Submitting my self-esteem to destructive paradigms is so NPC. The destruction of western culture is the goal and I stand four-square against it. I'm surprised that I didn't get a zero - that would be my badge of courage in the war of politically correct post modernism.
Score: 13 in United Kingdom
My score is 4, which means I should be oppressing y'all. Get in line. Oh wait, I'm being oppressed at the moment by the man, who in my business (education) are mostly female administrators, female committee chairs and dept chairs ... so just as soon as I get out from under their thumb, I'll start oppressing y'all.
Score: 4 in San Fernando, CA
Does having computer and internet access (required to take this test) count for or against your privilege score?
Score: 22 in Washington, DC
I bet I could have gotten a ZERO if they asked me about my love for guns!
im more privileged than those coming up with this dribble. they need serious help. what a wank
They need to list subcategories for the sliders. Because I need to know how much between having a penis, and thinking that I shouldn't, and where to make that decision. I mean, some days I am mad at my balls when they get neptune's kiss, but not enough to want to cut them off.
As a Chinese descendant living in New Zealand, I had no idea I am so under privileged. According to this, 82% of people are more privileged than I am. I should get a medal for having the heroic courage to even get out of bed every morning.
So I can become more oppressed by moving the slider? NEAT!
Score: 22 in O Fallon, MO
The lower the score the bigger loser in life you are.
Score: 15 in Old Bridge, NJ
Could not be more full of PRIDE at my score of 11! This whole privilege thing is such a joke. The liberals say on one hand "We all need to be treated as equals." And then they put out this crap to say, "Well, unless you are the generic US citizen then you are an awful human being who should feel shame at your very existence. Reminds me of how some ethnicities were treated and singled out in early 20th century Europe. If you did not "fit their ideal" then you were somehow an outcast and the problem that had to be dealt with. Fascism lives and breeds on the Left. This is just more proof.
When am I going to see the benefits of being an oppressor?
Score: 7 in Frederick, MD
Get ready to be oppressed! All you 8's and 9's ... its time to be oppressed! You 11 and 12's ... I will show you intersectionality!
Score: 4 in San Fernando, CA
No veteran status?
Sitting on your throne of civilian privilege whilst we fight and die for you.
Score: 3 in United States
Your advise to increase the score by Exploring my wilder side of my sexuality doesnt that suggest sexuality is a choice?
this is the dumbest thing in history. Why does not being muslim increase my privilege? Or does this only matter in USA? If I was muslim in a different country I would be more privileged than a full christian.
Score: 15 in United States
Respect my colorblind identity, ya bigots!
I got a 3, now that's great news. I guess all my hard work is paying off. Maybe just maybe you folks with high scores should, Hmm I don't know get off your ass and work harder.
I got a 10. Should I feel guilty about something? Sorry but I don't feel guilty about anything.
Privilege? I wonder what percentage of that is hard work?
Hilarious! More fun than a stack of Frankfurt books! The Left is such ridiculous bullshit.
How do you score less than 3?
WOOOO HOOOOO!! I’m a solid “5!!” There is hope for Western Civilization after all. Thanks intersectionality Score Calculater.
I have a significant amount of body hair that requires a lot of tending. Where is the slider?
Ha ha this has to be a joke, either that or some stupid snowflake thinks that studying hard, working your guts out, getting a good job and not splurging your money or expecting someone else to give you everything equates to white priviledge. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, work and study hard and be proud of your efforts.
Funnily enough, I scored 3 originally, and then i decided to be amore devout christian and quite a lot less GAY and then scored 4. so you can be MORE CATHOLIC AND MORE INTERSEXIONAL. Bet they didnt expect that, LOL
How about including measures for working hard, being responsible and taking care of your family and you? You know, the things SJWs seem to be incapable of doing. Reminds me of Maynard G Krebs- Work???
Score: 11 in United States
So if I consider 'Born in Australia' to be interchangeable with 'Born in UK' I get an 8 (88%). Go me. I don't see the problem - clearly all problems can be solved by the oppressed merely by fiddling with the sliders. Problems solved.
