CalculatorIntersectionality Score Calculator

Intersectionality Calculator

You may have heard of intersectionality - "the theory that the overlap of various social identities, such as race, gender, and sexuality, define your level of systemic oppression" - but don't know how to compare your oppression with others. Now, you can!

Simply adjust the sliders below according to your identity factors to see your intersectionality score.

Simply adjust the sliders below according to your identity factors to see your intersectionality score.

Instantly score any photo or people on Twitter. View US Senators and Democrat VP Candidates intersectionality scores.

Twitter blocks us - are they for or against "Intersectionality"?

Move sliders to the amount you identify as each below.

Scroll to the top to see your intersectional score!
Click here to add your own slider or view others.
Why sliders?
We believe that people fit along a spectrum of identities. For example, you might be slightly bisexual, somewhat poor, Jewish but rarely wear a yarmulke, and native born but travel frequently abroad. By having the option to be 'somewhere in the middle', this gives a more accurate assessment of your intersectionality score.

How can I improve my score?
Unfortunately, you are born with most of your intersectional factors. However, you can make some improvement to your score by getting more involved with Islam or Judaism, donate all excess wealth to charity, or explore the wild side of your sexuality. The easiest way to improve your score, however, is to champion the intersectionality of your more-marginalized friends. You may award yourself up to 5 points depending on the level of your activism.

Why include religion?
Some have commented that the religious sliders are anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, atheistophobic or possibly even Christianophobic. They are included to show that a complete intersectionality score embraces the diversity of religious thought if they are of a minority groups.

What about peanut allergies?
We know that 100s of other factors such political affiliation, height, attractiveness, weight and even peanut allergies can impact your personal intersectionality score. Hopefully, we will be able to address these factors in the future.

What's the goal here?
We hope that this calculator will help fight racism, sexism, ableism, ageism, anti-Semitism, biphobia, cissexism, classism, homophobia, Islamophobia, transphobia, ethnocentrism, xenophobia and discrimination (even prejudice) of all forms regardless of your race, country of origin, sexual orientation (e.g., bisexual, nonbinary, intersex, lesbian, queer, transgender, or asexual). We are for social justice and equity!

Think Intersectionality is bullshit? Join - the free speech social network

Recent Comments View More

I find it ironic that you've posted a quote stating that people shouldn't be judged by the color of their skin, but then literally link a numeric value to that attribute.
Score: 9 in Canada
This test is just disgusting.
Score: ? in New Hyde Park, NY
This is bullshit
Score: 13 in Australia
Am I the only one who notices the hypocrisy of placing quotes about how judging people their arbitrary features is wrong on a calculator whose very function is to judge you based on your arbitrary features?
Score: ? in Canada
Why are you encouraging people to believe they are victims? We ALL have the ability to succeed, it takes effort, if you choose not to make that effort, the fault is your own, you're not a victim, you're lazy and in denial.
Score: 59 in United Kingdom
Why does this test make a judgement on the basis of race while including a quote from MLK calling for not judging people on the basis of their race, but the content of their character? WTF? He would probably be disgusted by a site like this.
Score: 12 in Fredonia, WI
This is easily one of the dumbest things I've ever seen.
1. I'm ASIAN. Technically a PoC, but definitely not the brown shown on the slider.
2. Really? Being Jewish or Muslim is somehow "better" for your score than, say, Buddhism, Taoism, or Hinduism? GTFO.
3. The actual heck does my first language have to do with my privilege? My first language is Mandarin Chinese, but I am fluent in English. Somehow that makes me more (or less) privileged than someone else?
Score: 28 in Stone Mountain, GA
I thought this was a joke at first 😂
Score: 41 in Washington, DC
No such thing as “white privilege”. Another lefty term to make white men feel bad for being who they are.
Score: 16 in Australia
Ha! I’m me, and I’ll never apologize for any perceived “privileges” that others try and force upon me. I grew up poor, worked hard, and am now successful. Feel bad about it? No thanks. Privilege caused it? Nope. Not being lazy caused it and never giving up. 👍🏻
Score: 4 in Brooklyn, NY
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

