Intersectionality Score Calculator

Intersectionality Calculator

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This better be a piss take
Score: 7 in United Kingdom
How do I become less white? I need to get a better score. Does Charcoal do the trick?
Score: 10 in Australia
"Every intelligent person wants his child to look like him. I’m sad because I don’t want to blot out my race and lose my beautiful identity? Chinese love Chinese, they love the little slanted eyes brown-skinned babies. Pakistanis love their culture; Jewish people love their culture. Lot of Catholics want to marry a Catholic; they want the religion to be the same. Who wants to spot up yourself and kill your race? You are a hater of your people if you don’t want to say who you are. You shame what God made you. God didn’t make no mistake; he made us all like we are."
-Muhammad Ali
Score: 7 in Randolph, NJ
This is bullshit
Score: 6 in Corpus Christi, TX
My bank account doesn't agree lmao
Score: 7 in Netherlands
Hahaha, it looks like I’m super privileged! All hail to the king, baby!
Score: 7 in Madison, WI
I will trade my privilege for some cold hard cash.
Score: 7 in Boise, ID
AH HA! A 7! even though i'm poor as hell. Suck it Bitches!
Score: 7 in Jacksonville, FL
Suck my privileged gypsy balls, bulldykes.
Score: 7 in Romania
I got 7 but I wish I scored 1. This sort of bollocks is detroying the Western world. Your gonna miss us when we're gone you ungrateful cunts.
Score: 7
At least intersectionallity will eventually consume itself. Wonder what it'll take with it though.
Score: 7 in Salem, OR
Can't I get more points, if I am a member of small Christian denomination in my home country? In my country I am oppressed by Lutheran Church. I demand there are different categories in Christian part!
Score: 6 in Finland
Very insightful...
Score: 7 in United Kingdom
i love it. Its condescending, patronising crap like this, dressed up in academic verbiage like a pig in makeup, which at last exposes the intellectual derangement of mainstream progressivism
Score: 7 in Ireland
This is nonsense.
Score: 7 in United States
I got 7. Woohoo. This is a great way to divide all people up and cause hatred, dissension, envy and everything bad to relationships and a society.
Score: 7 in United States
I thought I was gonna win but saw others with a seven...i feel like they might be oppressing me
Score: 7 in Corona, CA
now this is some real cancer
Score: 20 in San Antonio, TX
My intersectionality score is only 7! This means I am oppressed because it's so low.
Score: 7 in Salem, OR
HAHA 7! SUCK IT. I will get it down to 0 and oppress all yall
Score: 7 in Canada
Am I a winner?
Score: 7 in United States
7 woo hoo!
Score: 7 in Australia
Liberalism is a mental disorder. Whoever made this up is fucking delusional.
Score: 7 in Burlington, VT
This truly is one of the silliest, most puerile things I have ever seen in my life!
Score: 7 in United Kingdom
Seriously going to throw this one out there: Divorced parents. I know that a lot of people on the left won't want to mention it because no-fault divorce was such a major progressive milestone, but having divorced parents is a really big deal.
Score: 7 in Raleigh, NC
This is the most stupid idea that I have heard of in a long Time!
But I did feel good that my score is a Six!
That puts me up on all the whining losers who think this is Important
Score: 7 in United States
I got 7 - bow down before me inferior people
I am also out of work at the moment.
Score: 7 in United Kingdom
As a Christian, I don´t understand why being a devout Christian makes you more oppressed in the West.
Score: 7 in Eau Claire, WI
I am more privileged than 93% of others. What do I get?
Score: 7 in Columbus, OH
So, speaking more than one langueage makes you less privileged...
Score: 7 in Italy
Apparently regardless of where you’re from as long as you’re “white” you’re automatically privileged. For people that preach freedom and equality they sure use a lot of collectivism and labeling.
Score: 7 in Italy
Yes! I am in the upper 90%! I have so much privilege! I think I’ll go oppress someone with my white male privileges. Maybe find a restaurant with a minority server to bring me food and drink!
Score: 7 in Rockmart, GA
I think Hitler would have loved this. He was the king of identity politics. So.....congratulations on separating humans.
Score: 7 in Irving, TX
What bullshit
Score: 7 in New Lenox, IL
Is this one of those sociology experiments where you are actually measuring Internet hostility, or susceptibility to social messaging or something?
