Intersectionality Score Calculator

Intersectionality Calculator

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oi vey 88% of people are more privileged than i, now i need to run outside and bitch about how oppressed i am to everyone on the planet.
Score: 94 in Canada
I think there should be a category for Native American.
Score: 55 in United States
I thought this was a joke. Sadly it’s not.
Score: 4 in United States
Stupid, Delusional Liberals.
Score: 15 in Sweet Valley, PA
By abandoning all my catholic beliefs and values, and embracing radical Islam, and I jump WAY up the intersectionality scale.

Add to that the fact that I see myself as a lesbian trapped in a males body, and I’m now both solidly gay, and transgendered!!!

I’m also considering myself uneducated, because even though I have a masters degree, it’s in classic white-male-European topics (engineering). According to most progressives, that’s not an education at all, rather an indoctrination....

I’m feeling better and better about myself already!!!!!
Score: 57 in United States
I am just taking a guess but is it that White folks object to their privilege being revealed? Here is something to think about. Yes you may have had a hard life, BUT your race is not one of the reasons why it has been hard.
Score: 59 in Canada
I'm a transexual intersectional Muslim midget of color....
Score: 7 in Colorado Springs, CO
Interesting to see my score. I'm supposedly less privileged than I think I am. Key word: supposedly.
Score: 29 in Belgrade, ME
or...Is this BULLSHIT?..because its pretty funny.
Score: 45 in Australia
Honestly, these comments are so sad. Made by people who scored low and are unable to recognize their own prejudice. Obviously, the test is not perfect, but really? Notice how it says "contributes" and not "determines"? I am sick of people bashing everything and labeling everything as "PC nonsense". Political correctness is a problem, but it is not an excuse to insults everything that causes you to be butthurt. This test has its merits. Take it from someone who actually scored high enough to understand the issues that it's talking about. For the people who are saying it's bigoted, this is not a test to label people. It's a test to describe how people have BEEN labeled by others. Now, for an objective criticism of the test. It doesn't work if your country of residence is not white, Christian, English-speaking dominated, and with the born in US slider, the United States. It also may work less if you live in a tight-knit community somewhat separate form the dominant culture of your country. Finally there are nuances on each scale that don't necessarily go from high to low. Let's say you are an extremely devout Christian. Because the dominant cultural narrative is not so extreme, you will face discrimination for your more extreme beliefs.
Score: 50 in Grenada, MS
FUCK! I'm only more privileged than 75% of others! What a disppointment. I guess I'll have to try harder.
Intersectionality is a bogus term invented by ideologically possessed bogus professors in the grievance studies industry. I would suggest to all you oppressed victims what Mr. Lebowski said to the Dude: "My advice to you is to do what your parents did and get a job"
Stop whining about your "oppression".
Oppression is what women experience in Saudi Arabia. The people propagating this malign ideology have too much too much time on their hands.
Score: 13 in Netherlands
Is this a joke? A subversive little test to cause people to feel sorry for themselves and envious of others!!
Score: 23 in Orange, CA
This website is so racist, sexist and misandryst. Wow!
Score: 8 in Onancock, VA
Wow, pretty moronic.
Score: 9 in Canada
Anybody with a score higher than 20 is a loser
Score: 5 in San Antonio, TX
What a bizarre little world you must inhabit. So many ways to be offended by the one thing no one has any control over - their circumstances at birth.
Score: 10 in United States
Gee I am more priveledged! So how come I've had to work for a living all my life? Maybe it's Because I have ethics and think that all people should stop whining about, and playing with their roots. I am proud to be a white male and a hard working Christian. Its called treat others as you wish to be treated.
Score: 6 in Alexandria, VA
I am triggered by these questions.
Score: 27 in Gilbert, AZ
“We suggest every group meeting to begin with everyone sharing their intersectionality scores.“
Why stop at group meetings? You should suggest that people start every conversation with their intersectionality score.
