Intersectionality Score Calculator

Intersectionality Calculator

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What if I choose to use my female visible minority status to gain power by making all my white male friends feel like shit? Does that give me +50 points? Man I fucking love being oppressed.
Score: 15 in Canada
So apparently 75% of people are more privileged then me. Where is my medal? I'm at least pushing silver in the Oppression Olympics. However, I can't tell if this is all satire or not. It looks like the same insanity. But the way to improve the score, plus peanut allergy? Can't tell if those are cracks showing the joke.
Score: 44 in Chicago, IL
This is some stupid shit right here. If you pieces of garbage spent time working and getting on with your life, you wouldn't be so caught up in looking on who to blame for your failures.
Look in a mirror. There's the person you need to blame for your failures.
Have fun with that! :-)
Score: 21 in United States
Yeaahhhh... I'm thinking false flag. Mainstream intersectionality doesn't go this far. But thinking that this is it sure does piss off a lot of relatively privileged folks, which is exactly what reactionaries want. And this is typical of the sort of trolls they put out nowadays.
Score: 17 in United Kingdom
This does not take content of character into consideration AT ALL and focus only on things out of the control of people. Everything MLK stood against. This dogma is doomed as it is in direct opposition to objective reality.
Score: 9 in Omaha, NE
I'm sorry. But this is American liberal bollocks.
Score: 14 in United Kingdom
This is a great tool.
Score: 50 in Canada
you are not oppressed by being a female in any first world countries
Score: 1 in Cincinnati, OH
I would love to know why being male makes me more privileged.
Why don't I just leave these GOVERNMENT STATISTICS here:

Victims of Violent Crime: 61% Male
Victims of Homicide: 74% Male
Suicide: 75% Male
Homeless: 86% Male
Workplace Deaths: 96% Male
Workplace Injuries: 64% Male
Drug Dependency: 70% Male
Drug Related Deaths: 73% Male
Lifespan: 4.5 years LESS
Stop And Searches: 92% Male

