Intersectionality Score Calculator

Intersectionality Calculator

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They have the audacity to quote MLK and then judge us by the colour of our skin, NOT the content of our character.
Score: 23 in United Kingdom
Set first slider to the left... "you are more privileged than 76% of people"

Fuck off
Score: 16 in San Diego, CA
Oh goody a test to check up on my victim status....
Score: 14 in Australia
This has to be a joke! But knowing the left, anything can be possible. lol
Score: 10 in Fort Lauderdale, FL
What's up honkys?
Score: 23 in Norway
This is a parody, right? No adult can take this stuff seriously.
Score: 16 in Myakka City, FL
whack job liberals are at it again
Score: 10 in Miami, FL
I really really hope this is a joke!
Score: 15 in Belarus
LOL a 3. Now how do I oppress people?
Score: 3 in United States
Since I self identify as a black, trans, gay, latino, obese, pauper I score 86. Suck it up.
Score: 82 in Myakka City, FL
Such an obvious joke to get the tools among us all riled up. If I am to accept previous posts as genuine......Mission accomplished
Score: 10 in Rochester, PA
On an amino I’m a part of we’re comparing scores. Let’s get a round of applause for my 99%. This is definitely an epic gamer moment
Score: 4 in Katy, TX
I'm very privileged for being poor and mexican wowie.... test sucks, no kind of application or examination will determine how much "privilege" you have.
Score: 12 in Mexico
This test definitely ain’t bias for the libtards
Score: 25 in United Kingdom
It’s amazing how a lot of these posters attack this calculator as racist and anti white, then go on to type something racist. Comments are so tribal and delusional it scares me.
Score: 39 in Chester, NJ
1984: 2+2=5
A fact that was never true but was forced onto to people. After time, many of the general public just defaulted to it being correct. It became enforced and if anyone were to disagree, it wouldn't end well.
2019: A man can be a woman
Notice any similarities?
Score: 20 in Australia
Become more involved with Islam and Judaism? Do they realize that if you believe a particular religion, that excludes you from being a part of another? Morons. If I’m Christian, I’m not going to become more Muslim to improve my intersectionality score, I’m just going to keep being a christian because being both is literally impossible. Religion is not just a culture, it’s a belief in a particular vision of the truth.
Score: 5 in New York, NY
Of course it's a parody! Too bad though...according to this site I'm privileged!
Score: 19 in Canada
I will never live so long that I believe this crap or think that being privileged is something for which I should be ashamed. Score 22!
Score: 22 in Saint Louis, MO
I’m assuming this is a joke.
Score: 17 in Saint Cloud, MN
Wow. The way this feeds in to the victim mentality is truly astonishing. To whoever made this, seek help.
Score: 34 in Canada
I love how you have a quote that says stop discriminating the basis of race but then you automatically put black people as under privileged, hmm. Also how does believing in God make you more privileged?
Score: 6 in Owings, MD
Score: 30 in Danvers, MA
I love triggered this makes white people haha. It’s bout time somebody callin whites out on they bullshit
Score: 58 in Algonquin, IL
This is just fucking stupid
Score: 48 in Canada
This is complete satire, how can people not see it?
Score: 15 in United Kingdom
I've always considered myself a liberal, but this is disgusting.

"You can give exclusive opportunties and promotions to people with high intersectionality scores so that they become more represented in positions of power."

You mean I should leave jobs empty and undone until a qualified person representing a smaller slice of humanity than average emerges?

"Can I use this calculator on others?

Thanks for making it so easy for me to judge others!

"...having a high intersectionality score doesn't completely immunize you from being called an oppressor."

So I'm responsible for what other people call me and accuse me of?

