Intersectionality Score Calculator

Intersectionality Calculator

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I beg of you to take this site down for the good of all humankind. I dont even know where to begin but it suffices to say that if you have half a brain that functions, you dont take this seriously. Id be happy to explain why privately because I can single out your personal issues with my opinion rather than me having to form an essay on why this is bullshit.

However I will make a few points. This bothers me on a deep level. And I cannot believe this site in totally unironic. A few years ago this would be a complete joke!

1. You are completely ignoring what martin luther king said. Ill paraphrase: MLK said to judge people NOT on the color of their skin, but on the content of their character. So if im a black or white liberal, or a black or white trump supporter, it shouldnt hinder or bolster my opinion in any way.

(Example if I see a guy with alone with a hoodie in a 7 11 acting odd, I will be a bit uncomfortable, Black or white! Mind you if that person is black and I feel uncomfortable Ill be called a racist.)

2. This is over-generalized and you should AT LEAST put a disclaimer saying that these measures and calculations are extremely over-generalized, and are in no way indicative of
how privileged one is, simply due to the fact that you are disregarding all other major and minor factors in said persons life!

Score: 25 in Israel
What about height and physical appearance/attractiveness. Both these factors have a great impact on how others treat people.
Score: 26 in Canada
Regarding the cis-gender/transgender-slider, I don`t have a sexual identity, so that`s a shortcoming on the calculator. It applies for the for the male-female slider too, but I don`t feel that`s the case in my case, `cause I`ve got M on my birth certificate and I look like how most would consider a man to look. So I get the privileges a man gets.
Score: 21
Sweet. I win with a 1!
Score: 1 in Seattle, WA
People who live by this stuff need to see their doctor and get a life. What a shame, everyone who lives in the United States is privileged and on average live better than Kings, Queens, Princes and Potentates of only 200 years relative to medical care, nourishment/calorie intake, HVAC, transportation including air travel, ice cubes and even lead pencils. Furthermore, America's poor are the richest poor in the history of the world as pointed out by Prof. Walter Williams.
Score: 17 in San Diego, CA
Height needs to be included. LOL!
Score: 15 in Canada
How on earth do devout Christians have a lower score than non-Christian? Believers are openly ridiculed in our society and being stupid, uneducated etc. In Pakistan we have a country trying to hang a woman for touching the wrong cup. Being devout ANYTHING is a problem these days. Thank you marxist intersectionalists for making things worse.
Score: 43 in Canada
Poison. Believe in this junk and you are part of the worlds problems.
Score: 9 in United Kingdom
If only Darwin knew about intersectionality.
Score: 25 in Hungary
What if I live in Saudi Arabia?
Score: 11 in Australia
Disappointed. Scored 11 but I thought I was better than that and would get a lower score.
Score: 11 in Australia
Shouldn't there be a question about whether or not you're a crossing guard or traffic cop, or maybe are married to one? This is about intersections right?
Score: 6 in Canada
Hi from Germany ... Will we potatoes ever be so cool like those people of color?
Merkel ist working on it!!
Score: 10 in Germany
One's place of birth is obviously a spectrum. How could it not be?

No wonder you get a Twitter warning if you navigate to this site.
Score: 25 in Germany
I scored 9! Thank you, Jesus and George Washington (and mom and dad for educating me and instilling good ethics)!
Score: 9 in Salem, MA
Sweet, a 3!