Why have this quote when you are giving people a score based (partly) on the color of their skin?
Score: 3 in New Zealand
This might possibly be the dumbest thing I've ever seen on the internet.
Score: 22 in Phenix City, AL
And the left thinks we’re discriminating
Score: 29 in Santa Monica, CA
What a joke
Score: 11 in Chicago, IL

These SJWs wouldn't know oppression if it gave them oral sex. Wanna see REAL oppression?? Be a proletariat class in North Korea. 15 hours a day for a bowl of rice a day. And you get beaten with the butt of that AK 47 pointed at your head just for asking for more food.
On a serious note, did The Church of Scientology turn woke with this retarded theory and quiz??
Score: ? in Australia
Wait... You mean this ISN'T satire?

Holy crap.
Score: 100 in Mesa, AZ
Lol, is this a parody? As a bisexual transgender person (since y'all care about labels so much), this is nonsense.
Score: 97 in Austin, TX
pure anti white bigotry
Score: ? in United States
Dog shit. This is how rich people pretend to be a victim. Notice how wealthy you are doesn't move the needle at all. So you have a filthy rich college educated tranny coming up telling you about their woes while you live in a gutter. Go fuck yourself. You are the oppressor no matter how you paint it in your daddy's paid university.
Score: 49 in Irvine, CA
If you’re ever having a hard time trying to figure out why Donald Trump won in 2016 (and why he’s going to win again in 2020), all you need to do is look at this page.
Score: 97 in Pittsburgh, PA
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Recent Results View Stats

Score: 53
1 hour ago in Sewell, New Jersey
Score: 40
1 hour ago in Atlanta, Georgia
Score: 39
2 hours ago in San Francisco, California
Score: 14
2 hours ago in Albuquerque, New Mexico
Score: 46
2 hours ago in United Kingdom
Score: 28
3 hours ago in Mexico
Score: 28
3 hours ago in Mexico
1,420,835 Total Scores Calculated
Think Intersectionality is bullshit? Join - the free speech social network

What is an Intersectionality Score?
It's an easy and effective way to measure the systematic oppression and discrimination faced by an individual due to their multiple identity factors. Having a high Intersectionality Score means being faced with more challenges to get ahead than someone who has a lower score.

How can they be used?
The scores has many practical uses. Primarily, it can be used to help those who are historically marginalized. In an office setting, you can easily identify those who may have unique, and most often overlooked or disregarded perspectives. You can give exclusive opportunties and promotions to people with high intersectionality scores so that they become more represented in positions of power. We also suggest every group meeting to begin with everyone sharing their intersectionality scores.

The most powerful use of Intersectionality is to identify oppressors and encourage them to share their privilege (and money) with the victims of their oppression. This would produce a more inclusive outcome and improve overall diversity.

How can I improve my score?
Unfortunately, you are born with most of your intersectional factors. However, you can make some improvement to your score by getting more involved with Islam or Judaism, donate all excess wealth to charity, or explore the wild side of your sexuality. The easiest way to improve your score, however, is to champion the intersectionality of your more-marginalized friends. You may award yourself up to 5 points depending on the level of your activism.

Can I use this calculator on others?
Yes! Many people say that they enjoy calculating the intersectional scores of others so they can easily identify and help those who are faced with systemic oppression. Once you know which of your friends have higher scores, you might find that you have something to learn from them.

Can I be accused of being oppressive even if I have a high score?
Yes, having a high intersectionality score doesn't completely immunize you from being called an oppressor. You may be vulnerable to "weakest link" attacks - that is, being called an oppressor on any of the intersectionality factors by those disadvantaged in that factor. For example, a gay black man could still be accused of being a misogynist by women or a poor, immigrant woman could be called transphobic by a transperson. Again, we suggest you publicly show your support for more oppressed groups regardless of your feelings.

How are the scores calculated?
We carefully consider the factors that make up various forms of social pressure and oppression. Then, using multivariable analysis, we are able to calculate the contribution that each factor has on an individual relative to their demographic size.

