Why are you considered to be more privileged if you are a Christian in the UK?
Score: 6 in United Kingdom
English is my first, and last language—I am a proud monolinguist and I adore my Mother tongue above all others, finding it to be the most immaculate. I pity those not born to this language, the greatest of them all. The envy of all the world. Purely pitiful, are those born to my language and then discard this prized possession away to gain knowledge of inferior tongue. A precious pearl, one of a kind, one that is a treasure— and these sad cretins decide to trade it for what they think are stores of coin. Keep your filthy lucre. I will do as Shakespeare, Milton, and all great speakers, the masters as I like to call them, of this glorious language have done and keep my priceless English language utterly unsullied.Non-native English speakers need not attempt any replies, whatsoever, for they are not truly initiated into the wonders of this glorious language and fail to understand its inherent, absolute beauty.
Score: 9 in Hookstown, PA
I received a score of 3. This made my day. I am happy not to be a member of a group that cares more about your color, sex and other traits that you were born with than your character.
51% - cis white male. Woop.
Woohoo! I got a five! I'm like the Tiger fucking Woods of white privilege! Shine my shoes, bitches!
Score: 5 in United States
I got to go out and get me some more privilege. I know I can do better than this.
Score: 20 in Asheville, NC
Fascism at it's finest folks
Score: 13 in United Kingdom
I thought this site was a joke but sadly it's not. It looks like the Cultural Marxism unleashed on America decades ago is leaving yet another embarrassing Democrat created stain on our history. FYI: I checked the boxes to fit Jussie Smollett and see he only scores a 47. Changing to female would have jumped him to a 62! I'm sure the left will forgive his low score since he hates white people and President Trump.
Score: 47 in Placerville, CA
Wow! I've got so much white privilage I don't know what to do with it all! Can I sell some of it?
Score: 16 in Clarksdale, MS
This is like total bullshit. I sure ain't privileged because I've had work and struggle most my life
Score: 14 in United States
Score of 3! ?
Looks like I’ll have to work on getting a bit richer and maybe complete that graduate degree. Score of 0 is my goal. #MAGA2020. #NotAShredOfGuilt
So can I at least shit on people who have more money than me?
umm this is the dumbest test and dumbest “thing” i’ve ever heard of
Score: 40 in San Antonio, TX
Who is the brainless zombie that invented this false narrative?
This just in: privileged people refuse to check theirs and demonstrate a drop of human empathy by celebrating something they don't believe in and make fun of people that are in any way different then them, instead of understanding that empathy is the soul of patriotism. This is about understanding that despite our differences, we are all in this crazy ass life together and we should work to help those less fortunate than ourselves.
Score: 50 in Las Vegas, NV
I can’t tell if this is satire or not. This is satire right?
Score: 50 in Brighton, MA
This test is hysterical. Add a question and slider about how unicorn you are and that question would be just as real as the idea behind this whole test.
Score: 21 in Sacramento, CA
Like the idea, but some of these sliders seem arbitrary. Also, would be nice to add fat/thin factor. Curious about the stats/numbers determining the score. Also, some of the rich/poor, old/young need indicators along the scale. Just ideas.
Score: 41 in United States
I got a 21, I am more racist than that! Come on Intersectionality, you are failing me
As a Welch/American, I respectfully request seven points. Having everyone assume I will “Welch“ on a bet has measurably disadvantaged me almost as much as the time I let Clay Trott touch my wanker in the hot tub in jr high.
Score: 2 in College Station, TX
I entered the Konami code and started the test with 30 extra intersectionality points!
Score: 15 in Rochester, MI
anybody who honestly takes this poll is a mother fucking god damn idiot.
Score: 12 in Naperville, IL
Leftists are godless, and this is the ignorant work of their godless minds and hearts. 10. ??
Score: 10 in Winthrop, MA
11 handicap. Im good with this.
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. Opps not yet ....
This is the bullshittiest bullshit I’ve ever seen ? if you actually believe this garbage and base your life decisions off of it then shame on you.