Score: 11 in Taylor Ridge, IL
More leftist bullshit
Score: 6 in Lafayette, IN
What is most distressing and pathetic about this is that this lunacy is firmly entrenched in universities and gaining legitimacy (such as it is) in mainstream discourse, well in the media and the left...but I repeat myself. If white Europeans have any reason to feel some sense of "privilege" perhaps it is because they created and built the world in which we live today, with the occasional contribution of other cultures...occasional.
Score: 13 in Essex, MD
I am a Jewish white supremaciist sissy male heterosexual Islamist Catholic that speaks Spanglish.. where does that land me on the white guilt scale?
Score: 15 in East Northport, NY
Got my score down to 11! I am way proud...
Score: 11 in Huntington, WV
Oh Snap, I feel much better about myself now that I know my score is 6.
Score: 6 in Palmyra, VA
My score was a 10.
Woooo hoooooo, I am more privileged than 84%!
Score: 10 in United States
Instead of trying to find a way to label ourselves and others a victims, why not subscribe to the idea that everyone is equally valuable and deserving of respect, thus the standard that everyone has the SAME rights so as not to disadvantage or advantage anyone over another.
Score: 21 in United States
The inmates are running the asylum in todays "higher education". ?
Score: 6 in Longwood, FL
I'm a three! Hurrah!
Score: 3 in Colorado Springs, CO
Outrageous. I despise you, leftists for how you devide US and try to turn one American against another. You will pay for the damages you do to our country, society, and Constitution.
Score: 49 in Granite Bay, CA
What a load of Commie pap (eyeroll)
Score: 9 in United States
I turned a 4 and am darn proud of it! I know who I am, what I am, who God is, and I've worked for every last cent I have and at 66, I'm still working!
Score: 4 in Birmingham, AL
I'm a rich, straight, white, devout Christian male born in the USA. Whoohoo, 3 is the lowest score I've seen here!
Score: 3 in Somerville, NJ
two genders. two scoops, two terms
Score: 5 in Redford, MI
Damn. I was really hoping to get into the 1%.
Score: 5 in Fort Worth, TX
LOL These Communists are retarded
Score: 20 in Dearborn, MI
I'm a 4 I'm going to get a little more religious so I can be a 3....or perhaps a 2.
Score: 4 in San Francisco, CA
The way i see it the lower your score the better off you are. I am going to work hard to lower my 15 to a 5!
Score: 15 in Valparaiso, IN we basically have a dipstick to check how acceptable we are to lunatic left. I like how there are categories for being gay, transgendered, and then muslim - and your score increases if you are solidly all 3. Never mind that in muslim nations, being gay or transgendered gets you outcast, or cast off of a roof.
Score: 15 in Canada
It is pathetic that people fervently believe in this crap. If this is a satirical site, it's very well done.
Score: 4 in United Kingdom
This is the stupidity our schools train people in. This is Marxism, where your color actually matters and makes you inferior or superior. Marxism just murdered 100 million, but tens of millions in America vote Democrat, not realizing Democrats are nothing other than Marxists. Compare the American communist website with the Democrat party platform. They are virtually identical.
Score: 7 in San Jose, CA
Intersectionality of 4; I'm also 6'7" and articulate, that's got to push me into negative numbers.
Score: 4 in San Antonio, TX
score 4. everyone should hate me I guess
Score: 5 in Gaithersburg, MD
Wow such a low score, and I live in Texas. Come at me brah!!!!
Score: 4 in Louisville, KY
Fat people need oppression too!
Don’t forget the uglies...
Mao would be proud!
Score: 15 in Palm Springs, CA
Now THIS is a funny website!!!
Score: 3 in Sterling, CO
What incredible divisive bullshit garbage this is.
Score: 20 in Hungary
Can I get a lower score if I beat up someone with a better intersectionality score? Asking for a friend
Score: 8 in Waterloo, IL
What a joke. Recipe for more racism, sexism, envy and hatred.
Score: 6 in Alexandria, VA
How is English 'somewhat' of a first language for you?
Score: 16 in Argentina
Those below me must be living like wild animals, homeless and hungry. Because I'm on a verge with my "privilege."
Score: 23 in Poland
I'm Jewish, "White" rich and educated, but they give me a score of 1??? this website is anti semetic. I have a job lined up for me by my dad in Television and I will make you go Viral.

