Intersectionality Score Calculator

Intersectionality Calculator

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What's a "cisgender'?rnrnAlso, "person of colour"? Shouldn't this be "person of a certain colour" since we're all some colour or other? I know, I've looked. I'm not "white", I'm "light pink." Pink's a colour, isn't it?
Score: 25 in Canada
Oh yeah I got 6 time to 💪 Flex
Score: 6 in Australia
Ha! I got a 4! I'm better than 97% of people! Without even trying! I knew it! Now, I can do ANYTHING I want! Laws don't apply to me! I've got a 4!
Score: 4 in Krum, TX
Disgusting liberal piece of trash
Score: 3 in Arlington, TX
I love this test, it validates my hurt feelings, I feel entitled to compensation. I am as close to the top of the victim hood pyramid as it gets. When is my government going to make me rich. I want everything and I want it now. Stop oppressing me and shower me with free stuff.
Score: 97 in New Zealand
Quadriplegic Christopher Reeve after his accident scores 13. He was at that time more privileged than 75% of others. Try to contain your jealousy.
Score: 13 in United Kingdom
Intersectionality is a cultural Marxist scam that replace valid logic with compound special pleadings and ad hominem garbage.
Score: 27 in Rochester, NY
You know all of this is bull, right?
Score: 16 in Minneapolis, MN
This is so fucking stupid lol. Dem libs and oppression man
Score: 14 in Canada
I have reached God hood
Score: 3 in United Kingdom
Do you get more points if you're a child molester? murderer? How about if you stepped in a puddle, and got your shoes all muddy? What if you have a higher education, But you're still dumb?
Score: 55 in Columbus, OH
What a load of nonsense. Work hard, get an education, work hard.
Score: 45 in United Kingdom
Score: 11 in Lithuania
only a lefty could believe this idiocy
Score: 9 in United States
Wait... You mean this ISN'T satire?

Holy crap.
Score: 100 in Mesa, AZ
The difference between being...
rich and poor: +-5
younger and older: +-0
abled vs disabled: +-7
educated or not: +-4

straight or gay: +-10
male or female: +-15
cis or trans: +-7
white or not: +-28!!

Who decided these ridiculous weightings? When ideology poses as sociology, all you get is pseudoscience.
Score: 87 in Louisville, KY
How can whether you were born in a country have anything other than a yes/no answer?
Score: 9 in United Kingdom
? I’m a 13! Those Social Justice Warriors are coming for my pale white ass! I’m screwed!...
Score: ? in Canada
Just another stupid slide towards more shit!
Score: 11 in Australia
Oy vey! Oy gevalt!
Score: 87 in Israel
This is complete satire, how can people not see it?
Score: 15 in United Kingdom
I was feeling down for not getting the parking spot i wanted at work today, but i have to say that taking this survey rebounded my spirits! It feels so good being white!
Score: 5 in Canada
i love it. Its condescending, patronising crap like this, dressed up in academic verbiage like a pig in makeup, which at last exposes the intellectual derangement of mainstream progressivism
Score: 7 in Ireland
Wow, this is so helpful! I'm now motivates to compete in the oppression Olympics!
Score: 96 in Australia
Where is the slider for how much of a Russian bot I am?
Score: 29 in United States
Who would have thought a gay, transgender, Muslim, Jewish, poor, old, uneducated, non-english speaking, foreign invalid like me would get a perfect score! Finally!!
Score: 100 in East Brunswick, NJ
Welp. Guess I'm literally Hitler
Score: 10 in Greece
Surely this is a joke?
Score: 95 in Australia
I'm 100% Jewish and 100% muslim. Sounds legit
Score: 96 in Netherlands
I was an 11. Changed my mindset. I feel like a woman, and changed my religion. Feeling more oppressed now. Anxiousness is rising. Going to a protest as we speak. Am able to identify as a victim now.
Score: ? in Canada
You failed to include a slider for neanderthal ancestry. I'm being oppressed!
Score: 11 in United States
I laugh at this tool of a tool. Leftist lunacy. Even with my pretty high score, I would refuse to accept any identity-advantage over another human being
Score: 60 in Australia
Yes! I oppress 99% of all people with my score of 3.
Score: 3 in Canada
I have never discriminated against another human being in my life. Do I like them all, no. Do I treat them all as children of god, Yes. Intersectionality is a made up word by people who wish to divide us into victims of some perceived irrelevant traits.
Score: 14 in United States
Lmfao this is fucking hilarious and whoever created it is a satirical genius
Score: 4 in Canada
i’m a straight, black, Christian, male, career military, who speaks English. apparently…i’m a few steps above Hitler ??‍♂️
Score: ? in Japan
I got a 9 and that's only because I'm lower middle class. Thank god that's all I have wrong with me. It feels so good to be straight white and Male. You should try it some time.
Score: 9 in Fresno, CA
Scored 3! Funny, my neighborhood has about as many brown-skinned people as whites, and most of my bosses over 20 years have been female and/or minorities. Guess that stuff doesn't count.
Score: ? in Covina, CA
can i cash in my privilege points for more v-bucks?
Score: 96 in United Kingdom
I was entertained.
Score: 13 in Denmark
this is a joke, right?
Score: 34 in United Kingdom
Does this test completely change its rating according to the country you live in?
Islam is not a minority group. It's literally the majority religion. It controls the law in a lot of countries. Whites are a minority on the planet.