Seriously, fuck you guys.
Score: 62 in Columbus, OH
What a load of fucking bollocks
Score: 33 in United Kingdom
This is BS. we all start somewhere. do something, create something. Stop crying about where you start the game.
Score: 14 in Canada
Leftist here: this is cringeworthy
Score: 46 in Zellwood, FL
Poe's law is an amazing thing.
Score: 1 in Canada
93% of the population are straight, 48% are male, 63% of the US is white, and 55% consider themselves Christian,
Score: 10 in Conyers, GA
Intersectionality is Frankfurt School Cultural Marxism, Fabian Socialism. It is part of an accelerationist scheme to destroy the West. The leftist idea of equality is a deleterious, subtractive concept to knock the West down to Third World levels. It is about equality of outcomes, not equality of opportunity. Reject this defeatist ideology with every fiber of your being. Militant atheist socialists/communists have killed 100M+ people in the last century. Don't let the West fall victim to what took Venezuela and Cuba from being prosperous nations to utter poverty and starvation!
Score: 36 in Raleigh, NC
I thought this was a joke at first 😂
Score: 41 in Washington, DC
If you’re ever having a hard time trying to figure out why Donald Trump won in 2016 (and why he’s going to win again in 2020), all you need to do is look at this page.
Score: 97 in Pittsburgh, PA
And the left thinks we’re discriminating
Score: 29 in Santa Monica, CA
Even as the most intersectional person here, id say this is pretty fucked up
Score: 97 in United Kingdom
ok now this is epic
Score: 97 in Los Angeles, CA
No such thing as “white privilege”. Another lefty term to make white men feel bad for being who they are.
Score: 16 in Australia
Thanks, was always worried about my Prvillege
Score: 4 in Canada
Does this mean I'm an oppressor? 😂 That's rich!
I wish...
Score: 71 in Hanford, CA
You people are why Trump will win in 2020. Keep America Great.
Score: 36 in Salina, KS
I was bullied all of my life for being Jewish, my parents are divorced, and I'm low middle class. And I get a 14. Good job Liberals... Really progressing society.
Score: 14 in Denton, TX
This test is incomplete. I am trans species, specifically I identify as a cartoon lesbian pony. Please add this as an option. Also while I may have pale skin and enjoy sex with women I do NOT identify as "white", or "straight", it is very bigoted to assume these things based on how I look and behave. In this day and age having white-looking skin is actually a disability, so I maxed that one out. I am 35 but I identify as the gas cloud that created the solar system, so I made sure to max out "old". I have a college degree but I honestly know enough to know I know nothing, so I maxed out "less educated". I have a lot of money but, money doesn't buy happiness which is all that matters. So, I maxed out "poor". English is my second language as my first language was barking like a dog (I loved animals as a young child) All in all I have very little privilege. This means you all have to treat me very specially and do extra things for me, since I have no privilege. Thank you.
Score: 91 in Peru
This is bullshit
Score: 13 in Australia
I find it ironic that you've posted a quote stating that people shouldn't be judged by the color of their skin, but then literally link a numeric value to that attribute.
Score: 9 in Canada
World: end prejudice
Also world: check your self persecution score!
Score: 96 in United States
This is run by democrats. It's stupid and divisive. Im Mexican and 1st gen. Im voting Trump again .
Score: 32 in Bronx, NY
Imagine having a webpage about tolerance while stereotyping people because of their borning conditions. Oh wait...
Score: 16 in Spain
Its interesting to me how you always hear the left calling the right racists and nazis and bigots, but they are the ones who want us to choose who to employ based on race, religion, sexuality, etc. All they have to do is call it “intersectionality” and its magically not discriminatory anymore. How smart.
Score: 5 in Matthews, NC
I wish I was more oppressed. I never felt so disgusted about my self. I feel like my entire existence is an oppressive force.
Score: 34 in Canada
Fuck whoever made this
Score: 65 in United States
Your score is racist and divisive
Score: 28 in Canada
You conservatives in the comments are fucking snowflakes. Boohoo, I'm white and oppressed. Fuck off, your ancestors oppressed my people. Where are my reparations?
Score: 69 in United Kingdom
Dog shit. This is how rich people pretend to be a victim. Notice how wealthy you are doesn't move the needle at all. So you have a filthy rich college educated tranny coming up telling you about their woes while you live in a gutter. Go fuck yourself. You are the oppressor no matter how you paint it in your daddy's paid university.
Score: 49 in Irvine, CA
This website is racist as hell
Score: 8 in United States
Oh the irony of quoting MLK Jr while giving people more or less points based on race.
Score: 10
This is really stupid, why does being a female is more privilege than a male? And why does the colour of a person got to do with this test?
Score: 47 in New Zealand
To the guy that said "I love triggered this makes white people haha. It’s bout time somebody callin whites out on they bullshit" Go fuck yourself you racist piece of shit.
Score: 3 in Bossier City, LA
This is so stupid
Score: 22 in Boise, ID
Nice quote : “The best way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.”
–John Roberts

This is what you f**** do with the first question you ask.
Score: 12 in Canada
I love being a straight rich white male.
It means I’m better than most people.
Score: 11 in Australia

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