Score: 7 in Eden Prairie, MN
Wow, you are basing worth(by obvious implication) on physical and social characteristics. Maybe you’ll get lucky and find a way to select for only enough “woke” White men for each set of stocks in every town. You don’t get to redefine others based on what you value based on ideology...doesn’t seem like I should have to tell another adult that
Score: 7 in Eden Prairie, MN
Now how can I get some advantage for this privilege?
Score: 7 in Brooklyn, NY
Why do only majority-white counties have to be diverse?
Score: 7 in Severn, MD
My score is 7, and I'm in the top 10% for privilege. But then, we did build the western world, so I'm not mad.
Score: 7 in United States
Wow, literally thought that this was a joke post until I read the comments, it's 2019 and we have arrived.
Score: 7 in Albany, OR
This MAGA country
Score: 7 in Weatogue, CT
How are the scores calculated?
We carefully consider the factors ... that we are making up to suit our ideology :) LMAO
Score: 7 in France
Being a normal person makes you privat now.
Score: 7 in Germany
If only I wasn’t born the way I was so that I could feel special too.
Score: 7 in Beaverton, OR
I was born this way.
Score: 7 in Virginia Beach, VA
So the more Christian you are the more priviliged you are. The more Muslim you are the less privileged you are. And you are less privileged being half Jewish than you are being either not Jewish or a devout Jewish.

Score: 7 in New Zealand
Being born into the people that build the country you belong to makes you as privileged as royalty of old. Sounds very logical.
Score: 7 in Germany
This quiz seems to do nothing except keep people self deprecated and widen the divide in a greatly divided country. You are more than these arbitrary groups that this quiz places you in. Everyone has struggles and problems. We should be focused on helping all of us and ourselves, not making some giant circlejerk of self deptication
Score: 7 in Stockton, CA
Muahhaha, bow down before me >7 I am your new overlord
Score: 7 in Minneapolis, MN
So can I at least shit on people who have more money than me?
Score: 7 in Canada
anyone who is white and straight is a second class citizen according to jokers like this.
Score: 7 in Canada
007 can't be bad.
Score: 7 in United Kingdom
I'm a transexual intersectional Muslim midget of color....
Score: 7 in Colorado Springs, CO
Some people wonder is this is a joke. That says a lot about our culture. Didn’t watch cnn last night (New Years) but it’d be interesting to measure the hosts with this chart.
Score: 7 in El Cerrito, CA
It says I'm more privileged than 93% of people, yet all these social justice warriors are oppressing me simply because I was born this way! Where is all of this privilege I'm being told I benefit from??
Score: 7 in Seattle, WA
Damn, it's good to be me, apparently.
Score: 7 in Byron Center, MI
I am so ashamed I scored as high as 7. Way too high I was hoping for a 3 maybe 4 tops. BTW why a slider for "Born in USA" I hate to oppress people with white toxic male logic , but is not where you were born purely a yes or no??????
Score: 7 in Hamburg, PA
Disappointed in being a 7. Will not stop until I've secured a 1. Would never hire anyone above a 10, it's the privileged's world to run and it'll stay that way.
Score: 7 in Lenoir City, TN
Scored a 7, hoping to improve it to 5 or better by this time next year.
Score: 7 in Fishers, IN
Higher is better, right?
Score: 7 in Germany
It must be very location specific. I notice when I slide the 'Christian' slider towards the devout end, my score gets lower. Possibly true (?) in NZ, but would be utterly different if I lived in China, North Korea, Egypt or the Sudan. I wonder if it takes account of such things?
Score: 7 in New Zealand
Hilarious! More fun than a stack of Frankfurt books! The Left is such ridiculous bullshit.
Score: 7 in Madison, WI
Hard work pays off. :-)
Score: 7 in United States
When am I going to see the benefits of being an oppressor?
Score: 7 in Frederick, MD
Heads exploding in the funny it's...sad.
Some people got no sense of humour or self depreciation. So hung up in their virtue signaling or victim-hood status.

We're all DOOMED and it's every one else's fault that I cant cope..wahhh !!
Score: 7 in Australia
Where is the slider for laziness versus willingness to work? I expect to get demerits for dislike of wishful or magical thinking.