Advice for anyone to that takes this seriously, here's some advice: study and work hard, be kind to people, and learn a profession that serves to help people in some way. Your life will end up far better than those who focus on these kinds of issues and are offended by everything. (Also, me and most normal folks of all races and sexes will likely never want to hire you!)
Score: 3 in Philadelphia, PA
My score is 21. Is that good or bad? Do I need to feel guilty?
Score: 21 in Seattle, WA
Lol this is clearly a shitpost. This is fucking hilarious.
Score: 60 in Singapore
my score was 13 !! I'm outraged and offended and feel very threatened and unsafe. I should be at most a 10 !! this is so biased and discriminatory. A whole life spent oppressing everyone not like me and this is what I get. I feel very under privileged now and will have to go and oppress some marginal groups to make myself feel better
Score: 13 in Australia
I scored 2 but I’m pretty sure if I could move those sliders more to the left I could have had a zero.
Score: 2 in Australia
Why does age and disability have such a minor effect on the score? I’m sorry but a serious disability has a much bigger impact to someone’s “ability to get ahead” than simply gender let’s say. Many disabled people can hardly leave the house or need full time care. Same goes for age - what about my 70 year old father who can barely walk 5 steps anymore, is it really easier for him to get ahead than my wife, a successful entrepreneur?
Score: 87 in United Kingdom
I scored a 3, but then I remembered how people like you developed the Nuremberg Race Laws to categorize people and what they did with those categories. That made me feel bad. Then I remembered B-17s and the 101st Airborne and what they did to people who like to group others like this and that made me feel a whole lot better.
Score: 3 in San Diego, CA
Higher is better, right?
Score: 7 in Germany
Guess I'm a Nazi so
Score: 10 in Ireland
A-Grade satire
Score: 47 in Malaysia
How is being a stupid white straight male that lives in a camper Works a dead end job I can barely afford rent and food Make Me privalaged?
Score: 14 in Arlington, WA
This is high level humor right here.
Score: 50 in Murfreesboro, TN
Hey! I'm more privileged than 82% of people. So when intersectionality takes complete control, I should prepare to neutralize 82% of the people I encounter. So helpful! :-)
Score: 11 in Boise, ID
What about hairy people? Im a very hairy other and i feel like i was oppressed most of my life for being a hairy person. I can't count the amount of time people made fun at my or another person rejected me sexually because i have a very hairy body.

I reject shaving, i reject billboard with hairless people who feel superior to me.

My balls are hairy and i love it.
Score: 22 in Israel
Hilarious! Nice job with the site. Watch your traffic start to hockey stick on this one. :) awesome troll
Score: 5 in San Marcos, TX
YAY, 13% There are only 2 sexes !!!
Score: 13 in Denmark
I’m confused. According to the race slider, the darker you are the more oppressed you are? Is that saying that other minorities (Latinos, East Asians, etc) are less oppressed? This is dumb. You can’t just assign a numerical value to oppression.
Score: 64 in United States
Scored a 7, hoping to improve it to 5 or better by this time next year.
Score: 7 in Fishers, IN
So much fun!! I have a very skinny neck. Is that worth something?
Score: 5 in Canada
What a joke
Score: 12 in Australia
Nothing about mental health in here.
Score: 26 in United Kingdom
Disappointed in being a 7. Will not stop until I've secured a 1. Would never hire anyone above a 10, it's the privileged's world to run and it'll stay that way.
Score: 7 in Lenoir City, TN
9. I'm more privileged than 86% of the population. Hooray!
Score: 9 in United Kingdom
Damn, I just can't find my Goddamned privilege, I been looking for it for decades now.
Score: 16 in Hamburg, PA
Wait, wait, wait... what, only a 19? I thought that for the single fact of me existing as a straight white male it would automatically mark me down as a 30. Now I want to know how to reach 30!
Score: 19 in Riley, KS
score 48. Really not privileged.
Score: 48 in United Kingdom
I am so ashamed I scored as high as 7. Way too high I was hoping for a 3 maybe 4 tops. BTW why a slider for "Born in USA" I hate to oppress people with white toxic male logic , but is not where you were born purely a yes or no??????
Score: 7 in Hamburg, PA
Ok, this is epic
Score: 17 in United Kingdom
does borderline psychotic tendencies and pyromania count as disabilities?
Score: 19 in New Zealand
Huh. Kinda suprised. I’d be curious to know how the points are weighted.
Score: 39 in Madison, WI
Damn, it's good to be me, apparently.
Score: 7 in Byron Center, MI
Only 5%? I'm offended! That's too high! We need to go lower... ^^
Score: 5 in Croatia
My pee pee is small that should count for something
Score: 15 in Madison, AL
This is fd up.. What kind of crybaby $#!+ is next???
Score: 24 in Mount Washington, KY
As a white Christian male who scored a 23 I bet I hire more minorities, give more to charity and spend less time obsessing on race then 99% of those who scored a 60. There is a difference between feeling good about yourself and contributing to society.
Score: 12 in Safford, AZ
You people don't know what privilege is.
Score: 10 in Tacoma, WA
This is the biggest bull shit I have ever seen. I have lost a job to a less qualified person because of his race and it saved them $15/hr and thousands in govt benefits for doing so. Way to go reverse racism.
Score: 18 in Hamburg, PA
It says I'm more privileged than 93% of people, yet all these social justice warriors are oppressing me simply because I was born this way! Where is all of this privilege I'm being told I benefit from??
Score: 7 in Seattle, WA
Why even have comments if y’all know how shitty people are? Jesus, for folks who seem to care enough about privilege and intersectionality to create an entire website and scale system, you kinda suck at protecting the less privileged from bigotry.

