Intersectionality Score Calculator

Intersectionality Calculator

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Catalonia is not Spain! I feel oppressed!
Score: 21 in Spain
Hahaha! What kind of racist cr*p is this? By using sliders to 'identify' yourself with markers you can do absolutely nothing about!? This is the most racist thing I have ver seen... Please stop this nonsense, world. And go back to being normal!
Score: 6 in Netherlands
I wish I was less pretty and more wealthy
Score: 9 in Netherlands
What a total load of crap. Born in the USA makes one more privileged tell that to the children of (illegal immigrants). If one is a Han Chinese born to the right family they will be way more privileged than 99.9% of the world regardless of their native language or place of birth. Try the Indian cast system and see how you fare depending on the run of that ladder you are born on.

This load of crap is a American centric bit of nonsense, where a group of snowflakes with a very limited and discriminatory view of the world have decided that their country harbors the master race and a set of nonsense criteria can determine how much privilege one person has over another.
Yet dear snowflakes the world is not black and white it is every shade of every color in between and privilege is not something that can be determined with slide rules just like measuring skulls or looking at the nose of a person can determine intelligence or religion. I know it is hard because this would require a modicum of thought and willingness to look around you without your blinders on.
Score: 26 in Redwood City, CA
Take your little "test", and shove it up your safe space. You vile libtarded jackasses are the epitome of foul street grease.
Score: 11 in Gilbert, AZ
International elements and their ilk...
Score: 92 in Netherlands
Good to have my moral, physical and intellectual superiority confirmed by this independent scientific institute. Sarcasm mode off.
Score: 3 in Netherlands
Fuck your identity politics and all the "LHBTQ..blabla" clown(s) involved!
Score: 73 in Netherlands
What a nice society, where subsidized people and institutions can come up with these ridiculous concepts in order to lay guilt on everyone else but themselves. I stand corrected, the worst of all are those masochists, taking the blame for all things going wrong in the world. It is not my fault ,it is often not even anyones fault. Assume your life, take responsability for your own well being. Group identity's are too often an excuse for individual failure.
Score: 4 in Belgium
62 % are more privileged than me..So what? I don't care about privileges, I live my life the best way I can and thats it. Complaining less is a good start to join the real world of chaos.
Score: 23 in Belgium
Ik vind dit een hele racistische nietverbindende kwis, vol met vooroordelen en foute aannames.
Score: 15 in Netherlands
The law explicitly forbids discrimination on any of these points, so in what way is this supposed oppression systemic. This intersectionality cancer is the modern day eugenics and I can't believe that it is so wide-spread.
Score: 14 in Netherlands
I'm 100% Jewish and 100% muslim. Sounds legit
Score: 96 in Netherlands
I can be a devout muslim, jew AND christian? What a laugh
Score: 41 in Netherlands
I got 5, yet have to express all my opinions under pseudonym lest i loose my job, children and social standing. Funny thing.
Score: 5 in Canada
What a bs ... according to this The majority is more privileged than I am. Should I feel discriminated now? Stop this, stop the self pitty and get a life. You only have one. Don’t waste your time on this nonsense.
Score: 96 in Netherlands
Absolute nonsense. Do something good with your lives instead.
Score: 22 in Switzerland
You are sick in the brain
Score: 23 in Netherlands
kom helaas niet verder dan 5, toch trots dat ik een witte man ben :-)
Score: 5 in Netherlands
The white man created the modern world, no matter what the leftists say!
Score: 7 in Netherlands
This site is unintentionally very funny. They take this shit seriously
Score: 15 in Canada
I don't identify as "privileged" therefore I am not. Things are so simple now.
Score: 19 in Atlanta, GA
Is this a troll or real?
Score: 3 in Baton Rouge, LA
Christian's are the most persecuted religion worldwide, so idk how accurate that is.
Score: 7 in Canada
Who came up with this bs? Get a fucking life and put your effort on meaningless things smh
Score: 32 in Korea, Republic of
well it's good to know that being a paraplegic is considered a privilege vs being a woman / person of color
Score: 13 in Netherlands
Being completely and utterly poor taking care of my mother at 19 but still somehow more privileged. These factors are based on color(and other non changeable aspects) than character. More privileged are the Christians who tieth. The straight for devouting their lives to long Christian marriages to their loved ones.
Score: 9 in United States
I got a 9 and that's only because I'm lower middle class. Thank god that's all I have wrong with me. It feels so good to be straight white and Male. You should try it some time.
Score: 9 in Fresno, CA
97% more awesome than the rest. And it feeeeels sooooo goooood.
Score: 4 in Boston, MA
I am a Indian lesbian trapped in a boy's body. I am emotionally handicapped and therefore did not fit in any school. My earn money by showing up on stage with progressive people.
Score: 97 in San Francisco, CA
This is such crap!! Just another way to escape personal responsibility! !!
Score: 25 in Acworth, GA
Cultural Marxism
Score: 19 in Switzerland
if you got intersectionality problems I feel bad for your son. I got 99 problems but a b1tch aint one
Score: 12 in Switzerland
I fear that with my terrible score of 16 I should kill myself. What would my score be then?
Score: 16 in Stevensville, MD
Men are more privileged than women? Ha ha ha ha, isn't privilege getting stuff for the least amount of effort or for free? Interesting fantasy system you got going, i write fantasy as well, but i make it a bit more believable.
Score: 17 in Sweden
This is the most retarded thing I've seen on the internet this week. You people are morons.
Score: 3 in United States
Proudly privileged. My ancestors hard work allowed me to feel comfy. Too bad not everybody's ancestors worked hard or were as clever.
Score: 5 in Netherlands
Ik denk dat racisme een positief ding is, in tegenstelling tot wat ons tientallen jaren verteld is... Natuurlijk is de taal en cultuur die je vader en moeder je bijbrengen belangrijker dan de taal en cultuur van anderen. En natuurlijk is het land en de streek waarin je geboren bent belangrijker dan andere landen en streken. Natuurlijk ga je liever om met de mensen die zijn zoals jij, om dit niet te willen is tegennatuurlijk, en van die tegennatuurlijke gedachte en alle bestempelen als rasisme moeten we maar eens af. Ik ze pro racisme! Love it! (score 7)
Score: 7 in Netherlands
Cisgender (often abbreviated to simply cis) is a term used to describe people whose gender identity matches the sex that they were assigned at birth. Cisgender may also be defined as those who have "a gender identity or perform a gender role society considers appropriate for one's sex".
Score: 9 in Netherlands
Patriarchy rules!
Score: 2 in Los Angeles, CA
Why being more educated makes you more privileged?
Score: 1 in Italy
This thing is racist
Score: 6 in Netherlands
Anti-white Racism of fake victims, I will never support any of their issues, migrants can stay in their own countries if they feel opressed here. Never heard such claims from actually skilled people from abroad.
Score: 7 in Germany
this is straight up bullshit
Score: 5 in Fort Worth, TX
Loving my privilege. I've checked it, and I've still got it, baby.
Score: 1 in South Windsor, CT
I'm a 3! Cool (now where did I put the KKK sheets?)
Score: 3 in Boulder, CO
Looks like I'm pretty privileged. Can anyone tell me exactly what my privileges are? Do I get free appetizers at TGI Friday's or anything? Anything useful?
Score: 13 in Roswell, GA
Aw dammit, I got an 8. Maybe because I'm half Jewish and not rich or religious. This test is asinine.
Score: 8 in Arlington, VA
Boom, 3. Wait, why does it go up to 12 if I identify as aetheist? Thank god for god.