The Holocaust - Hows that for privilege you dirty arabs?
Score: 6 in Ireland
Just more socialist hogwash. Let's create a score that represents American values...Just reverse the one you get on this.
Score: 5 in Gilbert, AZ
how are jewsess privileged than Christians? Jewish people are more successful by every metric.

this score calculation was definitely made by a Jew
Score: 3 in Bronx, NY
So for coming from poor coal miners who encouraged their offspring to seek a better life, I am privileged. Interesting...
Score: 6 in Baltimore, MD
So if I’m the most privileged group in America (Jewish), then my intersectionality goes up and makes me less privileged? Literally what?
Score: 3 in Washington, DC
LMAO so ridiculous. If you scroll all to the left, but are female, 55% are more privileged than you. But, if you scroll that over to the male side, you are suddenly more privileged than 79% of others. HA HAHA HAHAHAHAHAHA what a joke. That's a difference of 138%. I don't know about others, but it certainly seems that attractive rich white girls are far more privileged than middle class white men. But that's anecdotal of course. Whoever made this test and published it should truly be ashamed of themselves. oy vey, what is this world coming to?!
Score: 12 in Redding, CA
This is awesome. I got a 3 and feel liberated. I'm disappointed I did not get a 0, but I guess that's okay. Now I need to go and find people to oppress. Maybe I'll fire all my staff that are non-white and religious.
Score: 3 in New Zealand
Wahoo! Suck it, great unwashed masses!
Score: 1 in Monrovia, MD
Someone needs to tell me how I should feel? I might be confused?
Score: 14 in Bakersfield, CA
Yep. Pure bullshit.
Score: 12 in Fort Worth, TX
Pathetic marxist shite. Marxism is responsible for over 100 million dead, and these morons still think the're morally superior.
Score: 6 in France
My score is a 2, and it says, “You are more privileged than 100% of others!”

I’m very ambitious so I’m wondering if it is possible to improve my score even further?
Score: 2 in Honolulu, HI
Can i get a t-shirt with my score? Also this number would really help sort resumes when hiring people.
Score: 3 in Denver, CO
I need a laugh and this site gets 5 stars for the endless nonsense it generates. Thanks so much!!!
Score: 5 in Tempe, AZ
Gutted. I only managed to get as low as 19 (old, disabled veteran). I was hoping to get below 10 to really be part of the "privileged elite"
Score: 19 in United Kingdom
only a lefty could believe this idiocy
Score: 9 in United States
You guys need to add for males short/tall
A beauty score, a brains score, how about athletic ability, humor, like ability, ability to laugh at yourself, gratitude, a rejection of victimhood... this could get really fun?
Score: 19 in Thailand
I'm one of those poor non-white Trump supporters #MyPresident #LunaticLeftistsKissMyAss
Score: 56 in Pompano Beach, FL
"The majority of people have low intersectional scores which mean they have more inherent privilege than others." I suppose it was too much to expect from the purveyors of this non-sense that their analysis wold be anything but...nonsense. and 75% of drivers in sweden are above-average...
Score: 3 in New York, NY
93% more privileged than all others... Thats an "A"..right?
Score: 6 in Oklahoma City, OK
Total waste of time unless you believe in dividing people further. Deranged socialist fake news.
Score: 27 in Puyallup, WA
This is an awesome tool! Thanks for creating something like this - unfortunately, some people like to believe there are no implicit bias so they can continue to believe they are where they are in life (read: low score) because they worked hard.. not because they had the chips stacked in their favor (read: low score!). you guys rock - i'll be sharing this everywhere!
Score: 3 in San Diego, CA
I got a 10. I feel like my life is a failure. Gotta work my way into single digits somehow.
Score: 10 in Winchester, KY
you have a typo, you spelt "normal" as "cisgender"
Score: 20 in United Kingdom
I am en-heartened to see the derisiveness comments about this SILLINESS called intersectionality. The idea that just because I am a straight, white, Christian, male who isn't poor or disabled that I am somehow automatically a bigot is atrocious. This comes from Leftist ideology that holds that anyone that disagrees with them can be dismissed with calling them a name. And, if that doesn't work, your speech is a "micro-aggression" which is tantamount to VIOLENCE. The natural extension of this thought is that micro-aggression should be met with VIOLENCE. Can we not see that this is dangerous?
Score: 10 in Canada
12... guess I'm literally worse than hilter
Score: 12 in United Kingdom
Your intersectionality score: 12
You are more privileged than 79% of others!