Domestic Violence Victims: 40% Male
Domestic Violence Safe Refuge Places: LESS than 1% Male
Score: 42 in United Kingdom
I'd post a clown emoji but I unfortunately can't.
Score: 10 in Sweden
This is some bullshit here. The progressive cathedral in full display. Intersectionalism, feminisim is cancer, so sayeth one wise, gay British sage. I just happen to agree. This is what is dividing people. You won't see these types saying the right thing of treat your neighbor like you would want to be treated... No that's Christian gospel (and common sense) and in the intersectional cult, you need a boogie man to oppress you to be valid. Hence the false hate crimes and the censorship and smear campaigns they pull. They take 1984 as an instruction manual and flip good and evil upside down.
Score: 11 in Philadelphia, PA
Help me I’m so underprivileged
Score: 95 in Columbus, OH
Hmm, where was my privilege (White, Christian, Straight) when I was homeless and living in hotels? There we were all equally miserable.
Score: 23 in Statesboro, GA
The Sultan of Brunei is more oppressed than me
Score: 50 in United Kingdom
You suck
Score: 52 in United States
So wait... Someone who is neither male nor female would be the most oppressed as according to the intersectionality doctrine, so why is the gender neutral option give you more priviledge points? I think this scale is kinda bullshit.
Score: 88 in Lawrence, KS
It has become impossible to satirize this kind of absurdity, proven by the fact that so many commentors actually think this is serious. Now excuse me, I have to go attend a meeting of the patriarchy...
Score: 26 in United Kingdom
It's amazing how many people don't seem to realize that this is satire. Perhaps that's because it's so close to the truth.
Score: 48 in United Kingdom
Couldn't we brand people so we know how to treat them?
Score: 13 in United Kingdom
wow this is a really bad idea congrats
Score: 31 in Tacoma, WA
I love how mad this makes white people hahaha. It’s about time y’all scum get called out for your bs!!
Score: 73 in Algonquin, IL
I couldn't tell if this was depressingly honest, or beautifully satirical. I think it's the former, so I'm sad now.
How can you quote people at the results section that are openly contradictory to your purpose here? This questionnaire is a direct attempt to turn all our differences into a scoring system, that is then used to inform social interactions. How is that different to a caste system?
Score: 31 in United Kingdom
This is a terrible idea and I hope this website gets terminated ASAHP.
Score: 17 in Netherlands
+10 points for being Muslim compared to being a Christian.
The Insanity of the LEFT is their Privilege and this calculation expresses it perfectly.
Score: 13 in Waltham, MA
What a load of politically correct hogwash. Supposedly I am about a 45 and I estimate my wife is around a 64. Still a bunch of guilting crapola. These easy fix claims are hogwash. Life experiences are so much more varied than this crock of dingbat feces.
Score: 96 in Hampton, VA
This looks like some kind of millennial-made, how much you should hat white male christian calculator. This new "intersectionality" thing needs to go down in flames, just like liberalism.
Score: 7 in Lake Stevens, WA
Imagine applying a modern two-thirds rule to white people. Discriminating against someone’s right to an equal vote purely on the colour of the skin is apparently not racism. I hope this is a satirical 4chan stunt. You will never understand the tyranny of such thought.
Score: 9 in United Kingdom
To everybody : Absolutely go to the custom sliders page. Hilarious !
Score: 4 in Luxembourg
Honk honk 🤡🌎
Score: 5 in Omaha, NE
Only lazy people who keep blaming society for their situation in life and victimize themselves believe this shit
Score: 11 in Netherlands
Time to become a disabled, black, transgender Muslim!
Score: 77 in Australia
This feels dystopian. Since when should we be identified by a number?
Score: 28 in Australia
I’m not racist. I’m prejudiced. There’s a difference. And this test is beyond stupid. I’m white and damn proud of it. Minorities don’t like white people?....well then stop holding out your hands expecting freebies, get on whatever boat you sailed in on and go home! Stop living off the white man’s luxurious lifestyle.
Score: 11 in Canada
I'm Asian, 😂😂 and I'm 90% privileged wtf lmfaoo what kind of racist she be is this ??
Score: 60 in Warren, MI
Lmfaoo just another sjw npc bs,
From "59% privileged" asian female
Score: 60 in Warren, MI
This is a steaming pile of horseshit
Every person is a individual not part of a group
Score: 11 in Roanoke, VA
Why is being a woman worth more points than being gay?!?!
Score: 23 in Hong Kong
Is there an intelligence level below absent-minded because this is pretty much equivalent.
Score: 22 in Manteca, CA
So being Jewish makes one more privledged than if they weren't? My lack of extended family seems to speak to the antisemitism inherent in your scale
Score: 47 in Albuquerque, NM
The hypocrisy is strong
Score: 21 in New Zealand
Intersectionals divide the 99.99%. They serve the interests of the Koch Brothers. Peggy McIntosh, a member of the White Ruling Class culturally appropriated White Privilege Theory which had been originated by a Black Socialist.
Score: 25 in Ireland
I'm almost certain this is satire... but not certain enough.
Score: 44 in United States
"Many people say that they enjoy calculating the intersectional scores of others so they can easily identify and help those who are faced with systemic oppression"

As someone who scored relatively highly, please never do this to us. Ever. Your performative allyship and wokeness is not welcome. This is akin to praying for PEOPLE you feel sorry for. If you care about oppression go learn about it. FFS.
Score: 41 in United Kingdom
This whole exercise feels like classifying human beings by their moral worth, and then treating them differently on this basis. This is the very antithesis of the ideal of equality. This is in fact how you dehumanise people and justify injustice. This is the kind of tool the young psychopaths unleashed under Mao’s Cultural Revolution would have made horrific use of.
Score: 18 in United Kingdom
Wow this is one of the most bigotted sites I have ever seen. Its stuff like this that causes division and hatred. We need to focus on what makes us simalir, not different!
Score: 10 in Alexandria, VA
“The best way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.”