Score: 7 in Pittsburgh, PA
I’m a 26, but to be more acceptable, I must Become involved in gay sex Irvine’s and become Muslim. As that would most likely end in death, I think I will pass.
Score: 7 in United States
Rats. Only got a 7 but I want to know who the UK dude is that got a 6. Must be one rich a$$. Man I envy that guy.
Score: 7 in Kenmore, WA
Don’t know what to say about this! Typical liberal horse****.
Score: 7 in Fort Myers, FL
Oops guess being while straight and CIA makes me a literal nazi
Score: 7 in United Kingdom
"How can I improve my score? Unfortunately, you are born with most of your intersectional factors." in other words, we are scoring you on your skin color and sex (since 97% of people identify with their sex) because we are against discrimination in all its forms.
Score: 7 in Brooklyn, NY
more horeshit from progressives trump 2020
Score: 7 in Kenly, NC
Out of the way: I am more priviliged ???
Score: 7 in Netherlands
Anti-white Racism of fake victims, I will never support any of their issues, migrants can stay in their own countries if they feel opressed here. Never heard such claims from actually skilled people from abroad.
Score: 7 in Germany
Ik denk dat racisme een positief ding is, in tegenstelling tot wat ons tientallen jaren verteld is... Natuurlijk is de taal en cultuur die je vader en moeder je bijbrengen belangrijker dan de taal en cultuur van anderen. En natuurlijk is het land en de streek waarin je geboren bent belangrijker dan andere landen en streken. Natuurlijk ga je liever om met de mensen die zijn zoals jij, om dit niet te willen is tegennatuurlijk, en van die tegennatuurlijke gedachte en alle bestempelen als rasisme moeten we maar eens af. Ik ze pro racisme! Love it! (score 7)
Score: 7 in Netherlands
The white man created the modern world, no matter what the leftists say!
Score: 7 in Netherlands
This is nothing but PC bullshit.
Score: 7 in Paris, IL
Need to work harder oppressing people different than me.
Score: 7 in Atlanta, GA
7 - I continue to disappoint Obama
Score: 7 in Champaign, IL
My score is 7. Why arent you people with >20 scores washing my feet????
Score: 7 in Birmingham, AL
Trying to make more money and lower that score!
Score: 7 in Alexandria, VA
Only 7. Damn!
Score: 7 in Australia
Woo Hoo, a SEVEN, (7)!!! Now, back to oppressing the LITTLE people.
Score: 7 in Weatherford, TX
The quickest way for socialists to force everyone to be exactly equal in all ways is just to get straight to the point and kill everyone at the same time.
Score: 7 in Gladewater, TX
Thank you God!
Score: 7 in United States
Bullshit women have more rights in the west than men.
Score: 7 in Netherlands
So cuz I'm white, christian, and at uni, im more privileged than 90% of people? doesn't that mean the other 90% has more power than my 10%?
Score: 7 in Canada
I got a 7. Now where do I find the list of people it's still OK for me to oppress?
Score: 7 in Canada
This is stupid, anyone who believes this actually matters is wrong.
Score: 7 in Box Elder, SD
I scored a 90%. Kiss my ass world, HAHA!
Score: 7 in Manassas, VA
I got an 8. how do i lower my score?
Score: 7 in Edinburg, VA
"As you can see below, intersectional scores are as diverse as the people they represent. The majority of people have low intersectional scores which mean they have more inherent privilege than others." - which contradicts when it states: "Your intersectionality score: 7 You are more privileged than 87% of others!"
Score: 7 in Phoenix, AZ
i got an 8. how do i lower my score? the only thin i can think is to go back to school or earn more money.
Score: 7 in Edinburg, VA
This website is racist as hell
Score: 8 in United States
And the left thinks we’re discriminating
Score: 29 in Santa Monica, CA
Where to cash in these privilege points leftist clowns
Score: 8 in Australia
Behold. The King Queen Of Victim Hood. Offer me your apologies for your privilage peasants.
Score: 99 in Tulsa, OK
privileged my ass. Trump is going to make whoever came up with this cry in 2020.
Score: 8 in United States
Great parody site. This perfectly captures the silliness, racism and preening wokeness of the entire intersectionality movement.
Score: 8 in Santa Ana, CA
The world is so mental that I cannot tell if this is a parody or not.
Score: 8
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