Oh and... I'm not "cisgender". I'm a man. I will never describe myself as "cisgender". I'm a man.
Score: 3 in United Kingdom
Proof positive that some people have way too much time on their hands, and are deeply invested in a very unattractive combination of hand wringing + shaming and blaming. Proudly acheived a 9! Oh wait, "proudly" is probably some sort of dog-whistle, isn't it. Dang, now I'm down to an 8.
Score: 9 in Granite Bay, CA
Yep, more BS from the left. I also work 60 to 84 hours a week with no outside life. I'm sooooo privileged to pay for the welfare state, so they can sit on their a$$ and enjoy my tax money.
Score: 10 in Anniston, AL
Alright! A 10! Me and Bo Derek. Oops, oppressed again. What's an imperialist to do??
Score: 10 in Houston, TX
Damn, i cant get my score any lower unless i get more education and get richer. Im aiming for the leaderboard as nr. 1.
Score: 5 in Denmark
Should rename this the nonsense calculator.
Score: 15 in United States
Out of the way: I am more priviliged ???
Score: 7 in Netherlands
I got a 25, but I think that this test is rather ridiculous, as it's about ideological labels and divisiveness.
Score: 25 in Kailua, HI
I am by birth an illegal, transgender, Muslim, uneducated, poor, old woman. But I identify as a rich white male christian doctor. So does that mean I broke the test?
Score: 3 in Saint Petersburg, FL
White, Straight cisgender Male in Wisconsin USA. Yeah I got a 4.
I can feel the oppression oozing out from under my boot.
Score: 4 in Kaukauna, WI
more horeshit from progressives trump 2020
Score: 7 in Kenly, NC
"How can I improve my score? Unfortunately, you are born with most of your intersectional factors." in other words, we are scoring you on your skin color and sex (since 97% of people identify with their sex) because we are against discrimination in all its forms.
Score: 7 in Brooklyn, NY
NananaboobooIGotTwo. Its a secret club you know. Better than a AmEx Black Card. We have robes and everything. Oh, and your not invited.
Score: 2 in Denver, CO
Just checked my privilege. I’m rolling in it! Life is good!
Score: 8 in Castro Valley, CA
Well, I guess I can kiss my chances of getting into Harvard goodbye!
Score: 6 in York, PA
honestly surprised i got this tbh. usually consider myself much more privileged
Score: 33 in Dublin, OH
If being born in Russia is a privilege, then fuck you
Score: 54 in Russian Federation
Oops guess being while straight and CIA makes me a literal nazi
Score: 7 in United Kingdom
screw you and intersectionality
Score: 14 in Twin Lakes, WI
I am so brown, poor, muslim, gay, disabled, uneducated, old, and female, I am once again going to run for President of the USA... and this time I'll win!
Score: 97 in France
"However, you can make some improvement to your score by getting more involved with Islam or Judaism, donate all excess wealth to charity, or explore the wild side of your sexuality. The easiest way to improve your score, however, is to champion the intersectionality of your more-marginalized friends. You may award yourself up to 5 points depending on the level of your activism." What a bunch of crap
Score: 6 in Ithaca, NY
Christians are the world's most-persecuted religion....So WTH?
Score: 35 in Humble, TX
Oh. This isn't divisive at all.
Score: 27 in Roseville, CA
Turns out I have more privilege than I need. Willing to sell some or trade for something useful. Reply if interested. (Bitcoin accepted)
Score: 3 in La Mesa, CA
If you are descended from the people who built America, you're an evil sonofabitch.