Why sliders?
We believe that people fit along a spectrum of identities. For example, you might be slightly bisexual, somewhat poor, Jewish but rarely wear a yarmulke, and native born but travel frequently abroad. By having the option to be 'somewhere in the middle', this gives a more accurate assessment of your intersectionality score.

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Intersectionality Scores by Percent

As you can see below, intersectional scores are as diverse as the people they represent. The majority of people have low intersectional scores which mean they have more inherent privilege than others.
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New: now you can instantly score any group of people just by uploading a photo!
Illustrative photo from 'The Office' Score your photo

Think Intersectionality is bullshit? Join - the free speech social network

Recent Comments View More

I find it ironic that you've posted a quote stating that people shouldn't be judged by the color of their skin, but then literally link a numeric value to that attribute.
Score: 9 in Canada
This test is just disgusting.
Score: ? in New Hyde Park, NY
This is bullshit
Score: 13 in Australia
Am I the only one who notices the hypocrisy of placing quotes about how judging people their arbitrary features is wrong on a calculator whose very function is to judge you based on your arbitrary features?
Score: ? in Canada
Why are you encouraging people to believe they are victims? We ALL have the ability to succeed, it takes effort, if you choose not to make that effort, the fault is your own, you're not a victim, you're lazy and in denial.
Score: 59 in United Kingdom
Why does this test make a judgement on the basis of race while including a quote from MLK calling for not judging people on the basis of their race, but the content of their character? WTF? He would probably be disgusted by a site like this.
Score: 12 in Fredonia, WI
This is easily one of the dumbest things I've ever seen.
1. I'm ASIAN. Technically a PoC, but definitely not the brown shown on the slider.
2. Really? Being Jewish or Muslim is somehow "better" for your score than, say, Buddhism, Taoism, or Hinduism? GTFO.
3. The actual heck does my first language have to do with my privilege? My first language is Mandarin Chinese, but I am fluent in English. Somehow that makes me more (or less) privileged than someone else?
Score: 28 in Stone Mountain, GA
I thought this was a joke at first 😂
Score: 41 in Washington, DC
No such thing as “white privilege”. Another lefty term to make white men feel bad for being who they are.
Score: 16 in Australia
Ha! I’m me, and I’ll never apologize for any perceived “privileges” that others try and force upon me. I grew up poor, worked hard, and am now successful. Feel bad about it? No thanks. Privilege caused it? Nope. Not being lazy caused it and never giving up. 👍🏻
Score: 4 in Brooklyn, NY
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

Why have this quote when you are giving people a score based (partly) on the color of their skin?
Score: 3 in New Zealand
This might possibly be the dumbest thing I've ever seen on the internet.
Score: 22 in Phenix City, AL
And the left thinks we’re discriminating
Score: 29 in Santa Monica, CA
What a joke
Score: 11 in Chicago, IL

These SJWs wouldn't know oppression if it gave them oral sex. Wanna see REAL oppression?? Be a proletariat class in North Korea. 15 hours a day for a bowl of rice a day. And you get beaten with the butt of that AK 47 pointed at your head just for asking for more food.
On a serious note, did The Church of Scientology turn woke with this retarded theory and quiz??
Score: ? in Australia
Wait... You mean this ISN'T satire?

Holy crap.
Score: 100 in Mesa, AZ
Lol, is this a parody? As a bisexual transgender person (since y'all care about labels so much), this is nonsense.
Score: 97 in Austin, TX
pure anti white bigotry
Score: ? in United States
Dog shit. This is how rich people pretend to be a victim. Notice how wealthy you are doesn't move the needle at all. So you have a filthy rich college educated tranny coming up telling you about their woes while you live in a gutter. Go fuck yourself. You are the oppressor no matter how you paint it in your daddy's paid university.
Score: 49 in Irvine, CA
If you’re ever having a hard time trying to figure out why Donald Trump won in 2016 (and why he’s going to win again in 2020), all you need to do is look at this page.
Score: 97 in Pittsburgh, PA
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