Score: 8 in United Kingdom
What the hell is intersectionality?
Anything to do with where roads cross????
Hi - I tried to do this for my dog but he is neither white nor a "person" of color. Can you please have a third option?
Score: 40 in Larchmont, NY
Mixed black/latino/white guy. Straight and cis. Not rich, but enough money to not need government handouts. Guess no gibs for me. The democrats only seem to be interested in captive audiences.
Score: 40 in Silver Spring, MD
It must be very location specific. I notice when I slide the 'Christian' slider towards the devout end, my score gets lower. Possibly true (?) in NZ, but would be utterly different if I lived in China, North Korea, Egypt or the Sudan. I wonder if it takes account of such things?
I scored a 10, I am more privileged than 84% of others. HUM, it's 5 am and I'm leaving for work, LEAVING not just waking up. I'll be home from work in about 14 hours from now. Seems my privilege is over rated.........
Score: 10 in Englewood, NJ
Do you get more points if you're a child molester? murderer? How about if you stepped in a puddle, and got your shoes all muddy? What if you have a higher education, But you're still dumb?
Score: 55 in Columbus, OH
Wow. Was this site produced by The Onion? I'm glad some people use this to justify their marginal work ethic and success. Blame other and take no personal responsibility. Sounds like progress. Lets protest vs going to work. From each according to their ability, To each according to their needs (and race, sexually, & religion). Karl would be proud.
Score: 3 in Gulf Breeze, FL
The only thing more stupid than intersectionality theory are the people who take it seriously.
Meanwhile, the main users of this site appear to be conservatives competing with each other to get the lowest score. LOL
Score: 13 in Kingsbury, IN
This site is golden. I hope the developers push it even further to show the paradoxical aspects of this theory.
While I may be a 30 year old Christian straight white dude born and living in CA, I identify as a poor, 88 year old, one-legged African Jewish Muslim Christain ladyboy born in Cambodia who grew up speaking Ancient Greek.
So I get a solid 96 because I am so intersectional. Unfortunately being Christian cost me 4 points, otherwise I would be a solid 100.
Score: 96 in San Mateo, CA
I am more privaledged (ie. better) than 100% of others (pretty sure that doesn't math good).
I always knew I was the best. Everyone else can suck it while I enjoy the fruits of being more priviledge. Such as:
-paying higher taxes so that those less priviledge can receive money that I earned
-I when I was in school and now my children needing better grades and more extra curriculars than their peers to get into the same schools
-having to compete for jobs against people who get 'bonus points' for just existing
ain't privilege grand...
Score: 1 in San Mateo, CA
How exactly can one be devoutly Christian, devoutly Muslim and devoutly Jewish all at the same time? Next, there seem to be some serious miscalibrations. How can being 100% devoutly Muslim and 100% gay not lead a person to fall JUST outside the 10-20 range (21) that most people are in? Muslims execute homosexuals, it's a capital crime. Does this unfortunate combination deserve more intersectional points than merely adding the numbers together?
Intersectionality = Absurd
Score: 5 in Pittsburgh, PA
They totally forgot about diagnosed mental illness that people take medication to help manage. Not talking about those who fall into the over-diagnosed, but those who for years have been consistently diagnosed and taking medications for it.
So no sliding scale for veterans and those who served their country, nation and citizens?
I scored a 5, but my perception of rich vs poor maybe invalid?? I think I am rich, because I can afford a roof over my head and food on the table. Better yet I can have a beer on weekends, with friends. So according to the 'do gooders', I believe that makes me rich and privileged!
Very satisfying to get an oppressor score of better than 97%...
Penis envy, anyone?
Score: 5 in San Francisco, CA
I got a 3 so I can only improve my score by a couple more points. Maybe I will revisit the rich score and compare it to world figures. 9 of 10 Americans are above the global median income so if you are in the US you should be on the rich side.
Score: 3 in United States
I identify as a house cat. Please add this feature.