Liberals better remember that!
Score: 14 in Quincy, MA
I am the antichrist of intersectionality!
Score: 3 in Netherlands
So i live paycheck to paycheck but i'm much more privileged than Will Smith's kids.
Score: 6 in Cartersville, GA
How delightful to be able to wrap yourself up in a warm blanket of victimhood if you score as "non-privileged." I deserve every bit of "privilege" I am accused of having by "woke" a-holes who are envious, and seeking unearned social power over others. In short, go screw yourselves, you sanctimonious, smug, self-righteous wastes of oxygen. I say that with all due affection, of course!
Score: 6 in United States
I got a whooping 5 points so I must be one of the most privileged in the world. Of course, if I were to call a coworker the "N" word, the "Q" word, or other non politically correct word, my white privilege would count for 0. But that's the way of the world.

I wonder why you don't add "gun owner" to the list.
Score: 5 in Keller, TX
The Nazis would be so proud of this site.
Score: 4 in Louisville, CO
I scored a 4! Booyah! And here's the kicker. I actually like the person I am. I'm polite and generous and have a strong moral sense. Qualities I'm passing on to my (very white) children -- ALL 4 OF THEM. I'm also drumming into them a warning about all the intersectional nonsense. With a bit of luck and perhaps some help from God (I ask for help every Sunday at church), my descendants three or four generators hence will swamp the few SJWs still around. Being a gender-weird race-obsessed professional whiner is not likely to result in many kids, now is it?

And no, I'm not interested in "improving" my score, and certainly not by becoming a pervert.
Score: 4 in Canada
This scoring system is offensive to the #everylivesmatter movement. Prepare for war!
Score: 3 in Australia
I'm so privileged. Apparently I'm privileged to pay confiscatory taxes, support invading interlopers, tolerate socialist tyrants in congress, and all I get out of it is the pleasure of being only a four (4). Give me more money. Give me more years and I'll get that score down to something for which I can be proud!