Also I agree with the person who mentioned mental health. I’d either change “able-bodied” to “abled” or add a completely new slider for mental health.
Score: 37 in Australia
How do I get a 1? I think 3 is underrated. Piss off with this pseudoscience garbage.
Score: 3 in United States
I'm not sure being Jewish counts the way you think it does. As a religion it should score better than Christian, but worse than most other religions, as a culture it should score better than Anglo-Saxon or general Western, but worse than many others, and as a race or ethnicity it should score better than white gentile, but worse than Black, Latino, Native American, or other.
Score: 15 in Verona, WI
Just as thought the system is rigged, to pink-o commie bastards.
Score: 11 in Canada
I'm a five. Too bad there wasn't a slider for being a Cuban exile, I'd a be a 1
Score: 5 in United States
Some people wonder is this is a joke. That says a lot about our culture. Didn’t watch cnn last night (New Years) but it’d be interesting to measure the hosts with this chart.
Score: 7 in El Cerrito, CA
From your bio: "In politics, we could use these scores to compensate for previous social injustice by weighing votes in proportional to ones intersectional score. For example, someone with an intersectional score of 60 would get twice as many votes as someone with a score of 30. This would produce a more inclusive outcome and improve overall diversity."

Yikes! You think people deserve hereditary political power? Are you monarchists or...?
Score: 37 in Canada
This privilege calculator would claim that poor/disabled ex-coal miners in West Virginia are more privileged than Barack Obama and his family. Absolute rubbish, the rich-poor difference is only 5 points, the high-low education difference is only 4 points, but the white-PoC difference is 27 points.
Score: 16 in Sandown, NH
This is the most hilarious thing I've seen to find excuses to feel sorry for oneself
Score: 6 in United States
So lets see. Had to work for everything I have provided for myself and my family including my own education. Never felt "entitled" to my next breath. Had to build my own business and never given one dime for free. Choose to believe in God almighty. Fully support 'Legal' immigration. Never ever felt like victim or cry baby, even with two Purple Hearts. Love my family. Oh yea I'm white and the last slaves I NEVER owned were freed more than 250 years ago. I must be one horrible person.
Score: 5 in United States
White Privilege is just the latest "buss word" to try to create guilt for the next generation of welfare recipients.
Score: 5 in United States
This has got to be a joke. No one actually takes this BS seriously, right?
Score: 13 in United States
I'm more privileged than 73% of people yet I'm short, fat and am lower middle class. I'm also Italian, which is the Perfect Acceptable Ethnic Target. On top of that thanks to affirmative action I've lost jobs to minorities because companies have to meet a quota. I'd like my white privilege check to be mailed to me, kthx.
Score: 14 in Hoffman Estates, IL
Unemployed, lonely and depressed.
Score: 1 in Sweden
That's why I apply SPF 100 sunscreen in order to maintain my white privilege
Score: 12 in Cape Coral, FL
Wow.... the more jewish you are the less you score... guess we got palis here?
Score: 97 in Germany
Why 50% of Americans (Democrats) want to classify people according to their skin color and their genitals is beyond me. Hey you, you’re not a world-class violinist, you’re an oppressed black woman ! Hey you, you’re not a hard-working white guy, you’re a POS white male. Sick.
Score: 29 in Canada
The entire concept of intersectionality is completely bogus. I don't care about your skin color, your gender, or your sexual preference. Are you a leach or a contributor? Are you obeying the law, or are you breaking the law? That's all that matters. This is what we should be teaching our children, along with good money management practices. PERIOD
Score: 16 in Topeka, KS
I gather from most of the comments on here that it’s mainly bored white middle aged angry masculine blokes from the us of a checking out their reasons to be cheerful criteria and not liking what they find. About time this was adopted by G20 (minus the us of a of course) who will pretend they’re the only people who matter in the fucked up world they’ve created), only then will we see the world become a more equal and wholesome place to hang out. I got a 23 and seems a fair score.
Score: 23 in United Kingdom
I got 5 and I'm more than good with that!
Score: 6 in United Kingdom
My score is 35. Russian. Educated. Woman.
Score: 35 in Russian Federation
Where are the sliders for being a child a immigrants, a father to two daughters, caring for a disabled wife, donating blood every 54 days for 15 years, attending Rembrance Day/Veteran’s Day ceremonies, teaching my children the importance of honouring those who protect us, building a business and and providing employment and security to 50 families? I think with my score of 5, I’m supposed to think that I need to do better. Well, I don’t - I am 1000% comfortable with the fact that there are not equal outcomes in society; if anyone wants a better life, quit whining, quit blaming others and go out and get that better life. It takes work, perseverance and resilience. PS. Fuck you whoever even dreamed up this bullsh*t concept of intersectionality.
Score: 5 in Canada
I got 16 Is it a reason to be proud?
Score: 16 in Russian Federation
I don’t see the problem with not being intersectional. Why can’t people be the way they want even if it’s a straight, white, male.
Score: 5 in Theodore, AL
Ok this is epic
Score: 18 in United Kingdom
Another bogus tool for social guilt and to promote the liberal agenda to marginalize conservative values.
Score: 10 in United States
This has to be a joke right ?