Score: 82 in United States
I am only 82% more privileged. I feel like a failure. I was hoping for at least 95%. May be it's because I'm not Jewish or a teenager. I hope no taxpayer had to fund this ridiculous bit of onanism.
I'm a straight white Christian male and I'm proud of it.
Score: 3 in Southington, CT
I’ve never felt so impowered. Thank you. I’m an 8!
This is Incredibly halarious! I hope it's a joke and supposed to be funny, but something tells me the radical 8% might take something like this serious.
Privilege is like food, not everyone gets it
Score: 3 in Round Rock, TX
Good thing people can reduce their score by choosing to be straight, cisgender, working hard and saving money to become rich, and going to school become educated. Otherwise, you can capitalize on government initiatives that promote non-white handicapped females.
Being a loser finally pays off where do I get my free stuff yay
Score: 18 in United Kingdom
As a gay man I can say without any hesitation that the LAST thing I want is to have someone who doesn't know me trying to speak up for MY sexual orientation. the most homophobic people are the people who think their not and then give me lectures about how I am not getting along with 'others' because my sexuality isn't their pipe dream. I absolutely hate women who treat me like I'm nothing more than a Prada handbag they wave around as a form of virtue signaling. I'm not going to talk for other 'minorities' but really I don't see how all of them aren't telling 'intersectionalists' to go fuck themselves.
Score: 30 in Grand Junction, CO
So glad I am a straight white male born in the US who chose to educate himself and use that education as I aged to earn a good income to care for my family.
I got 12. I tried to get lower but couldn't crack single digits. You people are ageist idiots. Every old person would gladly trade places with a young person with lots of other baggage. Intersectionality is a crock of shit anyway. Go have a pity party.
Score: 12 in Northbrook, IL
"more privileged than 100% of people" Jesus you've got to be kidding me. Good for laughs one or two times but useless beyond then/
Score: 1 in Charleston, SC
The lesson here, is to go lower the likelihood of your future success by dying your skin darker, converting to Islam, and forcing yourself to have sex with your own gender. Apparently your individual experiences lack importance, and what counts now is the color of your skin. This test stigmatizes our demographic differences, instead of promoting cross cultural acceptance. This is the opposite of celebrating diversity.
Score: 6 in San Luis Obispo, CA
I'm a 9. How do I lower my score further? I'm embarrassed to have scored this high.
Score: 9 in Menlo Park, CA
I consider that I am fortunate and blessed. Privileged is a term used by people who are consumed with negativity.
Score: 10 in United States
Awesome. I got a 3! It's like golf right? What's par? (so privileged I even know golf terminology).
And here I thought, when I got my electrical engineering degrees 40 years ago, that I did it because I was tired of being poor. Little did I know that I did it so I could oppress 99% of everyone else in the world. Should I have remained ignorant and poor so I could be more of a victim? Would that have been a better way to spend my life?
Then there's this brilliant suggestion from the creators on how this score could be used: "In politics, we could use these scores to compensate for previous social injustice by weighing votes in proportional to ones intersectional score." Oh yeah, I can't think of anything that could possibly go wrong with that. I guess that's what you get when ignorance is considered a virtue.
Shockingly low score - looks like I'd better become a welfare bum.
I am privileged to accept this score of privilege.
I cry myself to sleep everynight.
Score: 22 in United Kingdom
Is it possible to buy privilege credits (similar to carbon offset credits)? I scored 15 but I self identify as an 80 or so, please let me know how many credits I need to purchase in order to accurately reflect my true intersectional identity.
Score: 15 in Old Hickory, TN
You forgot Twinscrimination. As a former twin ( I identify as trans-single) my existence was marginalized by constant comparisons to another individual. I am my own person! This site fails to define that so I will crawl into my safe zone to recover.
If I were only a bit younger or made a bit less money I'd have gotten an even lower score . . .
Although I am born in the UK and I have an Education, more people are better off than I am because of my sexuality and my state when it comes to money. It has a surprisingly big affect.
