Intersectionality Score Calculator

Intersectionality Calculator

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Bruh I scored a 7... I guess I haven't actually earned anything I have
Score: 7 in San Clemente, CA
You have got to be fucking kidding me. One of your quotes of the top by Muhammad Ali says that racism by anyone is wrong and yet here you are telling me I'm an oppressor knowing nothing at all about me and that I should just give my money away so that I can be less privileged. Maybe spend less time worrying about what victims you are and more about trying to better yourself
Score: 12 in Canada
I scored a 6 and have no apologies, I worked for everything I own and have.
Score: 6 in Ruskin, FL
I am disappointed with my score of 7. If I can get 5 points for activism, maybe change religion and then chop of a hand, can get a promotion?
Score: 7 in Australia
I'm so glad that I'm not a disgusting minority
Score: 3 in New Zealand
Hahahahahaha the things you foreigners make up to make yourselves feel special crack me up. There's no such thing as racial privilege. Italy is a white country, I'm a white Italian man and I'm just a nobody like 99% of our population. And even if your country isn't a white country, just because you're white doesn't mean you're privileged. If anything, colored people abuse white people governments by being economic and social burdens.
Score: 4 in Italy
"How can I improve my score?"
This statement implies that a higher score is better. Why is it better? Why is being White, Straight, Male, Cisgender, Rich, Middle-Aged, and Christian bad? Things like this make me absolutely disgusted by the state of today's racist, bigoted left.
Score: 17 in Nixa, MO
Being German means being privileged? Uhm ok? Can you assholes get over your anti-Germanic racism please? Thank you.
Score: 19 in Germany
This is obviously satire - but is actually a great concept in my opinion to break down the different types of privileges and explain intersectionality. Too bad it's a joke! The rest of you triggered low scoring people can calm tf down. It's not that serious. Privilege doesn't mean you didn't work for what you have, just that someone else had more and different kind of obstacles than you.
Score: 65 in Chicago, IL
Most pointless shit I’ve ever done
Score: 11 in Australia
I thought this was a parody site...guess I was right.
Score: 9 in Milwaukee, WI
Why are we giving a number to people, seems a bit strange???
Score: 35 in United Kingdom
Feels good to be huwite.
Score: 13 in Germany
Stop being poor.
Score: 3 in Minneapolis, MN
White white! Like a cracka do
Score: 9 in United States
No IQ slider?
Why even?
Score: 3 in Minneapolis, MN
lol, this is beyond stupid and why we'll never explore the Galaxy. Thanks!
Score: 5 in United States
The most oppressed demographic in the United States are straight white Christian men
Score: 9 in United States
Looks like I win. The ovens are back, and they're hotter than ever.
Score: 1 in Canada
This is definitely satire to the highest. This proves literally nothing. It's more of a pathetic attempt to shame ethnicity, sex, religion, education and more. 18 seems to be my score. But it proves nothing more than shaming.
Score: 18 in Russellville, AL
21 score?
Did i pass goys?
Score: 21 in Staten Island, NY
I was feeling down for not getting the parking spot i wanted at work today, but i have to say that taking this survey rebounded my spirits! It feels so good being white!
Score: 5 in Canada
As a gay trans disabled immigrant Muslim Jew you cis-gendered white males get the gulag
Score: 100 in Owensboro, KY
I love being white. Step it up, subhumans
Score: 50 in United States
I'm part of 2% and owned 50% of the media but underpriveleged. Shame
Score: 26 in Indonesia
I can't wait to show my employer so I can get my paycheck deducted
Score: 3 in Ithaca, NY
23 lol. This is hilarious
Score: 23 in Hyden, KY
Calling bullshit. I'm more privileged as Christian then Jewish.
Score: 3 in Los Angeles, CA
Score: 17 in New Zealand
Being a black muslim female ive succeeded more than most white men, privilege is a myth.
Privilege would be real if you didn't see white people living in run down trailers and all of them be living in mansions.
Youre the one in-control of how "privileged" you are if you apply yourself in life nobody will tell you that you cant do something, you'll get places instead of complaining about the "system" all the time.
Score: 63 in Portland, ME
Does this test suggest that you can improve the quality of your life over others simply by making the choice to live a wholesome, Christian lifestyle lol?
Score: 8 in Kent, WA
At least now I know that none of the success I’ve had in life has nothing to to do with my own skills and abilities. From now on I’m safe in the knowledge that everything will be pre ordained in my life.
Score: 6 in Canada
The most admirable thing about your website is that you publish these comments. I don't see even one that doesn't despise this whole process!
Score: 23 in Albuquerque, NM
This is the definition of racism. Sick.