Score: 22 in Pompano Beach, FL
Muahhaha, bow down before me >7 I am your new overlord
Score: 7 in Minneapolis, MN
I got a 6,get triggered liberals!
Another attempt at social engineering by designing something that makes you guilty of you are white, straight, born in the US and a Christian.
So very excited to learn how things I cannot mostly change affect my oppression of others.
Score: 3 in Broomfield, CO
I scored a three. Being older screwed me. I want reparations!
Score: 3 in Spring Hill, FL
Sweet! Where can I collect my white privilege?
nothing says dumb quite like celebrating your imagined oppression
The saddest part of this is that there are vast swaths of liberals and progressives that think this is the best and should be used as a basis for things like taxes, interest rates, and most importantly, how much of my money should be used for reparations of all the peoples I have personally oppressed and continue to.
Good to see the comment section is in agreement as to how stupid this is
Score: 9 in United Kingdom
Leftist cultural Marxism born out of the pseudoscientific fields of psychology, sociology, anthropology, and gender studies
Score: 5 in United States
Guys look how oppressed I am omg, life is horrible I'm like the most unlucky person in earth. ????
Score: 35 in Croswell, MI
Karl Marx would like to know your location
Score: 41 in United Kingdom
Can we give a moment to respect all of the disabled, black, genderqueer, non binary muslims out there
Score: 27 in United Kingdom
My score is 25, guessing because I am not religious and I haven't been born in the States (English is my second or rather third language). However, this entire thing is complete and utter BS. Socail justice is fascism. Feminism is poison. Trannies are mentally ill. GTFO! MAGA!!!
Score: 24 in Las Vegas, NV
I couldn't give a crap less about people I don't know. If I know them then my empathy meter starts to move, if I know them well it bumps slightly higher. I don't care about color, sexual preference, religion or any of that bullshit when it comes to other people. I am certainly not going to go out of my way to "champion some cause" that does not affect me directly. I don't expect anyone to protect my rights I can do that myself. It isn't their fight. People just need to mind their own business and quit trying to save everyone.
Score: 12 in Saint Peters, MO
There MAY be some merit to this quiz, but I’m truly skeptical as to how much it represents reality. This doesn’t mention anything about history of having been abused or oppressed (traumatized) at all.
It would make sense that someone who has been traumatized may well be traumatized and/or oppressed again.
There must be a way for me to be more of a victim. Victim's get free stuff!
All of you can't seriously think this website is legit, right? It's clearly a smear campaign. Regardless of what you think about the left, nobody is THAT stupid. The selections are on sliders for crying out loud, it's clearly not something to take seriously.
Score: 55 in Saint Louis, MO
Social justice is the gospel of victimization and weakness; coercion and guilt tripping people for not being delusional, wicked, or vile. There is nothing 'just' about social justice. This is pathetic.
Score: 8 in United States
I am of Irish descent; my people were held in forced slavery and deserve reparations....boo hoo somebody give me a special classification, boo hoo, I am a victim and can't live successfully without someone helping me; because of my heritage I've been held back and oppressed; boo hoo; I am incompetent.
Score: 8 in United States
My score is SIX? This isn't fair. It is socially unjust. I should have the same right to a higher score like other people.
Score: 6 in Germantown, MD
Wow!! 51% privleged. Now I see the evidence and truthiness of my centrist politics.
Score: 25 in United States
As a poorly educated, disabled, transgender, LGBT, physically disabled, Muslim woman of colour it is good to know that some real allies care about me by calculating my oppression score.
I hope more members of the cisgender heteropatriarchy do this and check their privledge so the world can be a better place
Where's the fat slider? I just had half a pizza and I feel way more oppressed after finish in than i did before it.
Score: 17 in United Kingdom
Not gonna lie slightly offended ?. This is a bad rep to show weather ur privlaged or not tBH
Score: 49 in United States
I just snorted my (white) milk through my (white) nose!
The most self-satirical website in the world.