So if you're a devout native muslim in Pakistan, you're much better off than say, a devout jew. If you're a gay albino in some parts of Africa, you'd be off the scales.
Score: ? in Germany
Apparently starting life my adult life as a homeless 15 year old means nothing. I'm still a white guy so I was a privileged homeless teenager! Intersectionality is Marxism by another name and therefore failed ideological crap.
Score: 15 in Jeffersonville, VT
Absolutely the best Internet joke since the Shakespearean Insult Generator...unless this is a serious attempt to recruit college professors, NGO executives, or Democratic Party candidates.
Score: 18 in Novato, CA
Whahahaha. See here the complete and utter bankrupcy of the whole intersectionality movement (and with it, most of the "soft sciences" by now, it's a cancer) in one easy "web app". FYI, it's overly complicated. You really only need one single slider. It goes from "normal person" to "whiny bitch". That would at least neatly sidestep the rather horrible sanctioned discrimination on the bases of race, gender, belief, and whatnot else, that you're promoting here. That's right, "intersectionality" is nothing but complete and utter racism in a virtue signalling sauce. But still racism at its core. By promoting this you're making the world a little worse, certainly no better. Something to be proud of, eh.
Score: 96 in Netherlands
I love this. May the superior 10 and unders continue our reign upon the earth. Give nothing to the marxists and low IQ mob which wishes to tear us down and pull us apart.
Score: 6 in Iowa City, IA
Why is stupidity and ignorance not a category?
Score: 100 in United States
Straight white male who is generally anti-muslim in America.
Score: 9 in Yorba Linda, CA
I've always considered myself a liberal, but this is disgusting.

"You can give exclusive opportunties and promotions to people with high intersectionality scores so that they become more represented in positions of power."

You mean I should leave jobs empty and undone until a qualified person representing a smaller slice of humanity than average emerges?

"Can I use this calculator on others?

Thanks for making it so easy for me to judge others!

"...having a high intersectionality score doesn't completely immunize you from being called an oppressor."

So I'm responsible for what other people call me and accuse me of?

Seriously, fuck you guys.
Score: 62 in Columbus, OH
Lmaoooo, lost for words!
Score: 20 in Bronx, NY
Wicked. This so called test says the BEST things you can do to "raise your score" are become a murdering terrorist, sexual deviant, or work to undermine liberty and property rights.

I wish I could get a Zero on there corrupt, perverted, and demonic test, but it says 2 is in fact the lowest score possible.

But, since it also says you can ADD up to 5 points for your "Level of activism" I am going to TAKE OFF 5 for my high activism in fighting this evil doctrine of demons.

-3 is my score you fiends from Hell. Take that.
Score: 2 in Ames, IA
Intersectionality is a degenerate poison killing our civilisations
Score: 16 in Ireland
Tfw the only two options are white or black, so I cannot even chose. And don't start with the "person of colour" means every people of colour shit. It's exclusively being used by blacks. This test is pretty racist smh.
Score: 28 in Hungary
How the hell is being a poor disabled male person better than being a gay POC rich female person? You are literally saying someone with no legs, who lives under a bridge in the third world has an easier life than a black lesbian able bodied person in a mansion. That is crazy.
Score: 71 in New Zealand
I graded my wealth comparing to the world, in which I as an American am a top 1%-er. I got a 2!! Woo-hoo! I don't buy any of this Marxist claptrap about oppressives and progressives, of course, and I ridicule it because it's all nonsense and evil, saturated in envy and idolatry. But I do realize that what Jesus said is true: To whom much is given, from him much will be required (same for "her" BTW). I pray that I will be faithful in giving to God and to others what he requires of me.
Score: 2 in Athens, OH
I’m at 31. Is that good enough to avoid the re-education camps?
Score: 31 in College Park, MD
Gutted. I only managed to get as low as 19 (old, disabled veteran). I was hoping to get below 10 to really be part of the "privileged elite"
Score: 19 in United Kingdom
So all I have to do to make myself more disadvantaged is abandon my devotion to Jesus Christ, the God of creation who came to earth, lived a sinless life, and sacrificed himself on a cross as propitiation for my sins?
Score: 4 in Bismarck, ND
Oh goody a test to check up on my victim status....
Score: 14 in Australia
I’m a 37. If I was a dude I’d be a 22. ? Women in western cultures are not oppressed. This is insane.
Score: ? in La Crescent, MN
It’s a joke. Probably.
Score: 60 in Cleveland, OH
If this isn't a joke this is the dumbest shit I've ever seen. We used to fight for better pay, healthcare, and human rights on the left. This is just buzzfeed level "I have it worse - no I have it worse!" BS. Stand up for your marginalized friends by fighting for their rights and the rights of all people, not by trying to rate everybody on an arbitrary scale to see who gets to win which arguments.
Score: ? in Canada
As a trans fat muslim female of color with disabilities who lives i poverty I think my oppression score does not reflect my daily struggles with cisgender heteronormative white people the patriarchy forces me to interact with
Score: 9000 in France
How Snowflake are you?