Score: 76 in Madison Heights, VA
LOL, this is great! I did not know that I was so privileged! Must only because I am a straight white male. I suppose I do not work hard for what I want or have struggles in my life.
Score: 6 in Oceanside, CA
A lot of very sensitive snowflakes here outraged that in fact despite the obvious sh*tness of their lives they are still privileged. Well that's the truth, however shit you've got it, a hell of a lot of people have it worse than you, largely because of attitudes like yours. The right love to play the victim. It's so pathetic.
Score: 23 in France
I am a poor, disabled white male. Apparently that makes me more privileged than a rich black male with no disabilities.
Score: 49 in Hampton, VA
I was doomed from q 1 because im white. What a load.
Score: 24 in Australia
Anyone commenting with regards to how "they have worked for everything they have" and don't understand how a person of colour is less privileged than they are is clearly unaware of their privilege as a Caucasian/Caucasian-passing person. Maybe educate yourself slightly more on how institutional prejudice works against people of colour. Your fragile ego is showing. Sincerely, a Caucasian female who is not afraid to admit she is privileged because of her white heritage (and is not proud or so defensive as to not admit it).
Score: 33 in United Kingdom
enjoy the internet, antibiotics, modern financial system and unsurpassed material wealth “my” 9% has afforded you. And apologies for opioids and Karl Marx.
Score: 9 in Union City, CA
I was a bit surprised by my score...But then again, if you take the fact that I am a black, bisexual woman with immigrant parents from Nigeria and the Ivory Coast, respectively, then it can make sense.
Score: 50 in Old Greenwich, CT
Zionist shill calculator
Score: 10 in Newark, NJ
This is bullshit
Score: 11 in Cranberry Twp, PA
I need a shovel to get through all the bullshit.
Score: 19 in United States
I'm running negative numbers here. Every one of you owes me.
Score: 3 in Portland, OR
I am really disappointed about what this world has come to comparing and brandishing about how oppressed you are It's complete utter bulshit!
Score: 17 in Lancaster, NY
So. You have a racist calculator, devoted to segregating people by their oppression score, and yet not the braincells to see the irony in having MLK's "i have a dream" speech as the very next line? And you wonder why people laugh at you.
Score: 17 in United Kingdom
And the fucking geniuses don’t realize this is PARODY?!?!
Score: 15 in Bellevue, WA
This is ridiculous, I’m more privileged than 40% apparently, I’m broke and on food stamps but it’s okay I’m privileged because I’m white British, what a load of bull
Score: 36 in United Kingdom
A recipe for guilt-tripping, victim-tripping, and collective blaming (often a prelude to mass atrocities). I'm not sure how to end the cycle, but for some insight, look up a concept called "the drama triangle".
Score: 12 in Nashville, TN
What a huge pile of shit. So wrong on so many levels.
Score: 9 in Canada
I’m at 31. Is that good enough to avoid the re-education camps?
Score: 31 in College Park, MD
Lol... Disabled poor trans Brown gay Jewish Muslims are apparently still better off than 8 percent of the world....
Score: 97 in United States
I know it's a parody, but this thing still gave me cancer. Press F to pay respects #gamersriseup
Score: 11 in Canada
The world is so mental that I cannot tell if this is a parody or not.
Score: 8
"Privilege" is often mistaken for 'the sacrifice our parents and make for our welfare'. Privilege is also the sacrifice that a community makes of short term gain for long term benefits e.g. funding building a bridge for all than a cycle-way for the few. It also relates to working hard for achievements and accomplishments - how have people made this a bad thing?
Score: 25 in New Zealand
Great parody site. This perfectly captures the silliness, racism and preening wokeness of the entire intersectionality movement.
Score: 8 in Santa Ana, CA
Gosh there some real bigotry in this! Christians fro xample - which I am not - get harassed all the time for example - its the international standard. And try being white in China! Try being anything but Muslim in Muslim country. Probably the only real indicator I agree with here is wealth. And at university - where in any social science the majority of lecturers are female and the majority of students overall are female, try being a male. And when over 90% of lecturers self-identify as Marxist... Its just about power and the fear of change. Fact is, we will all eventually marry each other - and that's the best solution there is. Privilege is a locally dominate issue, not a gernality like this - this is hate speech in disguise...and you probably don't even see that.
Score: 11 in New Zealand
This is the dumbest shit. My score is completely inaccurate. Apparently being a lesbian matters more to your bullshit 'privilege' score than growing up in a middle class family with a good school district lmao
Score: 38 in Plymouth, MN
Lol, is this a parody? As a bisexual transgender person (since y'all care about labels so much), this is nonsense.
Score: 97 in Austin, TX
How does being Jewish make you less oppressed? They’re the single most privileged group on the planet!
