a few sliders could ever hope to replicate. Trying to balance something that is unbalanced by overcompensating is only going to make things worse. The only way to reach true equality is to treat everyone as equal.
Score: 17 in United Kingdom
Intersectionality is cancer!
Score: 25 in United Kingdom
Your intersectionality score: 11
You are more privileged than 82% of others!
- Citizen of a former communist country.
It's not priviledge if you worked hard on it, is it?
"not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character"
first question
Whats your skin colour, here's your score.
Is this real or is it satire? I can't tell.
3? We can go further, we have the technology.
Score: 3 in United Kingdom
This is so shit. Why do people even go toward this idiotic idea? Moronic socialists the whole lot of them.
According to these sliders, the hierarchy of oppression is people of color, females, gays, non-Christians, trans, immigrants & disabled (tie), poor, then uneducated. The other categories have nominal effect.
If all of this sounds strange and arbitrary, it’s because it is.
Score: 16 in Bulverde, TX