Score: 4 in Gilbert, AZ
This is fun! Thanks for speaking up.
Score: 9 in Vermilion, OH
I graded my wealth comparing to the world, in which I as an American am a top 1%-er. I got a 2!! Woo-hoo! I don't buy any of this Marxist claptrap about oppressives and progressives, of course, and I ridicule it because it's all nonsense and evil, saturated in envy and idolatry. But I do realize that what Jesus said is true: To whom much is given, from him much will be required (same for "her" BTW). I pray that I will be faithful in giving to God and to others what he requires of me.
Score: 2 in Athens, OH
This is freakin awesome! I'm more privileged and 93% of ALL of the people in ALL OF THE WORLD!!! Who's going to send me my privilege card? I obviously need it since I'm not actually experiencing it. This site is a freakin joke.
Score: 6 in Bentonville, AR
Proud conservative heterosexual white male Jewish American ..
Score: 14 in Gibsonia, PA
I'm such a privileged middle class white male, I can buy any house I want.
Oh, wait, there's a shortage and to easily get a home you've got to be a immigrant from some sub-Saharan or middle eastern country :/
Score: 5 in Netherlands
The failing of intersectionality is proven here very well. My fiance who is practically the same as me in terms of education, faith, health, sexuality, etc. The only differences we have are race, gender, and money. I am an upper middle class American white guy, while she comes from a rich and powerful family in Belize... Even though the money she is born into is far more than mine is she is still somehow less privileged... I found this funny, this proves very clearly why both of us thing this sort of ideology is a tumor. My score is 5, hers was 52...
Score: 52 in Beaumont, TX
Yeah now i have a calculator to calculate how good my life is!!! Iam really not feeling any sorry for other people but I also dont treat bad because of my so called privallage accourding to this site :)
Score: 5 in Netherlands
Far Out! I scored a 6, that means I am entitled to continue working and making responsible decisions till the day I die, to support people who don't.
Score: 6 in United States
Being white, born in the USA, and now of an age and history, I will not apologize to any SJW or millennial or other, snot nose, malcontent who may feel triggered or had a safe space invaded (the horror!). Go suck an egg, and grow up, you pantywaist.
Score: 10 in Geneva, NE
Is this a joke? Privileged for what? For being a Catholic white male in Italy? What privilege is this? I'm simply a normal citizen in my own country.
Score: 6 in Italy
This is the most ridiculous thing I've seen on the internet in awhile.
Score: 18 in South Beloit, IL
Too bad about the age score, which left me to be only among the 3% most privileged. That and not attending church on a regular basis. Maybe my kids (yes, males) can reach a perfect score of zero if we skip the karate class on sunday morning and go to church instead
Score: 1 in Belgium
Dear bigoted idiots, 6!! Not bad for a boy who grew up with an unemployed alcoholic father in a town of 800 people and 200 miles from Duluth. Have any of you ever been on food stamps/unemployment? I have. I want my privilege!
Score: 6 in San Diego, CA
This test is so freaking hilarious! No wonder leftists are losing their damned minds!!!!!! And I am deaf!!!!!!!
Score: 6 in Arlington, TX
If I get a hard time because of my score my privileged middle finger will be prominently displayed. Twice.
Score: 6 in Ellijay, GA
Wow, what a crock this is.
it should test something like this: "makes more than $10 an hour"
And if yes -
Congrats! You are better off than 99% of all humans in human history.

Also, what's the intersectionality score of a white Zimbabwe farmer who gets his family killed and his farm taken from him?
Score: 11 in Austin, TX
So close to Maximum Oppressor Status with my score of 2. It's just a shame that I used my excessive privilege to serve in the military instead of going to Harvard.
Score: 2 in Nashville, TN
I am a white american with a high school diploma. I believe in Jesus Christ as the son of GOD. USA all the way. Don't like me I don't care. I know who I am and what I can do.. PEACE
Score: 6 in United States
Ah yes, I remember all those gay, black, transgender, elderly, disabled, foreign victims that I've beaten, robbed, stabbed, drowned, strangled, drawn and quartered just by virtue of being white. The police cheered, the patriarchy applauded, President Trump shook my hand, and the Jews gave over all their shekels. Feels good to have privilege.
Score: 9 in Austin, TX
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