Tell me this is a pisstake of political correctness ?!?!
Score: 14 in United Kingdom
This is so dumb. I put all of what I believe in then I was switching back from white to black and it's was like 50% for privileged(for white) then 75% more people are privileged then you(for black) this is racist and trash
Score: 20 in Saint George, UT
I was suprised I scored so high (63) as I have never identified as marginalized...thanks white suburban up bringing for the koolaid. Ready to do more in my community.
Score: 63 in United States
This is a religion in its own right, a completely bigoted, ignorant and inhuman way to measure your fellow human beings.
Score: 96 in United Kingdom
I think being a straight, white, male, christian, should get more points because they are the most hated by the other, "more oppressed" groups. The least points should be more like a medium gay, slightly brown, female, jew.
Score: 95 in North Wales, PA
Where is the slider for how ugly you are???
Score: 29 in Spruce Pine, NC
Thanks Intersectionality Score!
Now I have your much needed approval and found out I score 6, making me more privileged than 93% of peasants, I mean people, I'm off to oppress the proletariat. Happy Birthday to me.
Score: 6 in United Kingdom
This is toxic symptom of the SJW/Intersectionality disease. It used to be the radical Leftists who talked about who needed to be "first up against the wall when the Revolution comes"...I think the rest of us need to be looking hard at the people who spread this divisive filth.
Score: 14 in Waterloo, IL
MBS, the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia, scores 38. 68% of people are more privileged apparently. Yes.
Score: 37 in United Kingdom
Robert Mugabe scores 44. He’s in the bottom 25%. Word.
Score: 44 in United Kingdom
Quadriplegic Christopher Reeve after his accident scores 13. He was at that time more privileged than 75% of others. Try to contain your jealousy.
Score: 13 in United Kingdom
Fuck your little test . I don’t oppress anyone
Score: 8 in Spartanburg, SC
Interesting. And the comments are interesting too. Lots of disgruntled Americans concerned about their image and Fear of the PC cops.
Score: 23 in United States
Somehow I, a person of working class background from a former warzone am much more privileged than Barrack Obama; a wealthy former president of the most powerful country on the planet.
Score: 39 in Croatia
This is pretty bigoted.
Score: 28 in Ithaca, NY
I like how being a disabled, poor, uneducated, female, gay, trans, devout Jewish AND devout Muslim immigrant scores the highest.
Score: 35 in Ithaca, NY
Why is a trans male worth less than a trans female?
Score: 35 in Ithaca, NY
I'm 6% victim
Score: 6 in Canada
This test makes me sad in that this what society has come to? You are as oppressed as you choose to be. I was born poor white trash and worked my butt off to have a better life. Just sad that everyone has to have a label. This is called life, find your path and stop cramming your life style down mine. I mind my own business and work out my own issues. I have friends of every category on this list, none of them whine about oppression. We support each other and live our lives!
Score: 21 in Arvada, CO
Welp. 3 privelege points for me. Please, punish me for getting lucky at birth and making good choices. I sure wish I wasn't so normal.
Score: 3 in Oconomowoc, WI
take your marxist propaganda and shove it up your ass
Score: 8 in Canada
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