Hah yes! Feeling good, born to be crown jewel. All women want me, my genes are superior.
Score: 12 in Finland

Needs a slider for readheads and veagans
Score: 28 in Australia
Where's the slider - oppressed by a childhood of abuse perpetrated by mother that was so bad it left me suicidal for the first 3 decades of my life and actually caused a sibling to commit suicide. Your oppression-points are total BS! That's because you only consider the categories that are useful to the narrow-minded agenda you're pushing. You even manipulated my Jewish identity by making "devout Jewish" count more than simply Jewish. I don't have to be frum and Orthodox in order to face the same oppression, bigotry, and danger they do.

As far as I'm concerned, you're hatemongers bent on dividing U.S. citizens rather than trying to bring us together by focusing on what we have in common.
Score: 14 in Arlington, MA
I can’t live with myself anymore. I am so uncool because I have a low score. Ps guys, love the scale idea for born here, born abroad. On religion why no category for Jedi?
Score: 13 in Bronx, NY
turns out I'm a solid 8! damn never thought id be so glad to be less than a 10! now i just need to use my privilege to get richer so my score drops... BTW if this privilege is real, how do i exploit it? this is something the left never explains to me on TV, just that I'm guilty and the worst thing to happen to society since the plague lmao
Score: 8 in Lafayette, CA
As someone with a high intersectionality score (80% of others are more privileged than) I would just like to say that this test is extremely oppressive and racist.

I bet a privileged, white, college-educated individual made this test. It shows!
Score: 53 in Thailand
I am a symbol of oppression. :) Fantastic!!!
Score: 9 in Hattiesburg, MS
I feel like none of these commenters realize how sarcastic and satirical this test is ?
Score: 50 in Canada
Please delete the site, you are humiliating your selves and demonstrating the flaws in your thinking.
Score: 55 in Australia
Sounds like something Nazi Germany would do.
Score: 23 in Florence, SC
I’m an 8 and don’t feel a bit guilty which of course, I do feel guilty about.
Score: 8 in Oak Lawn, IL
Equal opportunity =/= outcome. get bent you twats.
Score: 8 in United States
still missing the most important sliders - vertically and horizontally challenged! also, english as second language? think third...
Score: 10 in Slovakia
This test is insane
Score: 22 in Kingsland, TX
I love this. May the superior 10 and unders continue our reign upon the earth. Give nothing to the marxists and low IQ mob which wishes to tear us down and pull us apart.
Score: 6 in Iowa City, IA
Man if I whern’t also poor and disabled I’d have a better score. Still I can always bully everyone just to boost my # of fools beneath me score
Score: 21 in Cambridge, MA
I feel comfortable with this
Score: 20 in United States
14. It would have been lower but I'm old and decrepit. What a crock! This sort of drivel is the product of leftie eggheads with too much time on their hands.
Score: 13 in Lynnwood, WA
Wicked. This so called test says the BEST things you can do to "raise your score" are become a murdering terrorist, sexual deviant, or work to undermine liberty and property rights.

I wish I could get a Zero on there corrupt, perverted, and demonic test, but it says 2 is in fact the lowest score possible.

But, since it also says you can ADD up to 5 points for your "Level of activism" I am going to TAKE OFF 5 for my high activism in fighting this evil doctrine of demons.

-3 is my score you fiends from Hell. Take that.
Score: 2 in Ames, IA
I am a devout Jewish, Muslim, Transgender, Woman who is poor and uneducated. Gif Moneys Plx.
Score: 44 in Colorado Springs, CO
I was aiming for a score of two, but sadly I'm not rich enough and was born outside of the US. Worry not, fellow card-carrying members of the Patriarchy, we shall prevail!
Score: 12 in Williamsburg, VA
Ho! Ho! Hey! Hey! Who can I oppress today?!
Score: 11 in Williamsburg, VA
I’m a 100!! A poor uneducated disabled trangeredgered gay devout Jewish Muslim. Female born in Guadalajara who speaks little English. Thank Yahweh/Allah for spellcheck or you probably couldn’t read this.
Score: 97 in Naples, FL
If only Harrison Bergeron had been around to see this, he would have worn those chains with pride!
Score: 3 in Heber City, UT
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