Score: 7 in United Kingdom
Lol nice glad I can finally collect my oppression points™️
Score: 49 in Mountain View, CA
I identify as having a higher score
Score: 35 in United Kingdom
I am a nine and my wife is the opposite. Does this mean I can breed out my privilege? Now that's an idea - a dating app that will guarantee you can breed out your advantage. That's a great idea!
Score: 5 in North Aurora, IL
This thing says that 6% of people have an intersectionality score of 98 or higher which means that 6% of all people are black, gay, female, trans, poor, elderly, disabled, non-english speaking, immigrant, uneducated, Muslim Jews
Score: 100 in Seattle, WA
This literally has to be fake. There are some crazy but job liberals out there but none are this insane.
There is no such thing as "excess wealth"
Score: 11 in Kirkland, WA
What absolute garbage, the only thing that holds you back is yourself in the US not your labels or things you were born with.
This is supremely stupid.
Score: 21 in Springdale, UT
This nonsense has my white Christian straight English speaking US born wife and myself laughing our asses off. Cant wait to use our wealth to oppress more people
Score: 10 in North Ridgeville, OH
No we don't live in North Ridgeville OH! We do all of our oppressing from Winfield IA
Score: 10 in North Ridgeville, OH
I'm praying this is satirical
Being Jewish/Muslim adds points, but being Christian removes points.
Score: 8 in United Kingdom
This is such a load of bullshit omg.
this is nothing but socialist racism. today's socialism has become the new Nazism
I hope all of you get cancer and have your families watch you whither and die slowly. May you have an eternal case of crabs and have your arms amputated.
Score: 15 in Round Rock, TX
It's a miracle that such low intelligence people were able to compile this webpage.
If I'm so privileged them why don't I have anice car and food in my pantry for another week? Fuckers have a sick sense of what "privileged" means
Score: 15 in Kissimmee, FL
This quiz seems to do nothing except keep people self deprecated and widen the divide in a greatly divided country. You are more than these arbitrary groups that this quiz places you in. Everyone has struggles and problems. We should be focused on helping all of us and ourselves, not making some giant circlejerk of self deptication
I manage to get a 5 and I'm proud of this. Fuck you and your site, you fucking leftist. Soon, you will get a free ride in our helicopters.
What a joke of a website. "getting more involved with Islam or Judaism, donate all excess wealth to charity, or explore the wild side of your sexuality"
They literally want you to change your religion and go gay so you don't oppress people.
Intersectionality seems more divisive than it is useful, judging people by arbitrary labels instead of as a person.
I honest to God thought this was a joke when I saw it. SAD!
I am a white cis male and I am not ashamed.
This is some pure bullshit. I can just be a bit more gay and become the oppressed.
Score: 23 in United Kingdom
i never met my dad. was abused physically by most of my small family and spent my childhood in borderline poverty. Thank you marxists, very cool!
Score: 16 in Allentown, PA
I honest to god can’t tell if this is satire or not
Hell yeah! In the 90th percentile. Time to put it on cruise control for a bit a live it up.
Why does the ability to speak german make me more anyhow more priviliged than other people in the world?
I can somehow agree that it may be true that you have got more priviliges when you're born in germany than someone who is born in I dunno Syria right now, but how tf does Speaking german give me any advantage, beside being called a Kraut by every non- german? :D
Sometimes I am sad, but only 10% sad.
If the people who made this embarrassment actually want to do good, start treating people as individuals rather than members of which ever identity group. Anyone who actually believes this is a good tool for determining status of oppression is a bigot.
This is so fucking stupid lol. Dem libs and oppression man
This looks like a Monty Python sketch
Being born into the people that build the country you belong to makes you as privileged as royalty of old. Sounds very logical.
What score entails the unlimited N-word pass?
The mental gymnastics continues
got score of 4
When will I get my white-privilege card, and where is my 500k salary?
So a very poor straight man is more privelaged than a very rich gay man ? it’s funny how the intersectionalists scarcely include poverty in their list of oppressions since they’re all upper-middle class
Score: 28 in United Kingdom
So I am supposed to pick up my privilege check in the mail or at the post office?
Score: 11 in Grove City, PA