–John Roberts

So why are you discriminating based on race you tarts?
Score: 13 in United Kingdom
You know all of this is bull, right?
Score: 16 in Minneapolis, MN
Postmodernist gobltygoop
Score: 7 in Cicero, IL
This test surely has to be satire, no one can be this braindead
Score: 5 in Greece
The score is interesting... the ideas put forth afterward are crazy
Score: 28 in Canada
I got 15 point for being a woman! Thanks for letting me know how much a vagina is worth!

This is the most racist sexist concept Ive ever seen, do these people not realize they ARE the thing they claim to be against? Can a human really be THAT un-selfaware?? IT BLOWS MY MIND.

I was a liberal my whole life until this intersectionality-progressivism ruined everything, they ironically are the most illiberal cultural movement of the modern era.

Maybe this test is a a really well crafted troll? Maybe its meant to show how absurd this concept is. one can only hope.
Score: 23 in San Francisco, CA
Hold up, this isn't fucking satire?!?!
Score: 29 in Canada
This is racist towards white people. Things like this are a disgrace!
Score: 24 in United Kingdom
based on the last words in the whats the goal here, namely social justice and equity, YOU are the Marxist oppressors who are possessed by ideology and who are actively discriminating against groups you think are privileged.
Score: 18 in Australia
Wow it's real
Score: 6 in Ocala, FL
So, just because I'm a straight, Christian white male I'm "more privileged than 75% of others" ? Seriously, you know nothing about the lives of the people answering these questions, yet you judge them based on the very things condemned in your own quotes. One cannot say do not judge based on race, and then include race as a question you base a score on. The same is true about religion, sexual orientation, nationality or language. The only thing you're accomplishing here is making one group of people feel guilty about who they are while making other groups feel envious and angry towards the first group. This is absolutely shameful. Do you really want to make all people comfortable in who they are? Do you really want all people to be accepted for who they are? Then actually practice the words of wisdom you quote!
Score: 33 in United States
Morons, this site is satire. God, how can you be this dumb?
Score: 13 in Arlington, TX
This is one of the stupidest things I've seen on the internet in a long time. I thought that it was satire at first...
Score: 47 in Canada
This tool is hilarious. In who's Alice in Wonderland imagination is a devout Christian (or Muslim or particularly Jews) more privileged socially? I wasn't aware that generally being considered hateful bigots who should be at best shushed into silence and at worst be removed from your jobs etc (and that is just in the western world, try being a devout Christian in many areas of the world such as Iran or North Korea - you won't be alive for very long). On a plus note, the next generation will see how utterly moronic and detrimental to society and human flourishing this kind of toxic ideology really is, and will turn back to their Creator as the foundation for the meaning and purpose of the one human race. Either that or Rome is about to be sacked again.
Score: 6 in United Kingdom
what happens if i suddenly "identify as" rich, or more able-bodied? come on, people! we have real problems out there!
Score: 14 in Austria
This is shit and proof that the left and rights constant arguing has done nothing to benefit our society but rather just proof each other’s own points wrong in almost satirical fuckery like this.
Score: 10 in Canada
What the heck? How are jews privileged, this seems anti-semitic.
Score: 31 in Germany
I hope this is a joke.
Score: 8 in Norcross, GA
A rich black man with a degree is less privileged than a poor white disabled man without a degree.

Score: 19 in United Kingdom
The fact that this score thing can be used in jobs is a load of crap. What actual job would use this in the working class?
Score: 9 in Dayton, OH
This is insane
Score: 6 in United States
Please tell me this is satire.
Score: 33 in United States
Literally scores you based on your skin colour. Proceeds to quote MLK.

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

I wouldn't trust you to interpret my dreams to say the least
Score: 47 in Netherlands
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will receive 68 intersectionality points based on the color of their skin"

- Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
Score: 63 in Netherlands
this is the stupidest thing i have ever seen.
Score: 20 in Atlanta, GA
I cannot change who I am - I could well be at the bottom of the pile amongst those who take this stuff seriously. C'est la vie!
Score: 4 in United Kingdom
Apparently my score is double plus bad.
Score: 10 in Canada
Cultural suicide starts at the top.