Score: 41 in Venezuela
I got a 4. I am heavily opressive, I am a bad guy, it s in my blood as your theory suggest. Interestingly I live in Romania where there is not too much to opress. Anyhow, this ranking is no different than the Chinese government social ranking of its citizens so this is definitely communism.
Score: 4 in Romania
Person of Color, Straight, Male, Cisgender, Rich, Able-Bodied, English as First Language, Born in the USA, More Educated, No Religion: 28% privileged.

Same settings but White and Poor: 65% privileged.

This is why nobody takes this stuff seriously.
Score: 17 in Greenfield, MA
Can I trade my intersectionality points for food? Being an oppressor makes me hungry!
Score: 10 in Sweden
LOL this is the saddest effort from Clown World yet.
Score: 9 in United Kingdom
I'm a three! Hurrah!
Score: 3 in Colorado Springs, CO
Wounded in combat. Raging PTSD. In remission from addiction. Formerly homeless. Life in shambles after Iraq. Deemed 100% disabled by the VA. But somehow this quiz is able to make a sweeping generalization about my “oppression index” based upon my color, my sexual orientation, gender identity, and religion/ lack there of? Sounds similar to another vile ideology.

It’s hard to get behind the idea that oppression of all these groups is such an issue when “calculators” like this exist. True oppression wouldn’t allow for conversation like this to occur, or for voices to be heard. This is just a bizarre pathological desire to be different and feel victimized.
Score: 21 in Chicago, IL
Got my score down to 11! I am way proud...
Score: 11 in Huntington, WV
I'm a mongrel, I want more points government please!
Score: 40 in Australia
Gross bigotry
Score: 97 in Sun Prairie, WI
I think they need to take into account neurodiversity scores. I have a hidden disability. This is only taking into account able bodied/ physically disabled.
Score: 36 in Australia
TIL that According to the sliders, a dirt poor, white, gay, lady-boy is more privileged than a rich straight black man.
Score: 39 in United States
What a load of BS.
Score: 4 in United Kingdom
I got an 11. I need to oppress someone right now.
Score: 11 in United States
anybody who honestly takes this poll is a mother fucking god damn idiot.
Score: 12 in Naperville, IL
Bahahaha... this is a wonderful example of why the far left and their idealogy are alienating so many people... this is literally pure racism, Prejudiced and bigotry... Judging someone based wholly upon the color of their skin, sexual orientation, religious beliefs and gender. I'm triggered #👌
Score: 31 in Bronx, NY
Why a poor white male is more privileged than a rich black male? Wtf
Score: 10 in Spain
Hilarious!! I can now be what ever I want!
Score: 58 in Australia
How long until this ideology states that white people existing is oppression itself and that genocide is justified?
Score: 6 in Brandywine, MD
I scored a perfect 12! What did I win?
Score: 12 in Netherlands
What a load of fucking bollocks
Score: 33 in United Kingdom
Martin Luther King would consider you an opponent of his ideology. Shame on you.
Score: 26 in United Kingdom
Despite making up just 13% of the population, black people commit 52% of violent crime
Score: 39 in San Bernardino, CA
This site is unintentionally very funny. They take this shit seriously
Score: 15 in Canada
most bullshit i have ever seen. privilege my ass. only people who realy have privilege aber the rich and israelis
Score: 27 in Germany
Wow this is one of the most bigotted sites I have ever seen. Its stuff like this that causes division and hatred. We need to focus on what makes us simalir, not different!
Score: 10 in Alexandria, VA
Christians are considered privileged? What about about the 280 Christian women and children murdered in northern Nigeria by a Muslim mob for their faith a short while ago? How are the Muslims the oppressed group and the Christians the oppressors? Or the bombs set off in Sri Lanka by Muslim extremists that killed a bunch of Christians during Easter? Let alone the almost constant bombings of other churches in places like Egypt and the rest of the middle east and Africa?I'm not even Christian but this just posses me off. Not to mention being considered privileged despite several serious health problems just because i'm a straight white guy.
Score: 17 in Canada
hahhahahahha lmao
Score: 3 in Portugal
Score: 4 in United Kingdom
It’s hilarious how you people think the fact I’m slightly tanned instead of full blown white impacts my privilege negatively more than being filthy stinking rich does positively. Pathetic.
Score: 15 in Portugal
Thanks, was always worried about my Prvillege
Score: 4 in Canada
Nice quote : “The best way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.”
–John Roberts

This is what you f**** do with the first question you ask.
Score: 12 in Canada
white man bad
Score: 91 in United Kingdom
Me workong till a point im not poor wont make me privilaged, got the job myself and im bustin my ass off
Score: 22 in United Kingdom
Yes, I am a 7. But I identify as 88.
Score: ? in Aurora, CO
Where those minorites at
Score: 3 in Australia
This is pathetic !!!!
Score: 16 in Australia
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