Score: 20 in Czech Republic
This is the stuff of the party who opposes Trump? Wow the media is a super propaganda machine.
Score: 96 in Vietnam
Best satire ever.
Score: 7 in Canada
Lol what fucking retard thinks that being Christian makes you more priveliged than Jews. Regardless, privelige comes from personal circumstances rather than arbitrary labels. A black tranny seems like they’re less priveliged at first glance, but they get preferential treatment in education and employment (y’know, the shit that matters?) You fucking subhumans will never be able to look beyond the surface layer though. I hope you all die painful deaths (in a video game, mr. lawyer)
Score: 12 in United States
Please tell me that this entire site is an elaborate troll, a parody, anything.
Score: 31 in United Kingdom
Non POCs are triggered
Score: 83 in Bogalusa, LA
Racism at it's very finest. The liberal left has completely gone off the deep end.
Score: 18 in Israel
Something stinks of socialism agenda!
Score: 17 in Australia
Awww look at all of you super fragile white folks crying because you feel confused. Racists
Score: 18 in Minneapolis, MN
Disgusting liberal piece of trash
Score: 3 in Arlington, TX
This is extremely discriminatory and I’m an African American. This is why America is divided, crap like this is ruining us all!
Score: 18 in United Kingdom
This shit is rigged lmao
Score: 33 in United States
Fuck anyone who takes this shit seriously
Score: 1 in United States
Your person of colour bar doesn't even take into account Asian skin tones, and the more "beige' tones are closer to white. If your goal is to fight whatever -ism or -phobia is being thrown around today, you've most certainly made an embarrassment of yourself.
Score: 39 in Malaysia
"this site is a brilliant take down of the stupidest ideology since communism" -- new york times gender editor
Score: 13 in Ashburn, VA
privileged my ass. Trump is going to make whoever came up with this cry in 2020.
Score: 8 in United States
Score: 11 in Canada
Leftists suck. Stop dividing you weak minded terds
Score: 30 in Boston, MA
It's no wonder we can't seem to get past this race bullshit...thank God we have the liberals to remind us
Score: 18 in Wildomar, CA
This is a parody site, isn't it?
Score: 16 in New Zealand
Heh. Only a “12”? I need to work harder. I love the cognitive dissonance that went into selecting quotes from people who spoke against judging people by their skin color and yet including a slide bar that scores you lower (bad) if you are white. Hard to tell if this site is seriously clueless or a satire.
Score: 12 in Anaheim, CA
I scored a whopping 8 and I feel zero guilt about this so-called “privilege.”
Score: 10 in Canada
Hey f*** this, it only applies to the western world and doesn’t take into account LAYERS OF OPPRESSION. For example you could live in a very trans accepting area but be so poor you’re literally starving and being beaten for being gay and black. But still, trans women have it bad huh? F*** you.
Score: 3 in United Kingdom
Fuck your intersectionality bull shit.
You know who came up with this brain rot. white privileged racist Marxist. If anyone buys in this fiction they have way more problems than being privileged or under privileged. You are only a victom if you allow yourself to be one.
Score: 19 in United States
most bullshit i have ever seen. privilege my ass. only people who realy have privilege aber the rich and israelis
Score: 27 in Germany
where's the slider that indicates how much I donate to the less fortunate
Score: 43 in New Zealand
how do i give out reddit gold
Score: 50 in New Zealand
This is ridiculous. ‘Privilege’ is just a way of making people feel disempowered or guilty. It’s a lose/lose system. Just be grateful for what you have, love yourself and treat everyone with respect and compassion. True empowerment comes from within and it has nothing to do with your ‘position in life’. The most privileged people are those who take time to renew their mind.
Score: 39 in Australia
TRUMP 2020
Score: 4 in East Lansing, MI
How Snowflake are you?

Score: 41 in Venezuela
this is the dumbest thing
Score: 22 in Rexburg, ID
Leftist bull
Score: 14 in Canada
This is an absolutely brilliant parody.
Score: 66 in Philadelphia, PA
The most oppressive thing one can do to themself is go through life with a deficit mindset.
Score: 76 in Canada
Im a white straight Male but i identify as a gay black dog who is part jewish and struggling to tell my parents about my girlfriend who identifies as a guys should broaden the test to get more accurate results.
Score: 17 in United States
It’s a joke. Probably.
Score: 60 in Cleveland, OH
Behold. The King Queen Of Victim Hood. Offer me your apologies for your privilage peasants.
Score: 99 in Tulsa, OK
Where to cash in these privilege points leftist clowns
Score: 8 in Australia
This website screams racism
Score: 24 in Foster, RI
Whoever is running this site to fuck yourself
Score: 53 in United Kingdom
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