White libs want to destroy the best society that ever existed.
Score: 13 in Arlington, WA
Why would you have a quote like "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." I was chastised for saying that because that doesn't take into account how much they were oppressed! Judging a person of by their character is the total opposite of intersectionality.
Score: 46 in Canada
Is this from the Onion?
I seriously applaud you for this satire site.
Only a hard core leftist would think this was real.
This is serious?
I fear for humanity......
Score: 5 in Canada
and in today's class on "How Trump Won" let's discuss...
Score: 8 in Anderson, MO
This is shit made to divide us
Score: 8 in United Kingdom
"73% of others are more privileged than you" Great! I guess this means I have earned the right to become a whining spoiled brat in North America :) Next step: Join hate/terroist gang Antifa.
Score: 42 in Canada
Thanks for telling me that I am so oppressed — even though I didn't see, experince, or feel oppressed at all! Might as well jump off a building :D
Score: 42 in Canada
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

“The best way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.”

“Hating people because of their color is wrong and it doesn’t matter which color does the hating. It’s just wrong.”

But being white = negative 28 points LMFAO amazing

Score: 1 in Canada
I’m also good looking, charismatic, and tall. Why isn’t that included? That should give me some more points...
Score: 13 in Clackamas, OR
Is this a joke? The quotes go against everything they’re doing
Score: 18 in Washington, MI
Love it! I feel so lucky! And I will never apologize in the least.
Score: 6 in East Moriches, NY
I feel like this discriminates against everything that isn't my choice. Why judge me on my skin colour, gender or country of origin? Hypocrisy knows no bounds these days.
Score: 3 in United Kingdom
What a lot of unadulterated nonsense
Score: 51 in New Zealand
No slider for IQ...I guess intelligence no longer provides privilege.
Score: 8 in Reading, PA
Surely this is a joke?
Score: 95 in Australia
My god, what a stupid, pointless bit of pseudo interactive agitprop. It’s nice to discover I’m extraordinarily privileged as I head out for my morning commute, to my job as a manual labourer installing swimming pools and marble tile for rich Asians who, apparently, have much less privilege than I. You’d never know it comparing their mansions to my apartment, but the sliders don’t lie.
Score: 6 in Canada
This stupid Intersectionality calculator based on false premises in Critical Race Theory is destructive not progressive.
Score: 7 in Dallas, TX
Wow, I’ve learned absolutely nothing other than the fact that victimization-culture is just like sex, it sells! And thanks to intersectionality theory, it’s now more lucrative than ever! Here’s to you, Fascist-Lefties! Don’t stop till everybody knows why they should hate themselves & everybody really hates each other! You’re So Woke!!!...Great job!!
Score: 14 in Plymouth, MA
Funny how you have an MLK quote about a world where we don’t judge based on skin color.
Score: 14 in Purcellville, VA
I saw this and I literally cannot tell if this is satire or not. This website embodies one of the biggest problems in our country today.
Score: 25 in United States
This cult of victimisation is dangerous, YOU ARE NOT OPPRESSED
Score: 5 in Ireland
Piss right off! Clowns
Score: 20 in United Kingdom
I took this test as one of the daughters of Barack Hussein obama, unquestionably the most privileged family on the planet. Even with the privileges of never having to earn anything in life, obscene, unearned wealth, blessings of mid-blowing hypocrisy, and unending social and monetary handouts, Malia scored a meager 61 score! Under this test's scoring, the most pampered girl on Earth is "less privileged" than 78% of the population! Hahaha! Sounds valid to me!!!
Score: 62 in Washington, DC
a billionaire Saudi Sheikh is less privileged than a disabled homeless white man
Score: 5 in Canada
I got a 4, meaning that I’m more privileged than 99% of others. Please type your Venmos below so I can give to everyone to atone for my sins
Score: 4 in Nashville, TN
To those getting upset and screaming racism and all sorts- this poll is clearly satire! I think it's the funniest thing I've seen in a long time- we need more of this kind of stuff to highlight the nonsense that is insidious today.
Score: 40 in United Kingdom
No guessing on what these results will conclude 😂
Score: 13 in Philadelphia, PA
9. But I can't help it.
Score: 9 in Canada
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