Score: 43 in United Kingdom
I’m here to oppress you let’s do this
Score: 4 in Bloomington, IN
This website only goes to promote the racist agenda that is diversity and affirmative action. This site is a farce and only hope that is was done in jest. If privilege is running around with a bullseye on your back for the majority (i.e.; the women - 50+%, and combined minority alliance to feminism - 30+%) to easily target you and hunt you down for social sport.
Score: 17 in United States
I beg of you to take this site down for the good of all humankind. I dont even know where to begin but it suffices to say that if you have half a brain that functions, you dont take this seriously. Id be happy to explain why privately because I can single out your personal issues with my opinion rather than me having to form an essay on why this is bullshit.
However I will make a few points. This bothers me on a deep level. And I cannot believe this site in totally unironic. A few years ago this would be a complete joke!
1. You are completely ignoring what martin luther king said. Ill paraphrase: MLK said to judge people NOT on the color of their skin, but on the content of their character. So if im a black or white liberal, or a black or white trump supporter, it shouldnt hinder or bolster my opinion in any way.
(Example if I see a guy with alone with a hoodie in a 7 11 acting odd, I will be a bit uncomfortable, Black or white! Mind you if that person is black and I feel uncomfortable Ill be called a racist.)
2. This is over-generalized and you should AT LEAST put a disclaimer saying that these measures and calculations are extremely over-generalized, and are in no way indicative of
how privileged one is, simply due to the fact that you are disregarding all other major and minor factors in said persons life!
What about height and physical appearance/attractiveness. Both these factors have a great impact on how others treat people.
Regarding the cis-gender/transgender-slider, I don`t have a sexual identity, so that`s a shortcoming on the calculator. It applies for the for the male-female slider too, but I don`t feel that`s the case in my case, `cause I`ve got M on my birth certificate and I look like how most would consider a man to look. So I get the privileges a man gets.
People who live by this stuff need to see their doctor and get a life. What a shame, everyone who lives in the United States is privileged and on average live better than Kings, Queens, Princes and Potentates of only 200 years relative to medical care, nourishment/calorie intake, HVAC, transportation including air travel, ice cubes and even lead pencils. Furthermore, America's poor are the richest poor in the history of the world as pointed out by Prof. Walter Williams.
Score: 17 in San Diego, CA
Height needs to be included. LOL!
How on earth do devout Christians have a lower score than non-Christian? Believers are openly ridiculed in our society and being stupid, uneducated etc. In Pakistan we have a country trying to hang a woman for touching the wrong cup. Being devout ANYTHING is a problem these days. Thank you marxist intersectionalists for making things worse.
Poison. Believe in this junk and you are part of the worlds problems.
Score: 9 in United Kingdom
If only Darwin knew about intersectionality.
What if I live in Saudi Arabia?
Disappointed. Scored 11 but I thought I was better than that and would get a lower score.
Shouldn't there be a question about whether or not you're a crossing guard or traffic cop, or maybe are married to one? This is about intersections right?
Hi from Germany ... Will we potatoes ever be so cool like those people of color?
Merkel ist working on it!!
One's place of birth is obviously a spectrum. How could it not be?
No wonder you get a Twitter warning if you navigate to this site.
I scored 9! Thank you, Jesus and George Washington (and mom and dad for educating me and instilling good ethics)!
Sweet, a 3!
Advice for anyone to that takes this seriously, here's some advice: study and work hard, be kind to people, and learn a profession that serves to help people in some way. Your life will end up far better than those who focus on these kinds of issues and are offended by everything. (Also, me and most normal folks of all races and sexes will likely never want to hire you!)
Score: 3 in Philadelphia, PA
My score is 21. Is that good or bad? Do I need to feel guilty?
Lol this is clearly a shitpost. This is fucking hilarious.
my score was 13 !! I'm outraged and offended and feel very threatened and unsafe. I should be at most a 10 !! this is so biased and discriminatory. A whole life spent oppressing everyone not like me and this is what I get. I feel very under privileged now and will have to go and oppress some marginal groups to make myself feel better
I scored 2 but I’m pretty sure if I could move those sliders more to the left I could have had a zero.